London, Wellcome Institute MS. 1030.
201 folios. Various sizes. 19th Century [c. 1850.]

Sigismund Bacstrom. Transcripts, extracts, and notes on alchemy. Vol. I.
1. 19 folios. Some processes copies from an Old. MSc. in folio belonging to Mr. Tilloch. Concerning the healing of wounds, T. Paracelsus, his best plaisters.
Doctor Charas Stella at Florence, his Red Powder communicated to me in March 1805 by Baron de Rosenheim from Vienna [In German].
Mr. A. T[illoch]'s thoughts how to make the Lapis by a short process.
[Holograph by Bacstrom.]
2. 94 pages + 5 folios. A philosophical and chymical manuscript. [By a different hand.]
3. 19 folios. Commentary on a treatise of Bernard, Earl of Trevisan, of the Philosophers Stone, London, 1683 in Collectanea Chymica 1684, by Alexander Tilloch Esqre. 1806.
The work by S B November 1806.
Notes on several [alchemical] authors by Mr. Tilloch.
Useful extracts by Mr. R. Ford.
[Holograph by Bacstrom.]
4. 3 folios. Alchemical notes. [Holograph by Bacstrom].
5. 5 folios. Johannes Gier his work 1512. [At the end 'Finished this Msc. 1804, the 20th April. S. Bacstrom'. Followed by notes on 'Palingenesia planatarum'. Holograph.]
6. 28 folios. Elaboration of the L[apis] P[hilosophorum], written to a Prince Elector of Saxony, partly in German, partly in Latin. Translated by S. Bacstrom for the use of his friends. London, December 6th, 1806.
The 12 labours of Hercules.
[Holograph by Bacstrom.]
7. 59 folios. Of the third Part of the Elements of Chemistry. A particular book respecting Alchemy or the making of Gold. [From Johann Conrad Barchusen's 'Elementa chemiae'. 1718.]
8. 7 folios. On sedative water, etc.
9. 21 folios. [Transcript of a translation of an unidentified alchemical work beginning 'With the blessing of God, I will show you both the practice and philosophical means to obtain the same Elixer of white and red tincture'.]