British Library MS. Sloane 3614.
Paper. Folio. 178 folios. 17th Century.

1. A dialogue entitled Lignum Vitae or the wood of life, in which also a short exposition of the Philosopher Geber is contained, written in Italian by John Bracescus, of Brixia, and translated into Latin by William Grattaroll. ff.1-120.
Printed in Italian and Latin.
2. The Correctorium Alchymiae by Richard de Glanvillae, or Ricardus Anglicus, translated into English. ff.121-155.
Printed in Latin in the Theatrum Chymicum, Argent. 1659, Vol II. p.385.
3. The Vade Mecum of Raymund Lully, translated into English. ff.156-170.
Printed in Latin.
4. The Repertory or Inventory of Lully. ff.171-173.
5. The significations of different letters, in the fourth volume of the Theatrum Chymicum of Strasburg in the practicall part of Raymund Lully's first testament page 156. ff.174-178.