British Library MS. Sloane 3753.
Paper. Octavo. 138 folios. 17th Century.

1. Extracts from John de Monte-Snyders treatise, entitled, Metamorphosis Planetarum [In English]. ff.1-65. Printed in German. Octavo, Amst. 1663.
2. An Epitome of the Hermetical Triumph, or a discourse between Eudoxus and Pyrophilus, upon the ancient War of the Knights. ff.67b-98. Printed in German and English.
3. An Epitome of a letter to the true disciples of Hermes, containing six principal Keys of the secret of Philosophy. ff.98b-117.
4. Epistola Raymundi Lullii ad Edwardum IV Regem Angliae; scilicet Liber lucis Mercuriorum de compositione coelestis menstrui vegetabilis et divini lapidis Philosophorum. ff.118-136.
Begins: 'Jamdudum, Rex serenissime, de transmutatione omnium corporum'.
Reversing the Volume there are-
5. 'Philosophical collections taken out of a manuscript translated per J.G. ff.138b-137.