British Library MS. Sloane 3687.
Paper. Quarto. 90 folios. 17th Century.

1. Alchymical processes, copied from a vellum book 'written by George Marrowe, monke of Nostall Abbaye in Yorkeshire in 1437'. f1-11.
At the end are some verses in praise of the above book by one 'Brandon a monk, written in 1437'.
2. Other Alchymical processes entitled, 'Liber librum'; the name of John Bales occurs in more than one place. f12-23.
3. 'The worke of Roger Merrifoot, monke'; consisting of alchymical processes. ff.23b-32.
4. 'The coppie of an owlde manuscript written by Sir Peter Perry, Channon and priest of Maydston in Kent; he lyved in 1486'. [Latin]. f33-39.
5. Arnoldus de Villa Nova de secretis naturae. f39b-41.
Begins: 'Ars ista non est nisi de occultis philosophorum'.
6. A collection of Alchymical processes, taken from various authors. f42-90.