London, Wellcome Institute MS. 3132.
50 folios numbered as pages. 315x200mm. 17th Century [1677.]

Christian William von Krohnemann. Von der Universel Tinctur. [Author's holograph text in German.]
[Dedicated to the Princess of Brandenburg and signed 'Christian William, Baro von Krohnemann. Actum Bayreuth den 10 Augusti. 1677.']
[p39-68 illustrated with 50 large drawings in water-colour.]
p39 [Wide necked flask containing grey layer at bottom with green layer on top. Labels in German.]
p40 [Flask as before with green and grey layers, now fitted with still head.]
p41-49 [Series of 18 flasks, two to a page, each containing a layer of liquid. Initially crimson this darkens though 2-5 to a black layer, then becomes grey in 6 and 7, through two green phases 8 and 9, 9 having threads of gold and almost vegetation like forms in the flask beneath an arching layer of blue and red filaments. The process then goes through grey flask 10, through white stippled with silver 11 and 12, then to yellow with filaments of red, blue and gold running horizontally across in flasks 13 and 14. Flasks 15-18 show purple then red, purple and red again layers with horizontal filaments of gold.]
p50-51 [Four flasks, two on each page, larger than before each with plain red liquid. Paragraph of text in German.]
p52-53 [Four flasks set in a waterbath.]
f54 [Bottle with green layer set above a purple one. The Green layer appears to be shedding a purple precipitate which falls down to form the lower layer.]
p55,56,58, 59 [Four furnaces elaborately decorated.]
p60-61 [Two distillation apparatus.]
p62-68 [Series of 14 flasks as in the first group. This appears to be an incomplete though exact copy of the first series.]
[From Julius Kohn Library.]