London, Wellcome Institute MS. 1031.
224 folios. Various sizes. 19th Century [c. 1835.]

Sigismund Bacstrom. Transcripts, extracts and notes on alchemy. Vol. II.
1. 48 pages + 2 folios. Pars altera Aureliae occultae Philosophorum [attributed to Basilius Valentinus] translated from the Latin by S. B., M.D. 1806. [From 'Theatrum chymicum' Vol. IV., p. 495.]
2. 1 folio. 'A paper written by Miss Ford, which she copied from a newspaper, by the request of Mr. Ford [on the decomposition of the earths by Sir H. Davy] communicated to me on the 8 of November 1808.'
1 folio. 'Conversation with Mr. Ford [on alchemy] on the 8 of Nov. 1808.'
30 folios. Useful extracts from 'Fasciculus Chemicus' ... by James Hasolle [i.e. Elias Ashmole] London, 1650.
5 folios. 'On Sunday [sign] the 24 Jan. 1808, the following new discovery of Professor Davy [on alcali] was communicatd to me by Mr. Wagstaffe'.
3. 24 folios. Remarks on Urbigerus his Aphorisms, demonstrating the three infallible ways of preparing the Grand Elixir of the Philosophers. These notes are written by S. B. for his own improvement, and to oblige his friends. 1804.
22 folios. Some good things copied from Baron de Ruesenstein his Universal and particular processes. Frankfort and Leipzig [1754]. Annotations and explications of a valuable treatise named the Hermetical triumph or the victorious philosophical Stone... translated from the French and German, London, 1723.
6 folios. A short way or Happy Thought: March 1805 to obtain a tinging power, by means of Vital [sign of Air] or Oxygen from a calx of gold [sign].
[Pen drawings of tubes and a crucible; also a coloured drawing of a distilling apparatus.]
4. 108 folios. [George Graham]. Alchemy: a select collection of testimonies respecting the doctrines and practice of the Ancient Alchemists. Extracted from their writings. [See also Wellcome MS. 2550.]