Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Rawlinson D. 1046.
Paper. Quarto. 27 folios. End of 16th Century

Anonymous alchemical tracts, written in a very neat, clear and small hand.
1. 'Chaos'; A poem in fifteen 7-line stanzas.
2. On the process of transmutation; a poem in 266 lines.
3. A treatise of the 'Elixir or medicine of the Philosophers' stone', in questions and answers.
A prefatory note begins thus: 'Sir I have comended to your worship a confirmation of those pointes in philosophie that I have oftentymes conferred of with you'. A copy by Elias Ashmole is in MS Ashmole 1459, p 34. 4. 'This Proheme following is concerning the ignorance of them that doe err'.