British Library MS. Sloane 1451.
Paper. Quarto. 44 folios. 17th Century.

1. 'Basilius Valentinus his 12 keys, abbreviated into Englishe by P.F. 1622', with some collections out of his other treatises. ff.2-19.
2. 'Aphorismi Basiliani vel canones Hermetici de spiritu anima et corpore medio majoris et minores mundi.' f.19.
3. Notes taken from Nicholas Flamel's hieroglyphics. f.21.
4. Notes from Ripley's Medulla alchymia. f.23.
5. 'Canones decem de lapide.' f.24.
6. 'The Practice of Mary the Prophetesse upon Alchemy.' f.25.
7. In Aphorismis Basiliani; Nicho. Niger. f.26b.
8. 'Collections out of these two works of Arnen.' ff.27-131.
Begins:- 'In the name of the Holy Trinity I will write of this holy worke briefly.'
9. 'Arnen his hunting of the greene lyon.' ff.32-35.
Begins:- 'All haile to the noble company Of trewe students in the holy Alchemy.'
10. A hermit's fable in verse upon a chrystal fountain in Lemnos, close to Vulcan's cave. f.36.
11. An Alchemycal prescription. f.37b.
12. Obscure verses, seemingly on Alchemy. f.38.
13. 'Flamellus in his annotacions.' f.38b.
14. A prescription for making the philosopher's red lead. f39b.
15 A poem entitled, Pater Sapientiae. ff.40-44.
Begin:- 'Therefore of all bodies or spirittes more or lesse is called flos florum and without princes.'