Alchemy Academy archive September 1999 Back to alchemy academy archives. Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy Adam McLean Date: 1 Sep 1999 I wonder if I might call upon our collective knowledge to help me draw up a list of 20th century scholars of alchemy for inclusion on the alchemy web site. Of course the criterion for inclusion are difficult to set but perhaps we should include recognised scholars (Julius Ruska for example) people whose work has a solid scholarly basis (e.g. Harry Sheppard, Serge Hutin.) people who have published extensively either articles or books on alchemy (such as D. Z. Bor) people who have produced a single key work on alchemy (such as Jack Lindsay) Here is my provisional list. I would welcome any additions. My apologies to anyone I have neglected. Some of the members of this email group will I feel sure ultimately be recognised as scholars of alchemy (it is a matter of publications and profile). Abraham, Lyndy. Alleau, Rene. Bolton, H. Carrington. Bor, D. Z. Browne, C. A. Bugaj, Roman. Buntz, Herwig. Burland, C.A. Coudert, Allison. Craven, J.B. Darmstaedter, Ernst. Davis, Tenney L. Debus, Allen G. Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. Duveen, Denis I. Eliade, Mircea. Faivre, Antoine. Ferguson, John. Figala, Karin. Forbes, R.J. Franz, Marie-Louise von. Gabriele, Mino. Gantenbein, Urs Leo. Ganzenmueller, W. Gebelein, Helmut. Halleux, Robert. Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich. Heym, Gerard. Holmyard, Eric John. Hubicki, Wlodzimierz. Hutin, Serge. Jollivet-Castelot, Francois. Josten, C. H. Karpenko, Vladimir. Kibre, Pearl. Klossowski de Rola, Stanislas. Kraus, Paul. Lennep, Jacques van. Linden, Stanton J. Lindsay, Jack. Lippmann, Edmund O. von. Mahdihassan, S. Matton, Sylvian. Muir, M.M. Pattison. Multhauf, Robert P. Needham, Joseph. Neumann, Ulrich. Newman, William R. Pagel, Walter Paneth, Fritz. Partington, J.R. Patai, Raphael. Pereira, Michela. Plessner, Martin. Poisson, Albert. Principe, Laurence. Rattansi, P.M. Read, John. Redgrove, H. Stanley. Ruska, Julius. Sarton, George. Schwarz, Arturo. Secret, Francois. Sheppard, H. J. Singer, Dorothea Waley. Stapleton, H.E. Sudhoff, Karl. Taylor, F. Sherwood Telle, Joachim. Thompson, Charles J. Thorndike, Lynn. Wilson, William Subject: ACADEMY : Speciale's Codex From: Massimo Marra Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 Jose Rodriguez wrote: >I found an article by José Ramón de Luanco with a reference >about a 'Liber deforationis' in nine chapters (¡¡¡) attributed to Arnau. >He said that there was a copy in a manuscript on alchemy >property of: «the "Speciale" family from Sicilia (14th century)». >Luanco said that this manuscript had been comented in: >Isidoro Carini. 'Sulle Scienze occulte nel medio evo e sopra un >codice della famiglia Speciale, dal Sae'. Edited in: Palermo, 1872, - in >8º. >Can anyone tell me about the "Speciale's manuscript"? All >information would be greatly appreciated. Dear Jose, The Carini's book is actually reprinted by: Arnaldo Forni Editore S.R.L. Via Gramsci 164 40100 Sala Bolognese (Bologna - Italy) tel. 039 51 6814142 " " 6814198 fax 039 51 6814672 The price of the book (130 pp.) is italian £.29000 About the Speciale's Codex there is an article in the "Propugnatore" (an old Italian philological journal) in the 1872. The Carini's books focused principally on the Codex's latin text. The Propugnatore's article (by Vincenzo Di Giovanni) is focused on some alchemical and pharmaceutical recipes in old Italian. The Speciale Family is an ancient family in Palermo. In the history of this family there is also a Viceroy (Nicola Speciale). The very remarcable Speciale's library was dispersed in a tumult broken out in Palermo in 1860. The codex in object is among the few saved books. It is a very important collection of alchemical treatises (Hermes, Tommaso D'Aquino, Ruggiero Bacone, Arnaldo da Villanova, Michele Scoto ....) with an interesting early bibliography: "Exemplum librorum alchimicorum quos habet reverendus frater Dominicus monacus monasterii Sancti Proculi de Bonomia....". The codex was written between XIIIth. and XIVth. century and it mentions some recipes by some very obscure medieval Italian alchemists (as Anselmo di Genova, Mastro Andrea, Petruccio, Bartolomeo da Modena, Battista, Marco da Seccha napolitano and others) about which we have no accounts. Best wishes. Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : Christina and il laboratorio filosofico Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman The following short document in Queen Christina of Sweden's hand, written after the abdication during her residence in Rome is rather intriguing since some of the crossing-outs seem to indicate that she was composing a treatise or perhaps a speech for her academy (although it seems improbable that one would speak of alchemy in a semi-public meeting of this sort). The chapter headings may on the other hand be notes from a work that she is reading. This issue was discussed by the late Arne Wettermark many years ago in meetings and correspondence with Eugène Canseliet who had commented on Christina's alchemical interest in his work Deux logis alchimique (1944). Although, or perhaps because, Wettermark was deeply involved in research concerning Christina and alchemy he never published anything on the matter. I reproduce the document in the hope that it can be recognized by our Italian readership. The source is probably contemporary to Christina and therefore very little known. Il laboratorio filosofico Paradossi chimici praemio 1. della antichita delle arte alchimica 2. della sua simplicita 3. della sua brevita 4. della sua nobilita 5. delli errori che essi commutione esso 6. della (pocha?) 7. delli fornelli 8. dell fuoco (delli vasi - crossed out) 9. della materia uni cognito del alchimia 10. delli vasi 11. del studio del Autori 12. tempo 13. predicamenti varii che si lavoranno dalli tre regni Animal, vegetabile e minerali, modi di farsi 14. della medicina universale 15. del l'opera (filosofico - crossed out) grande 16. delle luso e vertu di si gai(?) 17. del Magnete If this outline is Christina's own it would show that she was knowledgable in the art and prepared to lay out its techniques for an audience, probably a limited one. Wettermark was after his conversations with Canseliet prepared to regard her as an advanced practitioner. That she was inquisitive is clear. In 1667 while at Hamburg, she puts seventeen questions (in her difficult hand) to Rudolf Glauber beginning with asking what colour the material is when it is reduced to its ulimate perfection, whether it is subject to change, whether it is affected by liquors, what dosis to take of various ingredients and their colours in the process etc. These questions were put shortly before her meeting with the messianic prophet and alchemist Giuseppe Borri in the same year and with whom she practised for some weeks at Hamburg. In the 1670's she sets up her own laboratory in Rome with a working alchemist Pietro Antonio Bandiera to whom she testamented the equipment. To do alchemy by proxy is of course a questionable method and one may wonder whether Bandiera was her servant or her master in the art. Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : Information required about two books From: Hans H. Hammerschlag Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 Dear members of ALCHEMY-ACADEMY forum : I would like to request from any of you that could send further information about the books described below : 1) In the first case, what are those "irrefutables" proofs that Papus argues in this book. 2) On the second book, it calls my attention the fact that it includes a preface by Eugene Canseliet, so I was wondering about its content. Thanks in advance for any comment to these matters, Hans H. Hammerschlag 1 - Main Title: La pierre philosophale : preuves irréfutables de son existence : avec une planche hors texte / Papus. LC Control Number: 97107933 Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.) Personal Name: Papus, 1865-1916. Published/Created: Paris : Georges Carré, Libraire-Editeur, 1889. Related Names: YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress) Description: 29 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Subjects: Alchemy. LC Classification: YA 28650 CALL NUMBER: YA 28650 YA Pam Request in: Rare Book/Special Collections Reading Room (Jefferson LJ239) 2- Main Title: Érotique de l'alchimie. Préf. d'Eugène Canseliet. Personal Name: Flamand, Elie-Charles, 1928- Published/Created: Paris, P. Belfond [1970] Description: 174 p. illus. 23 cm. Subjects: Sex, Alchemy Series: Sciences secrètes LC Classification: HQ64 .F62 Other System No.: (OCoLC)1863021 CALL NUMBER: HQ64 .F62 -- Request in: Book Service: Jefferson (Main Eur Hisp LHG) Thu Sep 02 12:35:31 1999 Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 From: Ed Thompson I think I've spotted a gap or two: McLean, Adam -- seems to be absent. Dickson, Donald -- should be there, I think, for his work on Thomas Vaughan (now accepted for publication in Medieval Texts and Studies), and papers like "Thomas Henshaw and Sir Robert Paston's Pursuit of the Red Elixir: an Early Collaboration between Fellows of the Royal Society" (Notes Rec.R.Soc.Lond. 1997). Ed Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Massimo Marra Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 Some additions: Stefano Andreani, Andrea Aromatico, Titus Burkhardt , Eugéne Canseliet, Giovanni Carbonelli, Antonio Clericuzio, Chiara Crisciani, Andrea De Pacalis, Julius Evola, Didier Kahn, Paolo Lucarelli, Manuel Insolera, Alfredo Perifano, Fabrizio Pregadio (chinese alchemy), Gino Testi, Elémire Zolla. Best wishes. Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson How about Evgueni Tortchinov? I believe he's published regarding Chinese alchemy. Best wishes, Catherine Fox-Anderson Subject: ACADEMY : Andrea Aromatico From: Hans H. Hammerschlag Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 Dear Massimo Marra and forum members, Regarding XX century scholars, I would like to ask you to forward information about ANDREA AROMATICO's work. I am aware of his work : "Alchimia : l'oro della conoscenza", 1996, Electa Gallimard Also published in Spanish under the name : "Alquimia : el secreto entre la ciencia y la filosofía" editor: B. Ediciones B, S.A. prf: 406 ; 7735. SAN 001-5911. The spanish translation mentions it was translated from English, so I was wondering which was the original language of the work, and if he has published other material. Contact information for this author if at all possible also would be desired. Best regards, Hans Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Adrian Monk Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 Unfortunately I by mistake deleted Adam McLean's original list, but I don't recall having seen Alexander von Bernus included when I skimmed through it. Not a major writer on alchemy, perhaps, but von Bernus' 'Alchymie und Heilkunst' was inspirational to me, for one, back in the early 1970s and directed me to Weidenfeld and Pott, amongst other things. It also prompted me to visit and talk to his widow, from whom I obtained permission to translate the work into English (something I subsequently never found the time to do, unfortunately). Adrian Monk Bedford Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 Dear Massimo Marra, Stefano Andreani. I only know 'Un libretto di alchimia, inciso su lamine di piombo nel secolo XIV' which I have in my library. Are there any other works by him? Antonio Clericuzio helped edit 'Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries' edited by Piyo Rattansi and Antonio Clericuzio. c1994. Are there other works by him? I do not know of any others. Chiara Crisciani translated and edited some works I believe. Is this correct? Manuel Insolera wrote on spirituality and imagery in early books, but not much on alchemy. Am I correct here? I have seen his edition of 'Azoth, ovvero, L'occulta opera aurea dei filosofi Basilio Valentino' Testi should have been included in the list. but my memory failed me and I regrettably do not have copies of his works which include, La Materia pensante. Interpretazione metapsichica del simbolismo alchimistico, etc. Milano, 1946. Dizionario di alchimia e di chimica antiquaria. Roma, 1950. These writers on your list are not familiar to me, though the first two I note are in your list of modern Italian books on alchemy on the web site Andrea Aromatico Paolo Lucarelli Alfredo Perifano Would it be too much to ask you to provide us with some short information on these people and their work. The Italian contribution to the study of alchemy is so unknown to British and American scholars. It would be good to document it further. Best wishes, Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Jose Rodríguez Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 I suggest: (On European alchemy) Didier Kahn, Alfredo Perifano, Chiara Crisciani, Barbara Obrist, Antoine Calvet, François Secret. (Muslim alchemy) Paul Kraus. (Spanish alchemy) Francisco Javier Puerto Sarmiento. Best wishes. Jose Rodríguez Subject: ACADEMY : Andrea Aromatico Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson Dear Hans, Have you tried Azogue, the web page of Jose Rodriguez? He has interesting castillian alchemy links, including Munoz Moya Editor, who deals in Spanish language alchemy, and who is himself very helpful. Address: http://personal2.redestb.es/emclmffgm/ Also, Libreria 2 de enero, in Spain, is a bookstore with an extensive list of alchemical titles available: they are very helpful with resources <2enero@retemail.es> Good luck,and please post any interesting results. Catherine Subject: ACADEMY : Andrea Aromatico From: Jean Debord Date: 4 Sep 1999 Hans H. Hammerschlag wrote: >The spanish translation mentions it was translated from English, >so I was wondering which was the original language of the work, >and if he has published other material. I have the french translation: Alchimie, le grand secret Editions Gallimard, collection "Découvertes", 1996 Traduit de l'Italien par Audrey Van de Sandt ISBN : 2-07-053354-9 So, it seems that the original edition was in Italian. Also, the book gives other references from the same author: Ottaviano Ubaldini, il principe filosofo e la rocca di Sassocovaro (Actes du colloque Pessaro, 1993) Medicamenti, pozioni e incantesimi del Ricetario Magico Urbinate (Milano, 1993) Liber lucis, Giovanni da Rupescissa e la Tradizione alchemica (Milano, 1996) I hope this helps. Jean Debord Limoges, France Subject: ACADEMY : Parisino Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 From: Sophie Page I wonder if I might ask the alchemy-academy group a question on behalf of a fellow student at my college: He is interested in the relationship between the Duke of Mantua, Ferdinando Gonzaga and scientists in the early seventeenth century. In a letter he found in the Archivio di Stato at Mantua, an envoy in Bologna offered the duke a book of chemical experiments by a certain "Parisino" and a Pseudo-Lullian book (The so-called Testament of St Thomas). He wondered if anyone had heard of the name 'Parisino', or could suggest possible authors or texts under this heading. Thank you, Sophie Page Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 From: Johann Plattner What's about Jost Weyer ? I think he belongs to the most scholarly writers. May I