
Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.37. [CMA 363]. 5+7+157 folios. Vellum. 203x137mm. 16th Century stamped leather binding. 15th Century. [On the fly leaves receipts in English for making red wax, white soap, etc.
These are the chapitres of this book of Alkamye and the first is this.
The grete Elixerie.
The last is Sublimacyon of Arsenyk ccc. li.
Expl. the Calendeer of this book of Alkemye.
f1 [text] Omnipotens et misericors deus uniuersa nobis aduersaria propiciatus exclude etc.
Here begynnyth the great Elixerie.
Take mercurie naturell and medle hym with comune salt etc.
A later hand adds a 'Cytrinacio bona' in English.