Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 210.
102 folios. 365x230mm. 18th Century.

1. f1-67 Here beginnethe the Book of the Rosary of the Philosophers most diligently compiled and brought into one volume.
f67 [At end]: 'Finis. In Lubeck the 24th day of the moneth of October in the yeer of our Lord 1588.'
[Translation into English of the 'Rosarium Philosophorum' probably from 'De Alchimia Opuscula complura veterum philosophorum... Francoforti ex officina Cyriaci Jacobi', Francofurti, 1550. The 20 watercoloured drawings copies of the original woodcuts have been made on separate pieces of paper and pasted onto the folios. They are finely executed and have a liberal use of gold and silver inks. All are square, set within a ruled border in gold ink.]
2. f68 The Making of Gold and the Golden Fleece of John Aurel Augurell a poet of Ariminium.
[See Giovanni Aurelio Augurello, 'Chrysopoeia et vellus aureum', Genevae, 1639.]