
Mellon Collection, Yale University Library MS. 27. 132 folios. Paper. 210x155mm. 16th Century. 1. Alexander Magnus. Luna plena [in Latin.]
2. De lapide ematice [in Latin.]
3. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber trium verborum [in Latin.]
4. [Alchemical recipe, in Latin, partly in verse.]
5. {Alchemical recipes for various processes, in Latin.]
6. Theodoric. Practica. [in Latin.]
7. Albertus Magnus. Semita recta [in Latin.]
8. [Medical and alchemical recipes, in Latin and German.]
9. Rupertus. Certum augmentum [in German and Latin.]
10. [Alchemical recipes in German and Latin, and partly in cipher.]