British Library MS. Sloane 317.
Paper. Folio. 122 folios. Written about 1600.

1. Various receipts in chymistry and alchymy, with extracts from the alchymy of Vicentius. f.1.
2. 'A treattise of Gebare, of the investigation or seking owt of perfection'; in English. f.27.
3. 'Geber's first booke, entyttellyd, the highest perfection, or some of perfection'; in English f.31.
4. Raymudus Lullius his Elucidarie; in English. f.45.
5. 'A most profittable treattise of alchymistrie, intyttelled, Rosarius minor, the lesser Rossarie.' f.56b.
The original is printed in the Theatrum Chymicum, Argent. 1659, vol. ii, p.406.
6. Extracts on alchymy, 'from the parchment book of Juhn Lechis.' f.64b.
7. Tractatus de arte alchymica. ff.76-82, 69.
Begins: 'Hec sunt octo precepta in arte alkymye.'
8. Aristotelis ad Alexandrum libri secretorum fragmentum. f.82b.
Begins: 'In primis, O Alexander, tradere tibi volo', ed. Paris 1520, f.36b.
9. Formulae quaedam alchymicae. f.83b.
10. Alberti Magni semita recta. f.88.
Exstat impress. in Theatro Chymico, vol. ii, p.423.
11. 'Opus Origenis.' f.91b.
Begins: 'Sume de capillis humanis recenter cum sanguine.'
12. 'Abreviacio Raymundi [Lullii] de virido leone.' f.92b.
13. Verses on the elixir, ascribed by Ashmole to Pearce, the black Monk. f.94.
Printed in Ashmole, p.269.
14. Directions for various chymical preparations. f.94b.
15. 'The translation into Englyshe of some of the workes of semita recta' of Albertus Magnus. f.99.
16. A translation of receipts which occur in some of the preceding articles. f.99b.
17. A translation of the tract on alchymy forming article 7 of the present volume f.109.