
Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 314. Six items in various formats. 18th Century. [Notes from various alchemical works by Sigismund Bacstrom in a series of 6 similarly bound volumes.]
Item 1. 32 folios. 208x166mm. [Mostly in German but some in English.[
[Notes from the following works]: Ettmuller/ Hamburger (1686)/ Bate's Dispensory/ Brandende salamander/ G. Rothe Chymie/ Digby's physical receipts [in English]/ Kerkringius/ Kesler's Chym: processe/ Basilius (1694)/ Zimara/ Curiöses Laboratorium process.
[See Lancilotti, 'Carlo De brandende salamander, ofte ontleedinge der chymicale stoffen...', Amsterdam, 1680, which was issued in German in the following year with the title 'Der brennende Salamander, oder Zerlegung, der zu der Chimie gehörigen Materien...', Frankfurt, 1681.]
Item 2. 30 folios. 228x185mm. [Mostly in German but some in English.]
[Notes from the following works]: Hodogeticus chymicus [...]Poppium/ Alexander von Suchten mysteria [Antimony] 1613/ Dr French Arts of Distillation/ Monte Snyder.
Item 3. 26 folios. 215x170mm. [In German.]
[Notes from the following works]: Urbigerus/ Becheri Chym: Concordante/ Hamburger/ Mariae Prophetissae Practica cum lapide dulci/ Experimenta/ Experimente Becker/ Experimente Hepar [Sulphur] / De la Brie/ Ludus Puerorum Arnaldo de Villa Nova.
Item 4. 60 folios. 191x160mm. [In German.]
[Notes from the following works]: Experimenta [Copper] [ ] Borax und [Silver]1 D. Beuther/ Phoebus und Python/ Eschenreuters processe in Basilii Valentine/ Glauber/ Le Febure/ Corallen Tinctur/ Hadriani Mynsicht/ Pyrophorus Glauber/ Z.V. Wiedenbruck Combach.
Item 5. 66 folios. 208x162mm. [In English and some in German.]
[Notes from the following works]: Basilii Valentini/ Some good hints from a book called Jehor or the day dawning/ De la Brie process/ Baron de Tabor process upon Antimony/ Nebuchadnezar/ The spiritual sense of Hadamah by S.B./ King Hiram's Ship explained by J.B./ Ali-Puli on the regenerated salt of Nature/ Pyrophoros of Mr Jones/ Isaac Calvo/ Monte Raphaim.
Item 6. 34 folios. 198x160mm. [In German and English.]
[Notes from the following works]: Dialogue et procedé de Mons De La Brie/ De Cygno philosophico/ T. Hausens processe/ Wolframs process [Antimon]ii/ Medicinalia Vatia/ Abracad:/ Weigenknecht process/ Lutum for a furnace/ Cements for broken Glasses.