British Library MS. Sloane 1996.
Paper. Folio. 184 folios. 17th Century.

Theodori Turqueti de Mayerne Adversaria medica et chymica.
1. 'La maniere d'extraire la quinte essence du frement'. f1-4.
2. 'Du sang de l'homme'. f4v-7.
3. 'Autre oeuvre d'Isaac'. f8-16.
4. Chymical receipts in French. f17-20.
5. 'Adversaria mineralium', ex B. Penoto, with other excerpts. f22-27.
6. 'Theriaque des metaulx'. f28-45.
7. Chymical processes with the title 'Dulcedo Salis ex Paracelsi libro de Secretis Secretorum non impresso, a D. Francisco Rentz, Med. D. Pomerano.' f46-55.
9.Various chymical processes, taken from various authors, in latin, French and German. f58-83.
10. Ex Theophasto collecta, vocabula, etc. f84-88.
11. Chymical processes in German. f88v-92.
14. 'Acetum philosophorum ad extrahendam quintam essentiam, et habet potestatem reducendi [Sun] and [Moon] et corpora mineralia in sui primam materiam, id est in argentum vivum.' in Latin and German. f105-108.
16. Various chymical processes in German. f110-134.