Edinburgh, Royal Coll. of Physicians MS. AB4/21
167 folios. Paper. 17th Century.

'Tome IV'
f1 [blank.]
1. f2-8v Epitome of Architecture [Tables in Italian.]
2. f11-13 'Pearcye' [verses in English.]
3. f14r 'Norton' [Notes in English - questions regarding Norton's Ordinal .]
4. f16-18v 'Roviliasco' [in French.]
5. f19-20r 'Awocalopsis Spiritus Secreti' [in Latin.]
6. f21-24v 'Ad 1 questione de Materia'
'Ad 4 questione de effectibus'
'Ad 5 questione de compositione'
'Ad 6 questionem de Igne'
'Ad 7 questionem de Proportione'
'Ad 2 questionem de [voibg](?) '
'Ad 3 questionem de Forme'
[extracts in Latin from Novum Lumen Chemicum .]
7. f25 'De Pondere' [extracts in Latin from Tractu, Epistle Treviso, Turba.]
8. f26 'De Elementis' [notes in Latin.]
9. f27 'De Natura' [notes in Latin.]
10. f29-30r 'De Argento Vive' [in Latin.]
11. f33-36r 'Novum Lumen Chemicum' [notes in Latin.]
12. f37r 'De calore et igne' [in Latin.]
13. f38-39r 'Thesaurus Philosophia' [notes and extracts in Latin.]
14. 40r [notes in English on Practical Alchemy.]
15. f41-42v 'De Aqua permemente et solutione' [in Latin.]
16. f43r 'Proprientates materia Lapidis' [in Latin.]
17. f44-45r 'Quomodo addificet ars et quid agent' [in Latin.]
18. f46r 'De multiplicatione' [in Latin.]
19. f47-52r 'Dastin' [Latin notes.]
20. f48-73r 'A Description of the most principall Minerall Earths by that famous man Lazarus Erkern, Chiefe Bergmeister and book keeper to his Imperiall Majesty in the Kingdom of Bohemia. - Imprinted at Franckfurt upon ye Mayne by John Ffeyerabent 1598' [Practical text in English on early chemistry.]
21. f85-109r 'Specula et Practica Baconis sup errores Phantin' [in Latin.]
22. f109v-110r 'Ex manuscripto quem incipit Desiderabile, desideriu, et imputiabile pretiu a cunctis Phis positu esse' [in Latin.]
23. f111r 'Aurea Cantilena universa divinae benitatis opera Riplaeas wheel'
24. f112r [Verse in Latin. At bottom.] 'I found these verses with the Golden Chaine in to ane old book of parchemin manuscript: befoire a treatise which begins 'Desirabile desiderium et imperabile pretium a cunctis phis positu, nec...'
25. f112v [text in Latin and Golden Chain diagram.]
26. f113-130r [text in Latin.]
f131 [Diagram of Ripley's Wheel.]
27. f132-146 [Scots English translation of the Fama Fraternitatis .]
28. f147-157 [Scots English translation of the Confessio Fraternitatis .]
[section of 10 smaller folios inserted into the bound volume here]
29. f158-163 [Alchemical recipes in Latin, with pen drawings of distillation apparatus and pulley wheels.]
30. f167r 'Leonardus Tornaiser [Thurneisser?] della distillatione latine
Pietro pena et Mathias Dolobella latine
Herbarium magnum de le campi latine'
[Coat of arms.]
[Unreadable names in Latin.]