British Library MS. Sloane 2567.
Paper. Quarto. 152 folios. 16th and 17th Centuries.

1. Fragment of an alchemical treatise [16th Century.] ff.4-8.
2. Chemical and alchemical receipts [16th Century.] ff.8b-10.
3. English translation of the Testamentum of Arnoldus de Villa Nova. [17th Cent.] ff.11-15.
4. 'The royal work of Charles the VIth, King of France' - being the revelation of mysteries in alchemy, declared in a vision. ff.17-22.
Begins: 'Charles by the grace of God, King of France, Lord of Lords, the disciple of phylosophy and secretary of the soveraigne Divinity - Of a well-willing mind like a true father, without dissimulation, I will discover to you, my dear children, the profound secrets of my heart'.
5. 'An elucidation of Ripley's Compound of Alchimy by Mr Parney' - inscribed to my R. Hunt. ff.23-33.
6. 'A work of [Moon/Silver] after Rasis'. f.34.
7. Versus alchymici sub nomine Merlini. ff.36-38.
Begins: 'Est Lapis occultus secrete fonte sepultus
Rupibus ex mundis consurgens argenteis undis'.
8. 'Certaine chymicall workes, with true practice gathered into a true method, by Edward Norvell' - in verse.
9. 'The words of father Aristeus to his son, done out of the Scythian character or language into Latin Rhyme', translated into English verse. ff.63-68.
Begins: 'And now, my son, first having given to thee
The proper maxims of philosophy'.
10. Chymical processes. [16th Century.] ff.70-76.
11. De chemia carmen. ff.78-125.
Begins: 'Si quis inexpertus chemie tractaverit unquam
Me legat, et, lecto carmine, doctus erit'.
12. Alchymical processes. ff.126-129.
13. Commencement of a treatise on the Urim and Thummin. f.130.
14. A manifestation of the Heavenly Jerusalem, 'begun, Thursday, January 8th 1684'. ff.132-152.
Cf. other copies in MSS. Sloane 2517 and 2518. folio 24.