British Library MS. Sloane 3641.
Paper. Folio. 63 folios. 17th Century.

1. 'The Practice of Mary the Prophetesse, in the Alchymicall Art'. ff.1-8.
Begins: 'Aros the Philosopher had a meeting with Mary'.
2. 'Mr Doctour Beckerus's Pantaleon Unmaskt, wishing to the Philochymicall Reader the Attainment of the desired truth'. ff.9-16.
Begins: 'The wish which I wish to you Kind Reader, is the attainment of Truth'.
3. 'The third part of the work of Dionysius Zacharias, concerning the Practise of the divine Work'. ff.17-19. [Printed, in Latin, in the Theatrum Chemicum, Vol I, p.815.]
4. The same in verse. ff.20-23.
5. 'The fourth part of the Book of Bernard Count of Marchia Trevisana, of the Practise of the Philosophick Stone'. ff.24-28.
Printed in Latin in the Theatrum Chemicum, Vol I, p.772.
6. The same in verse. ff.29-34.
7. 'Parole delaissée, or A word slipt out. A treatise of Bernard Count or Earl of the Country of Trevisa'. ff.35-48.
Printed in French, in the Bibliotheque des Philosophes chimiques; ed. Paris, 4 vols, 8vo 1741: vol. II. p.400.
8. 'The Adventures of an unknown Philosopher, by Abbe Belin'. ff.49-60.
Translated from the French, printed at Paris, in 12mo 1646.
9. Alchemical verses: a translation, probably of a portion of a Latin or German Treatise. ff.61-63.
Begins: 'And now, my son, first having giv'n to thee
The proper maxims of Philosophy'.