Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Rawlinson D. 1067.
Paper. Quarto. 50 folios. 18th Century.

'Janua orientalis reserata, or the keys opening and giving entrance into the east angle of the ayre, respecting also the like part or point of the compass appropriated to the earth, etc.' A series of magical invocations to the angels of the four angles of the east, West, North and South tables, with a prayer to god prefixed and'the regall invocation' to an angel called Bataiua. The heading of the next invocation is is follows 'Names of the six angelicall seniors, and to call them forth, Habioro, Aaoxaif, Hetemorda, Ahaozpi, Hipotga, and Autotar, serving in the east'. In a copyist's hand, with a few corrections by another hand.