British Library MS. Sloane 316.
275 folios. Paper. 204x137mm 16th Century.

1. A treatise on alchymy in English, inscribed, 'Semita recta Alberti magni.' f.8.
Begins: 'All the wisdome in this worlde cometh of our Lorde Jesus Crist.' See MS. Sloane 317, f88.
2. Miscellanea varia chymica, cum tabula contentorum subjuncta. [In Latin, English, and Dutch.] f.54.
Praemittuntur codici, 'Mss. quae quondam fuerunt J. Grindley, alias, Hammon, Iatro-chymici Scoti, in Trinobantum Augusta olim med. profitentis, ibique e vivis A.S. 1648 erepti, nunc autem ex possessione et libris Cardonnel.'