British Library MS. Sloane 3778.
Paper. Duodecimo. 108 folios. 17th Century.

1. 'Sendivogious explained': an exposition of the Tractatus duodecim de Lapide Philosophorum of Michael Sendivogius. ff.2-18.
Begins: 'Page 1, line 7. The antient studied Nature most, but we study speculation, whence many of their inventions are lost'. Another copy MS. Sloane 3630, f.102.
2. 'The First Alphabet' and 'The Second Alphabet' of Raymond Lully: of the signification of letters used in his Practica super lapide philosophico. f.19.
Printed in Latin, in the edition of the Practice and other works of the same author, in Octavo, Colon. Agripp. 1573. pp.284,375.
3. 'Raymond Lullius his Power of Riches'. ff.20-37.
Printed, in Latin, in the Ars Aurifera, quam Chemiam vocant, ed Basil, 1610. Vol III. p.56.
4. 'Accurtations of Raymond Lully'. ff.37b-40.
5. Extracts from Raymond Lully's Experimenta. ff.41-51.
6. English translation of a portion of the Practica or second part of the Testamentum of Raymund Lully; capp. 10-22. ff.52-67.
Printed in Latin, with other works of the same author, ed. Col. Agripp. Octavo, 1573, p.263.
7. English translation of a portion of the Comendium animae transmutationis artis metallorum of Raymond Lully. ff.68-76.
Printed, in Latin, as above. p.312.
8. Extracts from the Theorica, or First Part of the Testamentum of Raymond Lully. In English. ff.78-87.
9. 'Clavicula, or a little Key of Raymond Lullye Majorican, which is also caled Apertorium (the opener) in which all that is required in the worke of Alchimie is plainly declared'. ff.88-99.
10. 'The Praxis of Miriam the Prophetesse touching the chymecall art'. ff.100-108.
Translated from the Latin, printed under the title of Practica Mariea Prophetissae in artem alchimicam in the Ars Aurifera, ed in 3 vols, Octavo, 1610. Vol I.p.205.