
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 294. 10 folios. 218x160mm. 17th Century. [Extracts in Latin from Helbigius Philalethe and others.]
1. f1-5 Ad majorem dei gloriam.
2. f6-7 Quaestionis secundae responsia vidi Helbigii.
3. f7r-8 Judicium D. Helbigii de philalethae introitu ad apertum regis palatium et de pantaleone.
4. f8-10 Quidam aphorismi Basiliani sive canones hermetici de spiritu, anima et corpore majoris et minoris Mundi.
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal label on front with 'No 33'. Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312, 327, 331 and 332.]