British Library MS. Sloane 3640.
Paper. Folio. 164 folios. 17th Century.

Bound with MS. Sloane 3641.
1. 'The Codicill or Goe with me of Raymund Lully, a most learn'd philosopher', etc. ff.1-80.
Translated from the Latin, printed at Roan, 1651.
2. English translation of the Vade Mecum Philosophicum of Agricola Rhomaeus. ff.81-98.
3. 'The Text of Alchymy and the green dream'. ff.99-115.
Translated from the French, printed in 12mo at Paris, 1695.
4. The letter of a Philosopher concerning the Secret of the great Work. Written on the subject of the Instructions which Aristeus left to his son, concerning the Philosophick Magistery. The name of the authour is, in Latine, in this Anagramm 'Dives sicut ardens S'. ff. 116-126. [Translated from the Latin, printed at Paris, 1688.]
5. 'The little Treatise of Aristotle concerning the Practick of the Philosophers' Stone'. ff.127-138.
Translated from the Latin, printed in the Ars Aurifera, ed. in 3 Vol. 8vo Basil, 1610; Vol. I. p.232.
6. 'The Treasury of Philosophy, or the originall of the Desirable Desire of Nicholas Flammel'. 'An extract of an ancient Manuscript'. ff.139-152. Printed in French, in 8vo at Paris, 1629.
7. 'The work of the Philosophers' Stone from the duell of the Knights. The sentence or decision of the Controversy of (or between) the Spirit and [Mercury] the Judge. Out of an ancient German writing call's the Warr of the Duell of the Knights to the Accusation and Answer of [Sun] and [Mars]: represented by pictures'. ff.153-157.
8. 'The little Book of Lambspringk, an ancient noble German philosopher, concerning the Philosophers' Stone'. ff.158-164.
Translated from the latin version of Nicholas Bernard of Dauphine, printed in the Musaeum Hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum; ed in 4to Francof. 1678. p.337.