mention the following valuable book by him: Jost Weyer, "Graf Wolfgang II. von Hohenlohe und die Alchemie", Forschungen aus Württembergisch Franken, Bd. 39, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen, 1992 Article: "Die Alchemie im lateinischen Mittelalter", Chemie in unserer Zeit / 23. Jahrgang 1989 / Nr. 23 Best wishes Johann Subject: ACADEMY : Christina's alchemical manuscripts Date: 5 Sep 1999 From: Adam McLean Dear Susanna Åkerman, I am sorry I do not have any knowledge of the document you cite that might give us some insight into Christina's alchemical work. I wonder if I might ask you a separate question regarding Christina's personal library, in particular the manuscripts she collected on alchemy. As we know it is found now mainly in two libraries - The University of Leiden and the Vatican. Can you give us some information particularly on the alchemical manuscripts? Is there any clear picture of which works found their way to Leiden and which to the Vatican? Did this repesent a point of choice made by Christina? Did she choose only to take certain works to Rome? Or was this division entirely made by Vossius? I am sure I read something of this in one of your books or articles but cannot imediately find the reference. It would be instructive to have some information on this fine collection of alchemical manuscripts made by Christina in the 17th Century. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : 'Flos Florum' and the 'Ripley Scroll' From: Adam McLean Date: 4 Sep 1999 The recent discussion of the influence of the 'Flos Florum' on part of the imagery of the Ripley Scroll is very interesting and demonstrates the importance of the academic study of alchemical source material. On the previous e-mail discussion group earlier this year there was an animated discussion about the interpretation of the Ripley Scroll. Some contributors insisted on being free to look at the symbols on the scroll out of context and interpret the images in parallel with Tarot symbolism etc. The neo- Jungians wanted us to see alchemy as being merely a storehouse of unconscious archetypal imagery. Implicit behind this was the idea that the author of the Ripley Scroll projected his imagery from his unconscious and one contributor to the discussion even went so far as to suggest that he may not have understood the way in which he was working with this imagery or its meaning. But here surely we see a clear case of the author of the Ripley Scroll consciously drawing on an existent tradition, and working the imagery of the text of the 'Flos Florum' into the sequence of roundels in the flask. Alchemy is not a sea of unconscious imagery. Once we put works into some context we can often clearly see that texts lie in chain of tradition. A key aspect of alchemy is this chain of tradition. I know this is obvious to many scholars, but in needs restating every now and again. People often want the big picture, but the true insights are often found in such small details. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Parisino From: Jose Rodríguez Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 Dear Sophie: The French alchemist Christophe of Paris (15th century) was called "Il Parisino" or "Cristoforo Parisino" in various Italian and Spanish manuscripts. For example: - Florence. Biblioteca Nazionale MS. Palat. 755. 16th century. [Christophorus Parisiensis. Incominico l'Apertorio Alfabetale dell' Ecc. Cristoforo Parisino...] - Rovigo, Biblioteca Comunale MS. Concordiano 402. 15th Century. f145-150: [Copia delo Lucidario delo excellentissimo dottor maistro Cristoforo parisino philosopho dignissimo...] The alchemy works by Christophe of Paris, like Ramon Llull or Arnau de Vilanova, were popular in Italy in the16th century. José Rodríguez Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Massimo Marra Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 Dear Adam, I think that your intented survey of all the XXth century alchemy scholars is very difficult to carry out. Several contributions are dispersed in various magazines and books and the inclusion criteria are rather vague. A single contribution to alchemical studies by an author that wrote about alchemy only once could be very important. On the other hand, a lot of works written by an author whose production is entirely focused on alchemy could be useless. I have listed only some of the authors not included in your posting. Please, where should we draw the line? If (for example) hermeticism is included in your survey, we have forgotten some authors as Festugiére and Scott. Now, some elucidations about the authors that I have mentioned: About Andrea Aromatico, I have the same notices posted by Jean Debord. Stefano Andreani was, for many years, director of the collection 'Biblioteca Ermetica' by the Italian publisher Edizioni Mediterranee. Besides the title you mentioned, Andreani is the editor of other alchemical treatises published by Mediterranee (for example, Vigenere's Trattato del fuoco e del sale ). Andreani has also written a book about Alchemy: Alchimia: appunti per una semiologia del sacro 1976 ERI Chiara Crisciani: Chiara Crisciani has edited various books about the History of Medicine, and various works about Alchemy. She is the editor of the Italian manuscript of the 'Pretiosa margarita Novella' by Pietro Bono da Ferrara (Firenze, La nuova Italia 1976). Another book is : C. Crisciani, M. Pereira L'Arte del Sole e della Luna: alchimia e filosofia nel medioevo. 1996 Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo - Spoleto Among Crisciani's articles about Alchemy, I can quote: - 'The conception of alchemy as expressed in the 'Pretiosa Margarita Novella' by Petrus Bonus of Ferrara', in Ambix 20 1973 pp. 165-181 - 'Experientia' e linguaggio nella tradizione alchemica in 'Atti XXIV congresso Nazionale Filosofia' Società filosofica italiana Roma pp. 357-364 1974 - La 'questio de alchimia' fra duecento e Trecento in 'Medioevo' 2, pp. 119-168 1976 - I Domenicani e la tradizione alchemica in 'S. Tommaso nella storia e nel pensiero' Edizioni Domenicane Italiane pp. 35-42 1976 - Note sull'alchimia Francescana nel sec. XIII in 'Atti XXV Congr.. Naz Filosofia' Società Filosofica Italiana Roma pp. 214-220 1980 - Labirinti dell'oro. Specificità e mimesi nell'alchimia latina. In 'Aut Aut' 184-185 pp. 127-151 1981 - Il corpo nella tradizione alchemica: teorie, similitudini, immagini. In 'Micrologus. Rivista internazionale per lo studio del medioevo latino' 1 1993 Aspetti della trasmissione del sapere nell'alchimia latina: un'immagine di formazione, uno stile di commento. In 'Micrologus Rivista internazionale per lo studio del medioevo latino' 1995 Chiara Crisciani's historical papers focus exclusively on a scholarly and academic perspective . Antonio Clericuzio is a scholar in History of Sciences Besides the work you quoted, he wrote another paper about alchemy: "Agricola e Paracelso : mineralogia e iatrochimica nel Rinascimento" in 'La nuova civiltà delle macchine' 2-3 1994 By the way, a recent Clericuzio's paper focuses about the English alchemy: 'Alchemia vetus et vera: les theories sur l'origine de l'alchimie en Angleterre au XVII siecle' in AA.VV. Alchimie Art, Histoire et Mythes (Milan-Paris 1995 pgg. 737-749 By the way, about the Italian production in History of Sciences, you can find bibliographical information about the most recent production (1982-1996) at the site: http://torricelli.imsss.fi.it/easyweb/biss/ricerche.html with a search engine. Paolo Lucarelli: Paolo Lucarelli was, for many years, an Italian pupil of Eugéne Canseliet. He is the Italian translator of Canseliet's books and he edited an Italian translation of the Turba: "Arisleo: La Turba dei Filosofi seguita dal discorso di un anonimo sulla Turba. Introduzione traduzione e commento di Paolo Lucarelli". Roma 1997 ed. Mediterranee. He also edited "Le dodici chiavi" by Basilio Valentino (ed. Mediterranee) You can found some Lucarelli's articles about the history of Alchemy in 'Abstracta', a very interesting Italian magazine issued from 1986 to 1990 (You can find Lucarelli's articles in the issues 10, 15,19,38,41,43,45,50,54 of that magazine) You can find also the introductory study of the book I quoted, together with other recent Lucarelli's works, at the site: http://www.zen-it.com/Lindice.htm A recent Lucarelli book is : "Lettere musulmane: Riflessioni sull'Alchimia." 