
Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.38. [CMA 359, 410] iv+75+79 folios. Paper. 206x149mm.
16th Century. On f1 of text is the name 'H. Crampton'.
1. f i List of Authors cited.
2. fiiiv George Ripley's Ordinal Secretorum in Latin verse.
Liber iste clericis monstrat scientiam
liber sed laicis auget iustitiam.
3. f1 Prohemiun Libri I. qui intitulatur orinale secretorum
To the honour of God one in persons three
this boke ys made that laymen shulde yt see.
[It is in seven chapters in English and ends on f75v]
In the yere of christ Mt cccc seventie and seven
this worke beganne honour to god in heven.
4. f1 (new foliation) II Liber Chymicus.
Omnis gratia et sapientia a domino deo... ab initio fuit.
ends on f6r Nos pater et nate cum flamine sancitificate.
5. f6r Capitulum primum essentia lapidis cum praeparatione calcinativa.
Ego iam Yrefacius nomine Benedictus ne ut precursores invidi trufator iudicer.
In 13 chapters and an epilogue.
Mensse Maii per Fretwell 1594 ex libro autentico authoris manu scripto 1390. membrana.