Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 230.
112 folios. 350x224mm. 17th Century.

[Alchemical treatises in English presented by Robert Lane to Sir Henry Berkley, in 1635.]
f1 [Elaborate coloured title page with heraldic crest at top, watercoloured.]
1. f2-3 [Address by Robert Lane of Wallgrave in Northampton to Sr Henry Berkley.]
2. f4-20 [Copy of the illustrations from the 'Crowning of Nature' series entitled 'Angelorum Opus'. 68 watercolour drawings of 'Crowning of Nature' series, 2 on each side of a folio. Number one is repeated twice. No text is included.]
f21 [Elaborate title page similar to that on f1]: 'The Most Excellent workes of Albert the Great and Raimundus Lullie...'
3. f22-49 The first booke of the Quintessence or Secrets of Nature of Raimond Lulle...
[6 pen drawings of alchemical apparatus in the text, on f27r, 27v, 28r, 28v, 42v.]
4. f50-111 The First booke of Albert the Great Of Minerals...
[The Five Books of Minerals follows.]
[See Bodleian Library, MSS Ashmole 1419 item 3, and British Library MS. Sloane 2192, for other pieces by Robert Lane.]