
Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.44. [CMA 496]. 97+18 folios. Paper. 209x149mm. 15th Century. 1. f1 A tract of temperatures.
2. f117 Speculum Alchemiae Rogeri Baconis.
3. f137 Rosary. This tretis shewith how ye shall gouverne your fire in all maner of operacions.
f143 [Diagram.]
4. f151 [Various receipts and short tract in Latin.]
5. f1 Hic inc. Epistola transmissa ad papam per Mag. Arnaldum de Villanoua et est uerissima epistola.
6. f7v [Headed 'Bakon']. There is on thyngg alone to hom no strong thyng ys added.
7. f14v Alia Regula (in English).
8. f15v Semita recta. Albertus peribet testimonium.