Edinburgh, Royal Coll. of Physicians MS. AB4/22
177 folios. Paper. 17th Century.

'Tome V'
1. f3v [fold out folio of Lullian code wheel consisting of 15 concentric circles divided radially into 24 sectors each bearing a letter of the alphabet.]
2. f4-32r 'Here beginneth ye compende of Alckymy' [in English with marginal notes and some drawings.]
3. f32v [Diagram of the Ripley Wheel.]
4. f33-48r [Various practical Notes and receipts in English and Latin.]
5. f48v-66 [Rosarium of Arnold of Villanova, in Latin.]
6. f67-75 'Incipit opusculum Beati Thomae de Aquino in Alchima' [in Latin.]
7. f76-81r 'Tractato della Compositio della penetra di phisica' [in Latin.]
f81v [table.]
8. f82-87v 'Theorica et Practica de Sr Gio Pico della Mirandola' [in Latin.]
9. f87v-91 'Practica prosbatery in Camlia' [Various notes on practical alchemy in Latin.]
10. f94-115 [Questions and Answers on Alchimy.]
'Sir. I have commended to your worschipe a confirmation of those points of philosophie that I oftentymes have conferred of you touching the Elixir or Medicyne of the Philosophers Stone which according to my understanding and resolution I comprehended in this Dialogue following, approved and ratified both by infallible natural lessons and also by the auctoritie which if it will plais you at som last to peruse I doubt not both your judgement and opinion thairin alredye conceaved shalbe surely settled and established and your mynd the better moved and stirred up to preferre the practise whereby both your good [...] and we be your end and meanes may be maid partakers of the celestial benefite.'
[Text in English in the form of dialogue.]
11. f116-144 'Liber Decimus Nonus Revelationis Majestatis Divinae, vocatur Separavit ' [in Latin.]
12. f146-164 'Arbatel'
'The Magik of the auncient Philosopher, the chief studie of wisdome. In all things lett God be thy counsellor, and neither think speak not doe any thing, but lett the Lord alwayes be thy guyde and protectour
Anno virginei partus saluverrimmi, 1602, Februarrii XII, G.A.' [i.e. George Aerskine] [in English.]