British Library MS. Sloane 3162.
Paper. Quarto. 34 folios. 16th and 17th Centuries.

Written by various hands.
1. A treatise of Alchemy. ff.3-13.
Begins: 'In all manner of thynges that you that worke .... the laborer behoveth that the begynyng'.
2. Directions for making a charmed seal, in Latin. dated 30 January 1650, and signed Ja. Co. f.14.
5. Figures of retorts, furnaces, etc, with remarks on their construction, in Latin. ff.16-19.
8. Alchemical verses, forming the preface to a longer work. f.20b.
'If thou will have a cunninge grete
A science of grete prise,
Give care to me and lkisten well
Then follow myne advyse'.
At the end: 'Finis praefactionis operis philosophici'.
10. Fragment of an alchemical tract; 16th century. f.23.
12. Quaedam tam ex Gebri Summa Perfectionis magisterii, quam ex Hieronymi Castellionei Cardani De Subtilitate secundo libro: 17th Century. f.26.
13. Various chemical, alchemical and medical receipts. 16th Century. ff.27-34.