Alnwick Castle MS. 600-14.
18th Century.

1. p1-79 Formula of the Religion of the Druzi, in the form of a Cathecism. Translated from the Original Arabic. First into Italian by a gentleman resident at Aleppo, and from the Italian into English. With a Vocabulary of the principal Arabic Words, from Dr Adair Gibralher.
2. p80-172 Anecdotes of Pythagoras and other Antient Philosophers of note. from Gales Antiquities.
3. p173-180 The Doctrine of Hermetic Philosophy, clearly proved by the following treatise of Nicodemo Gadette A.P. for the benefit of the students in that science. From the original Italian. Dedicated to the Learned Societies of London. Translated from the Italian MSS. written in Monteleone of Vebena. 1776.
4. p181-240 Dialogue between a master and his pupil.
[New numbering 1-35.]
5. p1. Medicine laid open In which are described 7 special remedies, for the most usual disorders, as well as the most considerable disorders. By Joseph Meure M.D. in Rome. Translated from the Italian 1803.
[Rainsford's hand.]