British Library MS. Sloane 3805.
Paper. Quarto. 125 folios. End of the 17th Century.

1. English translation of the fifty-five letters of Michael Sandivogius to 'my most honoured freind and most worthy companion of our society the unknown philosophers': containing a course of instruction in the science of Alchemy. Dat. Brussels, Feb. 1646- Jan. 1647.
Appended is an explanation of the 'Hyeroglyphicall Seall of the Society of the Unknown Philosophers'. ff.1-44.
See another copy, with variations, MS. Sloane 1800.
2. 'A table of the most remarkable and materiall things contained in this book' [the preceding article]. ff.45-48.
3. 'A farther description of the Philosophicall Chaos, or the grand misteryous problem of the Cabalist unriddled': an extract from the Lumen de Lumine of Eugenius Philalethes. f.49.
4. Chemical medical and miscellaneous receipts. ff.51b-86.
5. Alchemical processes, collected from various authors. ff.87-110.
6. 'Lemegeton, Clavicula Salominis; or the Little Key of Salomon; which contains all the names, orders and offices of all spirits that ever he had any convers with, with the seales or characters belonging to each spirit, and the manner of calling them forth to appearance, in five parts called bookes'. A portion only of the first book: written on the 13th of January 1685.
A view of the contents of the separate books is prefixed. ff.111-114.
The first book treats 'of the arte, Goetia', and begins: '1.The first principall spirit is a King ruling in the East, called Baell'.
It ends abruptly with the section dealing of the 13th Spirit, after the words: 'His noble seal is this which is to be worne before you in the times of working, etc'.
See other copies of this work in MS. Sloane 2731, 3648, 3825.