British Library MS. Sloane 3688.
Paper. Quarto. 152 folios. 17th Century.

A collection of Alchymical processes and observations, collected by R. Kellum from various sources.
1. Receipts obtained from 'Homfrae Evans'. f.3.
2. Questions and notes upon the worke of Henry Tyler, 'who dyed in Newgate in 1590'. ff.7-24.
3. 'The coppie of another Booke which I had of Mrs Jane Constable, which I suppose was Richard Coots boke'. ff.24b-33.
4. The consideration of the Elements. ff.33b-37.
5. Verses by George Ripley entitled, 'a worke verie shorte'. ff.66b. [Printed in Ashmole, p.393.]
6. Verses entitled 'De magno opere of Arnoldus de Villa Nova'. ff.74b-78.
Printed, as above, with the title 'Pearce the Black Monke upon the Elixir', p.269.
7. Verses beginning,
'This meadicin be you sure
Of all other to be most pure
Iff you wil be rulyd'. f.81b.
8. Processes 'translated owte of Hughe Cromptons's olde bookes'. f.82.
9. Speculum Secretorum Regerii Bachonis, [English]. ff.87b-91.
10. 'Processes owt of the Duch coppie in the Booke of Isaackes workes towards the latter end thereof'. f.92.
11. The manner of making colours. f.93b.
12. 'A notable experiment of the worke of Rhasis in philosophie called the Philosophers Stone'. ff.112-115.
13. The poem entitled, pater Sapientiae. ff.122-131.
14. A short treatise entitled 'Arcium [sic] Alkamie'. f.136b.
15. 'The little booke of Arnolde intitled his Testament'. f.147b.
16. 'The evident and manifest comprobacion or allowinge of the Chemicall arte of the antiquities of Peter Appion'. f.148.