
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland MS. 14/8/8 . 290 folios. Paper. 17th Century [1633.] f1v 'Balcarres 1633'
f2r Table of Contents with eleven items
f3-21 [blank.]
1. f22 Elenchus Authorum et Tractatum prima partis Theatri Chymici [lists of tracts in Theatrum Chemicum .]
f23-24r Elenchus Authorum et Tractatum secundo partis Theatri Chymici
f24v-25r Elenchus Authorum et Tractatum Tertia partis Theatri Chymici
f25r-27r Elenchus Authorum et Tractatum Quarta partis Theatri Chymici
f27r-28 Elenchus Authorum et Tractatum Quinta partis Theatri Chymici.
2. f33 'Fama Fraternitates or the Discouvrie of the most Laudibill ordour of the Rosie Cross'
f35-67 Fama Fraternitatis in a Scots English translation.
f68-72 [blank.]
3. f73 'Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum'f74 [blank.]
f75r [Text extracts in Latin translated from the German text on the engraved title page of the printed book Theophilus Schweighardt Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum, 1618 begins 'Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum' and ends 'Physiologia, Theologia'.]
4. f76v 'Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum hoc est ampla declaration collegii...' text in Latin ends 'Ora Labora'
5. f76 'Echo Author quid sit ante ovn hos haec est mea vera imago...'
6. f76v-102r Translation into Latin of the German text of Theophilus Schweighardt Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum, 1618.
7. f111r 'into gold most fyn by quhitch' / 'Ravillak'
[folios 113r-124v are numbered as pages 1-24]
8. f113r 'The Theorick of the greatt work of the Philosophers Stone, writtin by friar Phillip Romillasche Piemontois, Chief Philosopher in his tym.' [in English.]
9. f133 'Anent the Philosophers Stone Etc: by ane incertain Author'
10. f135-150 'That Gold may be brocht into oyll to cuir all Infirmities, consider well quhat is under written [in English.]
11. f155 'Bontetone his Sterr of Complexione of the Maistrie 1595'
12. f157-176 'The Sterr of Complexione of the perfyt maistre of the art chymicall of Jhone Buntetone of England, written in anno 1595' [in English.]
13. f183 'Praxeos Alchymiae liber secundus'
14. f184-189v 'Praxeous Alchimiae liber secundus Ars Hermetica' [in Latin.]
15. f199-206v 'Archetypos vera Philosophiae de materia prima lapidis. Authore Dr Jhoanne de Chastel let libere Barone le Insulae de Chausae et Beansoleil sara caesaren majestatis consiliaria Equite Sancti Petri Martii: ris et Sancti officii est Augusta Vindelicorum Apriel Apud Jhoanne Praetorium Anno 1630' [in Latin.]
16. f215 'Alchimie Jhone Bristoll'
f217-231v English text of John Bristol's Alchemie in five chapters.
17. f239 'Charnock his Breviarie'
f241-253v 'A Buik named the Breviarie of Naturell Philosophie by the unlettred scholler Thomas Charnock studious in the most worthie science of Astronomie & Philosophie Anno Domini 1577 Janr 1 [in English.]
18. f261 'Jhone Dastin his Dream'
f262-270r 'Jhone Dastine his dreame' [in English.]