Cambridge, Trinity College MS. R.14.56. [CMA 407].
150 folios. Paper. 318x215mm. Much soiled. 16th Century.

1. Liber Chymicus continens Epistolam Cosmi de Medices ad Papam.
2. La compositione del lapide Philosophico de abbate Colonese.
3. Testamentum Gebri, multa que ex Lullio.
4. f19 Repertorium Raymundi Lullij.
5. f22 Dialogus inter Hilardum necromanticum et quendam spiritum.
6. f30 Liber Lucis Mercuriorum Raymundi Lullij.
7. f35 Testamentum Gebri.
8. f120 Ex Theorica Testamenti [with diagrams.]
9. f125 Verbum abbreuiatum se Hortum Thesaurorum.
10. f129 Accurtacio Raymundi.
[The rest of the volume consists of notes and extracts. It is a very shabby book].