
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 7. 101 folios. Paper. 208x142mm. 15the Century [c. 1440.] [Alchemical Miscellany in Latin.]
1. Rasis. Liber utilitatis nature secretorum, a variant version of the text, ascribed in this MS. to Frater Helias, O.F.M.
2. Roger Bacon. Ars Alkymye, De naturis metallorum et transformatione ipsorum.
3. Hermes. Tabula smaragdina.
4. Rasis. Opusculum... in arte alkymie.
5. Rasis (or Arnold of Villanova). Flos lilium, or Epistola Rasis.
6. Hermes or Geber. De opere lapidis. [Ascribed to Rhasis in the text.]
7. Vididerius. Summa clavium totius alchymiae artis.