British Library MS. Sloane 3613.
Paper. Folio. 172 folios. 18th Century.

1. The Turba of the Philosophers, which is called the book of Truth in the Art. ff.1-43.
The Turba Philosophorum is printed in Latin in the Theatrum Chemicum, Argent. 1622. Vol V. p1.
2. The Assembly of the Philosophers, commonly called the Turba, at Basil, 1610. ff.44-114.
Note prefixed: 'As for the antiquity of this book we find it quoted by Avicenna'.
3. The Golden Fleece or the Flower of Treasures by Solomon Trissmosin, translated from the German into French by L.J.; by Charles Sevestre in St James Street, 1613. ff.115-172.
Printed in German and in French.