British Library MS. Sloane 2203.
Paper. Quarto. 269 folios. 17th Century.

Bound with MS. Sloane 2204.
6. 'Norton's Ordinall uppon the Philosophers' Stone compendiously abridged' - the handwriting of Sir Hugh Platt. ff.91-97.
8. 'Selectiora e Magia Naturali Johannis Baptistae Portae' - necon 'Selectiora ex Alexi' - in the handwriting of Sir Hugh Platt. ff.100-102.
10. Copy of a letter from H.P. Miles to .... offering to communicate fourteen secrets in chemistry and alchymy. f.111.
13. 'Parallisme shewing that the regeneration of man and the purification of metall have like degrees of preparation and operation to their highest perfection'. ff.118.
14. 'Collectanea chymica et alchymica; intitulata Collections gathered out of several authors for my owne satisfaction'. ff.120-181.
15. Excerpta 'ex manuali Theophrasti Paracelsi. liber factus, Sept, 25, 1645'. ff.182-201.
16. 'Experimenta, reumque metamorphosis' Sir Hugh Platt. [In English.] ff.202-231.
17. Tractatus alchymicus Sec. XVI. ff.232-243.
Begins: 'In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Amen. Hic autem solvitur dictum Aristotelis 4to metheororum, cum dixit; Sciant autem artifices alchimiae quod species metallorum permutare non possunt'.