British Library MS. Sloane 3642.
Paper. Folio. 83 folios. 18th Century.

1. A dialogue between Eudorus and Pyrophilus upon the ancient war of the Knights. ff.2-38.
2. A letter to the true disciples of Hermes, containing six principle Keyes of the secret philosophie. ff.39-51.
At the end of the treatise is the following note: 'The name of the author is in Latin in this anagram, Dives sicut ardens, S'.
3. The Hermetical triumph or the Philosophers stone victorious, a treatise. The most compleat and most easy to bt understood of any hitherto touching the Hermetical Magisterium; or The ancient war of the Knights, being a dialogue between Or and Mercury on the Philosophers Stone with an Advertisement. ff.53-68.
This treatise was composed originally in High Dutch, then translated into Latin and French, and from thence into English.
4. 'A small booke of Artephius called 'the greate Key of wisdome'; being a translation of his treatise entitled Clavis Majoris Sapientiae (in the handwriting of Col. Culpeper; see Harl. MSS). ff.69-80.
Printed in Latin, in the Theatrum Chymicum, 8vo Argent 1613. Vol. IV. p.221.
5. 'A coment or Explanation of Raymundus Lullius' Will, taken out of the Vatican Library'. ff.81-83.