British Library MS. Sloane 3809.
Paper. Quarto. 56 folios. 16th Century.

1. Alchemical verses. f.2b.
Begins: 'I am [Mercury] most myghty and flos florum'.
Ends: 'Seke forth folys as ye have sowght
For of oder thynges ye fynde ryght nogt'.
A few lines at the commencement are orinted in Ashmole, in the work entitled Pearce the Black Monke upon the Elixir. p.272.
2. George Ripley's Compound of Alchymie, wanting the Epistle to Edward IV and the prologue. ff.4-32. [Printed in Ashmole, p.121.]
3. Alchemical verses by Ripley. f.33.
Begins: 'After all thys I wyll you understond/ For your sane garde what I hav done'.
Ends: 'Praysyng without seasyng his gloryus majeste
Which he in hys Kingdom grant us to see'. [Printed in Ashmole, p.189.]
4. '[Agmata - Agmata], id est fragmenta Albani'. ff.35-44.
Begins: 'lapis autem noster vocatur lapis omnium philosophorum secundum Aristolelem, libro de Secretis Secretorum'.
5. 'Preparationes metallorum separationesque secundum Albanum; ex Graeco versae'.
Begins: 'Separatio Solis. Fac ex eo laminas parvas, et cementa cum hoc pulvere'.
6. '[Metamorphosis Albanos - Metamorphosis Albanos'. [In Latin]. f.47.
Begins: 'Aristoteles in libro suo de lapidibus aut tres principales esse hujus scienciae lapides'.
7. De quinta essentia chelidonii. f.48b.
Begins: 'Non temere, id puto, charissime lector, par pari addere, uti antea altera ex pagina concepisti'.
8. Processus alchemici ex auctoribus variis. ff.51b-56.