London, Wellcome Institute MS. 1027.
339 pages. 230x180mm. 19th Century [c.1875.]

[William Alexander Ayton. Transcripts of translations by Sigismond Bacstrom of seven short German works on alchemy. These are followed by a transcript of Samuel Norton's 'Key to Alchemy', 1577, perhaps from MS. Ashmole 1421.]
[Frontispiece contains watercolour drawings of 'Apparatus to attract the Lunar Humidity'. ]
1. p11-37 Chemical Moon-shine wherein is demonstrated the true subject of Philosophy... published by a Lover of Truth. Franckfort and Leipzig 1739. 8vo. Translated from the German by S. Bacstrom, M.D., 1797.
2. p37-50 Mars [pseud.]. Philosophical considerations on the cold or wonderful Alcahest: that is the Philosphic Menstruum and Universal Azoth. Franckfurt 1659.
3. p53-84 Modestin Fachs. His art of essaying Leipzig 1678... Some useful processes translated out of the above Treatise by S.B. 1798.
4. p87-105 David Beuther. Particular processes... Published by Anonymous. Leipzig 1717. Translated from the German by S.B. 1798.
5. p109-126 On the Sphaera Saturni of Paracelsus. By which [Gold - Sun] is vitrefied into a Tinging [sic] Glass by means of [Copper - Venus]. From a MS. formerly in the possession of the Elector of Saxony. 1798.
6. p127-140 Paracelsus. Sal alembrot or Aqua mercurii. A process... written in old German verse... found in... Theophrasti Paracelsi... Manuale... Basileae. 1582. 8vo.
7. p145-156 Johann Sternhals. The war of the knights... Hamburg 1680. With the Explanation of his Hieroglyphics painted on the glass windows of the Cathedral Church at Hamburg [Abridged]. Translated from the German by S.B. 1798.
8. p159-327 Samuel Norton. The Key of Alchemy. 1577.
p163 [Pen drawn illustration of the 'Tree of Alchemy'.]
p329-337 [Illustrations of furnaces.]
[From Julius Kohn Library.]