1998 Promolibri Magnanelli I think that he's preparing an Italian translation of De Lubicz's "Le temple de l'Homme" . Manuel Insolera: In fact, besides the title you quoted, he wrote only another book about alchemy, even if there are some works announced in French. I have included him in my list because of a recent book : "Manuel Insolera - La trasfigurazione dell'uomo in Cristo nella Mistica nella Cabala e nell'Alchimia." 1997 ed. Arkeios, with an introduction by Mino Gabriele. That book is very important for those interested in inner alchemy. It explores the imaginative techniques in the Mystical, Cabalistic and Alchemical paths, and, with a solid inquiry about the traditional texts, it shows analogies and differences. It's a very interesting comparative study, and, on this subject, a key work. Alfredo Perifano is a member ( together with Silvain Matton and Didier Kahn) of the 'Societé d'Etude de l'Histoire de l'Alchimie.' (Chrysopoeia). Alfredo Perifano's book: "L'alchimie a la cour de Come Ier de Medicis: savoirs, culture et politique" 1997 ed. Champio Honore Some articles: "Benedetto Varchi et l'alchimie. Une analyse de la 'Questione sull'alchimia' ". In Chrysopoeia tome I 1987 ed. Arché "Frére Elie de Cortone: deux sonnets alchimiques". In Chrysopoeia tome 2 fasc.4 Another text by Gino Testi: "Storia della Chimica". Roma 1940 ed. Mediterranee Best wishes Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: 5 Sep 1999 Dear Massimo, Thank you for spending the time to answer my questions so fully. Unfortunately, Italian scholarship in the realm of alchemy has not always been recognised, so I am often ignorant of the contributions made by such people. Perhaps we can pull this information together and put in into the Italian section on the web site. You say >I think that your intented survey of all the XXth century alchemy >scholars is very difficult to carry out. ... the inclusion >criteria are rather vague. I am not really trying to create an exhaustive survey, more just to draw up a list of the major contributors. People browsing the web site often ask me questions like "are there any scholars of alchemy", or "who are the major scholars of alchemy in this century". I could just have made a list up out of my own memory, but by putting this question to the academic group I have been able to fill in some gaps, and happily have found some scholars whom I was not aware of before You ask: >Please, where should we draw the line? I think the sharp focus on alchemy is necessary. Once we move into hermeticism and the religious dimension there are just so many scholars working. Few of these have had much to say about alchemy itself. No the focus so far has been just right. I will collate all the information posted so far and put a list up on the web site. We can then add further names as we realise that I have excluded, forgotten, or just did not know of the body of work of a writer. Thanks to all who helped contribute to this list. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Dusan Djordjevic Mileusnic Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 Here are few names I think important for 20 Century scholars on alchemy list J.-C. Margolin Bruce Moran H. M. E. de Jong Dorothea Singer Waley Gerschom Scholem Richard Reitzenstein A. J. Hopkins U. Szulakowska Barbara Obrist Best wishes to all Dusan Djordjevic Mileusnic Subject: ACADEMY : Christina's alchemical manuscripts Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman Adam Mclean wrote: >I wonder if I might ask you a separate question regarding >Christina's personal library, in particular the manuscripts >she collected on alchemy. As we know it is found now >mainly in two libraries - The University of Leiden and the >Vatican. A list of these manuscripts can be found on Adam's site in the file on manuscript libraries, those of Leiden (Codices Vossiani Chymici or Voss. Chym.) and the Vatican (Reginenis Latini or Reg. Lat. for short). Take a look! >Can you give us some information particularly on the >alchemical manuscripts? Is there any clear picture of >which works found their way to Leiden and which to the >Vatican? Did this repesent a point of choice made by Queen >Christina? Did she choose only to take certain works >to Rome? Or was this division entirely made by Vossius? All of the above questions are very relevant for a future study. The problem is that there is little information over the procedure left in our archives. The Manuscripts at Leiden were given as payment to Isaak Vossius who as a Greek scholar of renown had worked to set up an academy in Stockholm to investigate the Oriental background to the Bible. Money ran short and the Prague collection was given as payment for his work in Christina's court. In 1654 Christina had shipped them together with other collections on the ship Fortuna to Antwerp, where they were set up on the gallery of the stock-market pending her further plans. Vossius made his selection from there. The manuscripts had been taken by the Swedes at Prague in 1648 when Swedish troops invaded the Hradchin palace and looted books, manuscripts and artworks (such as Arcimboldi's "vegetable" portrait of Rudolph). Most of the material in the collection were written during the time of Rudolph II. A particular item that interests me is the Latin index to Aegidius Gutman's late 15th-century work, often thought to be lost: "Offenbarung göttlicher Majestät". It is referred to by Julius Sperber in his "Echo" (1615) to the Rosicrucians as a work he had seen seventeen years before and in the same genre as the Rosicrucian writings. The collection contains many German and Czech items, as well as Latin ones. They are not lavish presentation copies but rather are plain copies of such works. Christina's Manuscripts in the Vatican may have been acquired later (as with Palombara's "La Bugia") when her interest and time for laboratory work increased. Thus she may not have been an active alchemical collector until her Roman period starting in 1656. The most curious item in her collection may have been brought from Stockholm: John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica (1564) written in German with illustrations. It is bound in red moroccan leather with her family (Wasa) coat-of-arms imprinted on it gold. In the same volume there is a letter of Fredrik V in 1618 announcing that he is "crossing the Rubicon" to enter Prague to be elected King of Bohemia, an important event starting the Thirty years war. What did Vossius expect of his collection? One may note that Spinoza in 1667 writes to Vossius to hear of his opinion on Dr. Helvetius announcement of a perfected processing of the Stone in the Netherlands in the same year. Vossius answers that the case is not believable. It is difficult to judge whether this shows Vossius' expertise or disinterest in the matter. In the literature it is said that Vossius wanted to trade his alchemical books for more interesting Greek manuscripts. But the collection remains intact to this day at Leiden University library. Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : Correction - Gutman Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman In my recent Christina-letter I inadvertently wrote that the index to Aegidius Gutman's "Offenbarung" in the Leiden collection is a 15th cent work. I of course meant that it is from ca. 1575 or as it is listed at No. 644 Voss.Chym. F.37: "Manifestatio divinae majestatis descripta capite I Geneseos". For easy reference the web-adresses to Leiden and the Vatican listings are respectively: www.levity.com/alchemy/almss30.html www.levity.com/alchemy/vatican.html with Reg.Lat items (Christina's) at the end of the list. Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : New French Journal on alchemy Adam McLean Date: 7 Sep 1999 Today I received notice of a new French journal on alchemy. Though of a general nature it may contain some worthwhile scholarly material. I will definitely risk a subscription. Adam McLean --------------------------------------------------- Une revue spécialisée sur l'Alchimie Cette revue trimestrielle de format A4 avec au moins 64 pages, rédigée en langage simple et clair, convient à l'amateur comme au spécialiste. Elle comporte dans chaque numéro: une rubrique consacrée à l'histoire de l'alchimie un dossier sur un alchimiste ou un interview des articles de spécialistes sur l'alchimie pratique, philosophique, symbolique, etc. un forum d'échange, d'information et de recherches des recettes pratiques d'opérations alchimiques ou spagyriques des travaux de chercheurs peu connus présentés les dernières nouveautés publiées, les activités des termes définis sous forme de glossaire ou dictionnaire et de plus, en exclusivité, une vingtaine de page de textes rares, inconnus voir inédits provenant de manuscrits ou d'imprimés des siècles derniers... Abonnez-vous dès à présent pour 1 an soit 4 numéros. Dans le premier numéro vous trouverez les thèmes suivant abordés histoire de l'alchimie: étymologie de l'alchimie l'interview exclusive d'un alchimiste: Jean D'Ambre un alchimiste au XXème Siècle: T. H Moray alchimie pratique: le sel des cendres spagyrie pratique : la teinture du millepertuis le mercure rouge les voies alchimiques, etc. sans compter nos textes rares et inédits dont pour la première fois les écrits de Garschaole Lenselt : les apparences de vérité vraye, autres instructions pour faire la pierre philosophale, etc.. Mais aussi la première partie de la suite au traité du sel de Le Crom avec la véritable préparation du sel des philosophes, ainsi que le traité de Jacob Tollius (Jacques Toll) sur Le ciel des philosophes. Je m'abonne pour 4 numéros au prix de 380 Fr (France) 400 Fr (outside France) Mme NICOLAS ALCALAY 11, route du cou Gaulois 80290 DIGEON FRANCE Subject: ACADEMY : New Book on spanish alchemy From: Jose Rodríguez Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 Here I send a notice about a very interesting book on Spanish alchemy that I have read recently. AUTHOR: Mar Rey Bueno. TITLE: El Hechizado. Medicina, alquimia y superstición en la corte de Carlos II (1665-1700) PAGES: 158 EDITORIAL: Ediciones Corona Borealis. C/ Julián Hernández, 9 28043 Madrid (Spain) ISBN: 84-930329-0-5 COMMENTARY: Mar Rey Bueno (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is a scholar of Spanish alchemy. She has published various historical articles on alchemy and ancient pharmacy in Spanish scientific journals. This book is one of the better works on Spanish alchemy that I have read in the last years. She explains about the relationships of the Spanish kings Felipe II and Carlos II with alchemy and the alchemists. There are many details on alchemists, spagyrists or pharmacists using spagyrical operations in Spain during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. It is really a great historical book! José Rodríguez Subject: ACADEMY : New Book on spanish alchemy Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson Greetings Jose, Do you know of a web address for Ediciones Corona Borealis? I did an advanced search on five search engines, no luck. This sounds interesting. How would you summarize the author's perspective toward alchemy (as charlatanism, authentic, strictly academic, mystical analysis, etc.)? Muchas gracias Catherine Fox-Anderson Subject: ACADEMY : a) Rozemberg b) Rosencrantz Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman In reading Otto Walde's "Storhetstidens litterära krigsbyten" (Stockholm, 1916-20) yesterday I was made aware that the major part of the library (30 chests) taken at Prague in 1648 by the Swedes was made up of the library belonging to Peter and Wilhelm Ursini Wok a Rosis (Rozemberg). It had been transferred to the Hradchin palace and were as I can understand incorporated in Rudolph's collections. (Or were they placed separately at the Wittingau palace nearby?) Vossius' collection at Leiden may thus in fact be from Rozemberg's library. Peter Rozemberg is well known for receiving Dee and Kelley at Trebona when they fled Prague in the 1590's. He was an avid book collector and alchemical patron. In researching the Prague looting (in Walde) I found that the collector of Rosicrucian tracts at Lübeck, Joachim Morsius, writes to Holger Rosencrantz in March 1626 to sell him a collection of "an old man in a Catholic town that feared to be looted by invading troops". We discussed Rosencrantz earlier this summer and found him to be an alchemist, book collector, patron of research, friend of Tycho Brahe and a dedicatee of J. V. Andreae's "Dextera porrecta amoris". For our Danish readership: Did Rosencrantz correspond any further with Morsius? Did Rosencrantz support Morsius´ attempt in 1624 under the pseudonym Anastasius Philareta Cosmopolita to spread versions of Parcelsus' Lion prophecy in Denmark - to cull Christian IV to join in the war in Germany? The Lion propehcy is alluded to in the Rosicrucian Confessio in 1615 and Yates' conjectures that Fredrik of Würtemberg was the object of prophecy. Joachim Morsius went to Stockholm in 1622 to meet the Royal antiquarian Johannes Bureus to discuss the seven sections in Bureus´ reply to the Rosicrucians, his "Fama e Scanzia Redux" (1616). In the next year August of Anhalt sent two texts on "der Löwe aus der Mitternacht" to Bureus who was to launch the idea of the Lion of the North in Sweden when Christian turned out to be defeated in Germany in 1625. (PS. Anton Hoberweschel von Hobernfeldt in Holland knew of Morsius´ Lion-text) Perhaps answers can be found in "the Black Diamond" - the new annex to the Royal library in Copenhagen! Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : Ceres Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson I recall seeing mention of Ceres in a few alchemical texts- her image or name. Can anyone help? Are there any texts on the alchemy web site that mention her? Or images posted? Many thanks in advance, Catherine Fox-Anderson Subject: ACADEMY : Mercurius and dualities Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson Could anyone recommend a text that focuses on Mercurius- in particular its dualities? Anything in Spanish would be ideal, but English is fine, too. Many thanks in advance, Catherine Fox-Anderson Subject: ACADEMY : Ceres Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 From: Adam McLean >I recall seeing mention of Ceres in a few alchemical texts- her >image or name. Can anyone help? Are there any texts on the >alchemy web site that mention her? Or images posted? Search of alchemy web site Word count: ceres: 5 Documents 1 - 5 of about 5 matches, best matches first. Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ... , fleetly To adorn a fair head meetly. A Wreath of Golden Ears. To bedeck you, gifts of Ceres Will be lovely, sweet, and rare; What for us most wished and dear is Be for your adornment ... http://www.levity.com/alchemy/faust23.html - 40k - 1999-08-08 Atalanta fugiens emblems 26 - 30 ... to the utmost coasts of India, where are seated the Columns of Dionysus. Emblem XXXV. As Ceres accustomed Triptolemus and Thetis accustomed Achilles to abide Fire, so also doth the ... http://www.levity.com/alchemy/atl31-4.html - 28k - 1999-08-08 EL PEZ FILOSÓFICO ... é (3)". El pez hermético es, además, Maya preñada de Mercurio, Juno preñada de Hebe, Ceres de Hécate; son Marte y Venus atrapados en la red trenzada por Vulcano, Horus antes de ... http://www.levity.com/alchemy/el_pez.html - 37k - 1999-08-08 Rosicrucian Thoughts on the Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients. ... . Chre.=[Hebrew: ChRH]=sun=he burned. Krs.=[Hebrew: KRSh]=sun=(Greek?-EO)Kupios= Cyrus. Ceres=was called Taedifera=torch bearing. Chrs., from this also comes Eros in Greek, material ... http://www.levity.com/alchemy/westcott.html - 28k - 1999-08-08 Gender in Alchemy ... -- and is connected in the accompanying lable to related goddesses including Venus, Juno, Ceres and Diana, absorbing yet another millennia of philosophical and visual history, in an ... http://www.levity.com/alchemy/gender.html - 22k - 1999-08-08 Subject: ACADEMY : New Book on spanish alchemy From: Jose Rodríguez Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 >Do you know of a web address for Ediciones Corona Borealis? >I did an advanced search on five search engines, no luck. >This sounds interesting. How would you summarize the author's >perspective toward alchemy (as charlatanism, authentic, strictly >academic, mystical analysis, etc.)? Ediciones Corona Borealis has not got a web address because it is a small publisher. Corona Borealis publish special texts printing few copies. I bought this work in a bookshop in Madrid, but they haven't got web address too!! You can try in 'Librería 2 de Enero'. If you don´t find the book write me to my e-mail address because I can talk with Mar Rey about how to localize her book out of Spain. I comment that her perspective toward alchemy is 'strictly academic', not a mystical or symbolical analysis. She does not say that alchemy is a charlatanism or a real science, she is 'fair' and she only gives a lot of historical resources on Spanish alchemy in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Good look Catherine, José Rodríguez Subject: ACADEMY : Spanish books - a relatively new and free research tool From: Hans H. Hammerschlag Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 Dear Friends : While researching some bibliographical references this weekend, I came accross a website, that offers an excellent and free service to search for current spanish publications on a variety of subjects. In order to acces this information you have to fill out and online registration form, and from then on you can access their data base with a password. Most interesting of all, is that besides the respective bibliographical data, it provides the approximate selling prices of each book, and the names and contact addresses (including in most cases emails and webpages) of the companies through which such books may be obtained. Many of the companies referenced, ship worlwide, such as PUVILL, IBERBOOK, LIBRERO SA, etc. I reviewed carefully their listings on Alchemy, and I feel that some of you that study the field of Alchemy in Spain, may find some useful references. The address as follows : http://www.leer.nisc.com Best Regards, Hans Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Hans H. Hammerschlag Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 Regarding 20th century scholars of alchemy, I wonder if either of you are aware of the existence of any latin-american scholars or well known authors on the subject of alchemy, and if so, who are they ??? Best regards, Hans Subject: ACADEMY : Spanish books - a relatively new and free research tool Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson Dear Hans, I want to thank you very much for this reference- I was able to locate a book I've been searching for assiduously for three years now. Octavio Paz, the recently deceased Mexican essayist, frequently raised the question of the hermetic influence in the Americas. As I continue work on my thesis, if names come up, I will send them on to the forum. Best wishes, Catherine Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: 19 Sep 1999 Hans wrote, >Regarding 20th century scholars of alchemy, I wonder >if either of you are aware of the existence of any >latin-american scholars or well known authors on the >subject of alchemy, and if so, who are they ??? Regrettably I cannot think of any major Latin-american scholar of alchemy, though a few notable books have emerged from South America. Think of Jose Jorge de Carvalho. Mutus Liber. O livro mudo da alquimia. Sao Paulo, 1995. Thanks so much for the information on the Spanish books search engine. I have used this to order a few books. I had not realised there was so much recently published in Spanish, outside the amazing publishing activities of Santiago Jubany. Adam McLean Hans Subject: ACADEMY : Labiche, Theatre alchemie? Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 From: Diane Hirst Dear Discussion Group, I am an art historian, publishing my work under Diane Zervas, and I would like some help from the group on a specific question. Has anyone heard of an alchemical text, possibly writen or edited by Labiche (first name unknown), called Theatre (alchemie?), of which five volumes were in the possession of the symbolist artist Gustave Moreau. There is no entry for Labiche in the British Library, and I've been unsuccessful in finding a reference elsewhere. I'd be grateful for any help you could provide. Does anyone know if one can search the Bibliotheque Nationale on-line? Thank you for any help or information. Diane Zervas Hirst Subject: ACADEMY : List of 20th century scholars of alchemy From: Robert Vanloo Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 Concerning alchemy in this century, it is interesting to know that the following book has been published in France recently: "Ces hommes qui ont fait l'alchimie du XXe siècle : "Louis Cattiaux "Emmanuel d'Hoogvorst "Jose Gifreda "Henri Cotton Alvart "Henri La Croix-Haute "Roger Caro "Alphonse Jobert "Pierre Dujols de Valois "Fulcanelli et Eugène Canseliet Suivi de Philalèthe "Source de la Philosophique chimique", traduction Henri Cotton-Alvart. Chez Geneviève Dubois éditions, 1999 8, rue d'Alsace 38000 Grenoble Tél/fax : Concerning the study of alchemy in Spain, it is worth mentionning the following website of the review "La Puerta" : http://www.ttecla.es/la puerta/ Robert Vanloo Subject: ACADEMY : Alchemic Workshop in Lvov From: Bartosz Protas Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 I would like to contribute some information concerning alchemic workshops in Europe. This thread was active a few months ago. There is an alchemic workshop in the city of Lvov (Western Ukraine). It is located in the cellar of a drugstore museum in the Old Market Square. Allegedly (according to the guide), both the drugstore and the workshop were established by Michael Terlecki around the year 1735. The house itself stems from the 16th century. Best of Wishes, Bartek Protas Subject: ACADEMY : Labiche, Theatre alchemie? From: Stanislas Klossowski de Rola Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 Eugene Labiche was a prolific nineteenth century master of the theatrical genre known as farce. Calmann-Levy published a 10 vol. edition of his complete theatrical works in 1888. He was also an academician. I am quite unaware of any play with a reference to alchemy and I suspect that if there is one its theme is probably humorous. Being a household name in France (on par with Shaw is in England) there are indeed a great of editions of his work that are available as well as works in English comparing him to Feydeau (FOR INSTANCE PRONKO LEONARD C. LABICHE AND GEORGES FEYDEAU.) I am truly surprised that you could not find anytthing at the British Library, i worked there for many years and rarely failed to find anything. Good luck. Stanislas Klossowski de Rola Subject: ACADEMY : Bibliotheque Nationale on-line Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman Diane Zervas Hirst asked: >Does anyone know if one can search the Bibliotheque Nationale on-line? You may enter www.bnf.fr and choose "BN-opal-plus" in the top corner which is the on-line catalogue. Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : Esoteric Reprints booksellers Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 From: Studio de Nicolellis I've just received from Kessinger Publishing, MT U.S.A. (http://www.kessinger-publishing.com) some quite good and really inexpensive reprints of alchemy books (Ashmole, Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum and the very interesting Glaser, The Complete Chemist -1677) . I ordered those books on Sunday, and received them in Italy on Tuesday: I was astonished. Alas, Kessinger Publishing has only English books; I'm searching also for French books (for example, the Cours de chimie by Nicolas Lemery, and the books by Dujols, etc.) I would appreciate very much to know of any other reprint booksellers, best if available on Internet... Could anyone help me? Giuseppe de Nicolellis Subject: ACADEMY : Esoteric Reprints booksellers From: Massimo Marra Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 Dear Giuseppe, in your recent posting you wrote: >Alas, Kessinger Publishing has only English books; I'm >searching also for French books (for example, the Cours >de chimie by Nicolas Lemery, and the books by Dujols, etc.) You can found a lot of french books on alchemy by searching in Alapage http://www.alapage.com/ You can found some catalogues of French publishers (Arché, Dervy, La table D'Emeraude etc.) at: >I would appreciate very much to know of any other reprint >booksellers, best if available on Internet... You can find some very interesting publishers on the alchemy web site, at: http://www.levity.com/alchemy/publishr.html Cordiali saluti. Massimo Marra Subject: ACADEMY : Esoteric Reprints booksellers From: Robert Vanloo Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 Concerning books on alchemy in French, etc. please go the web site of the LIBRAIRIE LA TABLE d'EMERAUDE à Paris and consult the on-line catalogues : http://www.contrepoints.com/table-emeraude/accueil.html Robert Vanloo Subject: ACADEMY : Esoteric Reprints booksellers Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 From: Christopher Warnock While some booksellers, Todd Pratum, for example, denounce Kessinger, primarily for promiscuously printing anything even remotely related to the occult and producing poor quality books, I have found them useful. After all they're keeping books in print. Some discrimination is necessary with Kessinger, however. Another useful reprint publisher is John Ballantrae, http://www.globalserve.net/~ballantrae/. Chris Warnock Subject: ACADEMY : Esoteric Reprints booksellers Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 From: Mike Dickman You might also want to WRITE to J-C Bailly Editeur, Gutenberg Reprints, 4 rue Savoie, Paris 75006... Bailly's facsimile reprints are expensive, but of a very high quality indeed, and contain some extraordinary titles of alchemy both speculative and operative, as well as other related subjects. m Subject: ACADEMY : Colloquium on Eugène Canseliet Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 From: Mike Dickman There is a colloquium coming up at the Sorbonne (December 4th. and 5th.) on Eugène Canseliet. Interested parties should send a cheque for FF280 to Archimed Diffusion SARL, BP7, 95620 PARMAIN before October 30th. to book. Archimed Diffusion are also offering a CD ROM, "Chronique d'une enigme annoncee" on the Canseliet-Fulcanelli mystery (FF250) (state whether Mac or PC), a dossier "Ces hommes qui ont fait l'Alchimie du XXe siecle" (FF119), and a special edition of the revue 'Atlantis', "Hommage a Canseliet" (FF75)... m Subject: ACADEMY : Modern books in French on alchemy From: Adam McLean Date: 27th September 1999 A few days ago I managed to obtain a copy of the compendium of articles on alchemy edited by Antoine Faivre Alchemie. Cahiers de l'Hermetisme, Editiones Dervy, Paris , 1996. For those who are unaware of this book it has a truly comprehensive list of modern (i.e. 20th century) books in French on the subject of alchemy Subject: ACADEMY : The alchemical library of Rudolph II From: Adam McLean Date: 27th September 1999 Susanna Akerman in her book 'Queen Christina of Sweden and her Circle', and in a recent posting to this group, has shown that Queen Christina acquired much of Rudolph's alchemical manuscripts during the Swedish occupation of Prague. These manuscripts were later divided into two main tranches, one of which is now in Leiden and the other in the Vatican. Please excuse my ignorance, but has any scholar, on the basis of such information, attempted to reconstuct Rudolph II library, expecially the alchemical material? I feel sure someone must have attempted this over the years, but such a publication has not come to my attention. It would be interesting to see just what alchemical material Rudolph had in his library. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Some small queries (1) From: Eve Sinaiko Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 I am new to this list. I am editing a small, popular book on alchemy, and though it is aimed very much at the general reader, I would like it to be accurate. I wonder if any of the following small puzzles might be amenable to simple answers. Many thanks and apologies for taking your time and bandwidth. If appropriate, I can be reached offlist at evesinaiko@aol.com Eve Sinaiko Queries: 1. Who was the Arab alchemist Hali? Is this just another name for King Khalid (Calid)? Are either of them historical figures, and if so, from what century? Are there actual texts by them extant, or are they merely present in other writers' dialogues? If there are text of their own, are any titles known? 2. Same questions for Morienus. Some sources place him in the 5th century, others in the 12th; still others suggest that he was a fictive figure. 