Glasgow University Library MS. Ferguson 327.
28 folios. 350x235mm. 18th Century.

1. f1-2 [Notes.]
[On f1.] 'A Mr Gerome Castelnove a la Tete Noire a Lauderman'.
2. f3-18 [Alchemical Journal in French covering the period 11th June 1752 to 20th September 1752. With 31 small pen drawings of alchemical apparatus, flasks, furnaces etc in margins.]
[Bound in paper wrappers with octagonal labels on front. Other MSS. in the same wrappers are 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312, 331, and 332.]
[On cover]: 'No 119 a very fine MS in which the whole process of transmutation is given at length with drawings of all the instruments used.'
3. f18-28 Recette des remedes de M Jeanne Stephena pour Guereu la prere la gravelle.