British Library MS. Sloane 1524.
Paper. Folio. 80 folios. 15th and 16th Centuries.

5. f13-39 A discourse of the philosophers stone made and compylyed by George Ryplaye translated and correctyd and set fourthe by hym out of Latyne into Englyshe, of the book of the Accourtacions and practices of Raymonde Lulii.
6. f40-58 Alphabeticum quod unum bene didicisse sufficeret ad cognitionem Dei, hominis, craturarum, et officiorum absque lectione alia, lecturientibus cere sequitur ars legendi Scripturas, ut cognoscatur macrocosmus ex nostro microcosmo tempora et statua aeternitatis demonstrata per Jo. Artopoeium.
7. f59-70 Georgii Ripley medulla Alkymiae. [Ends:'Finitur tractatus, medulla alkimia, dictur, per G. Ripley compilatus, a.d. 1476.' Written beneath, 'Truly examyned and the fault amended by me Rob Smythe.']