3. Are there preferred spellings of the names Arnaldus de Villanova, Calid, Nicolas (Nicholas) Flamel? Once again, many thanks for any information you are able to provide. Subject: ACADEMY : Colloquium on Eugène Canseliet Date: 28 Sep 1999 From: Adam McLean Regarding the colloquium in Paris on Eugène Canseliet, I have now placed some details on the web site http://www.levity.com/alchemy/canseliet_colloquium.html Subject: ACADEMY : The alchemical library of Rudolph II Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 From: Susanna Åkerman Reading Petrus Cornelis Boeren's Codices Vossiani Chymici (Leiden 1975) is useful in terms of determining which of the Leiden manuscripts derives from Rudolph. (See the list at http://www.levity.com/alchemy/almss30.html ) Of the 100+ manuscripts only two have dedication-poems directed to Rudolph. These are Q11, which contains a number of manuscripts beginning with Correctio Fatuorum and Clangor Buccinae, and Q39, which contains texts on Merlin and some by George Ripley. Boeren mentions that, according to an old catalogue, item Q31B contains notes in Latin, Czech and German attributed to Rudolph. They are on texts by Petrus Lopicus Xinovius. But can we be certain of this attribution, Boeren asks? Thus some of the material in the Vossius' collection comes from Rudolph's personal library, but not all of them. Thirteen items have exlibrises by Petrus Wok Rozemberg and one by his brother Willhelm. Another item must have been looted by the Swedes at Augsburg (before the Prague coup in 1648) and this is the text Q56 in the hand of Karl Wideman, the collector of Rosicrucian tracts and correspondent with Moriz of Hesse. There are also some items that can be determined to have come from the loot of Olmouz (1642) and Nikolsburg (1645) and from Erfurt (1632). Without a clear dedication, exlibris or signature one thus cannot say which of the manuscripts derived from Rudolph's own library. Thus the two items Q11 and Q39 are the closest we can get to the Emperor. What Rudolph manuscripts remain today in Prague? Or elsewhere? Susanna Åkerman Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi From: Hans Hammerschlag Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 Dear members : I received today from a friend a curious reference to the following internet web page address, to which I want to call your attention : http://www.liber-mirabilis.nu/frlv0005.html As you may see if you visit that address, it is being announced the publication of the FINIS GLORIAE MUNDI. Is this a joke ?? Does anyone know anything about this ?? Who is Jacques d'ARES ?? Your comments and thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Best regards to all, Hans Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi From: Hans Hammerschlag Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 This is what I was talking about ... Hans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]() Finis Gloriae Mundi de Fulcanelli A l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de son disciple Eugène CANSELIET, l'Alchimiste FULCANELLI publie, grâce au précieux intermédiaire de Jacques d'ARES, la suite et fin de ses oeuvres majeures : LE MYSTERE DES CATHEDRALES et LES DEMEURES PHILOSOPHALES Pour la première fois dans l'Histoire, un Adepte livre les secrets de la voie brève et donne une lecture alchimique de l'avenir de l'humanité qui n'est en rien une prédiction apocalyptique de l'an 2000. UN AUTHENTIQUE EVENEMENT LE MONUMENT DE LA PHILOSOPHIE HERMETIQUE OCCIDENTALE POUR LE XXI° SIECLE ! FINIS GLORIAE MUNDI le célèbre tableau de Juan de Valdés Léal "Il n'est pas d'usage qu'un Adepte, après avoir traversé sa propre transmutation, reprenne la plume et seules des raisons impérieuses, mettant en jeu le destin de l'humanité entière, ont pu nous convaincre de transgresser cette règle d'ordinaire infrangible et de nous départir du manteau de silence dont s'enveloppe celui qui passe par le brasier du Phénix." Après une très longue période de silence, l'Adepte Fulcanelli reprend donc la plume et livre son ultime manuscrit : Finis Gloriae Mundi. Longtemps annoncé, retiré des mains d'Eugène Canseliet pour des raisons que Fulcanelli explique aujourd'hui, ce texte essentiel est porté à notre connaissance par l'intermédiaire de Jacques d'Arès à qui l'Adepte confie : "Ne vous interrogez pas trop sur les raisons qui motivèrent le choix unanime de votre personne pour recevoir ce dépôt, elles sont des plus simples : choisir l'un des héritiers dans l'art de notre fidèle Canseliet n'eût pas manqué d'attiser de fâcheuses envies, des rancoeurs et des doutes dommageables à leur labeur. Nous connaissons et honorons votre intégrité et voyons en vous l'héritier de Paul Le Cour et de Philéas Lebesgue qui surent accueillir et encourager notre propre élève lorsqu'il se retrouva seul en son laboratoire. Recevez donc en retour ce don de confiance dont nous avons la certitude que vous saurez faire bon usage." Le troisième et dernier volume de l'oeuvre de Fulcanelli livre le secret de la voie brève et c'est ce qui motiva essentiellement son occultation : "En effet, il nous parut alors que, si les signes étaient venus de rendre public le modus operandi de la voie sèche, les temps n'étaient, hélas ! pas encore mûrs pour dévoiler les arcanes de l'ars brevis . Notre prudence fut largement confirmée par la survenue et la croissance de cette plaie immonde que fut le nazisme." Et Fulcanelli précise : "Il est temps à la fois de dénoncer les oeuvres amers et de révéler les éléments de la voie brève. Les artistes, ceux qui ne se contentent pas de collectionner les ouvrages rares mais labourent véritablement au creuset, reconnaîtront que, par-delà les sévères mises en garde que nous sommes dans l'obligation de lancer, cet ouvrage fut écrit en langue des oiseaux et que le contenu en est entièrement philosophique. Ce ne sont pas les fils de science qui manquent en cette fin de siècle, encore que les plus vaillants ne soient pas ceux dont les commentaires traînent le plus dans les revues spécialisées." Outre l'aspect alchimique incontournable, Fulcanelli offre quelques prédictions, in fine, sur l'avenir de notre humanité. Pas de catastrophes ni de cataclysmes mais une lecture "philosophale" des évéments sous forme de testament car : "Nous voyons dans l'Histoire, des civilisations se perdre par dessèchement et manque d'Esprit." Fulcanelli l'affirme : "Ce livre écrit dans l'urgence sera le dernier que signera Fulcanelli. Puissions-nous après cela, ayant accompli le devoir qui nous incombe, rentrer dans le Silence de l'adeptat et n'oeuvrer que selon les voies que requiert cet état." - Details techniques et sommaire de l'edition, presentation de Jacques d'Ares : - Souscription pour ce livre version papier : La direction des collections des éditions LIBER MIRABILIS a été confiée à Jean-Marc SAVARY Président du CENTRE EUROPEEN DES MYTHES & LEGENDES Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi Adam McLean Date: 29th Sep 1999 This morning I received this message in English about the Finis Gloriae Mundi. --------------------------- "It is not customary for an Adept, after having voyaged through his own transmutation, to take up the pen once more; only urgent reasons, putting into play the destiny of all humanity, could convince us to transgress this ordinary infrangible rule and to throw off the mantle of silence which cloaks he who has passed through the coals of the Phoenix." After a long period of silence, the Adept Fulcanelli once more takes up his pen and delivers his ultimate manuscript: Finis Gloriæ Mundi. Long-rumoured to exist, and removed from the possession of Eugène Canseliet for reasons explained by Fulcanelli, this essential text was brought to our attention by Jacques d'Ares to whom the Adept confided: "Do not ask yourself what reasons lie behind the unanimous choice of your person to receive this trust, as they are the simplest of reasons. To choose one of the heirs to the art of our faithful Canseliet cannot avoid stirring up troublesome envy, rancour, and doubts injurious to their labours. We know and honour your integrity and see in you the true heir of Paul Le Cour and of Philéas Lebesgue, who know to welcome and encourage our own student as he finds himself alone in his laboratory. Thus receive in return this gift of confidence which we are certain you will make good use of". The third and last volume of the work of Fulcanelli explains the secret of the short way and it is this which essentially motivated his occultation: "In effect, it seems to us that, if the signs had come to publicise the modus operandi of the dry way, the times were not, alas, yet ripe to unveil the secrets of the ars brevis. Our prudence was strongly confirmed by the unexpected arrival and growth of the foul scourge of Nazism". And Fulcanelli specifies: "It is time now to denounce malevolent works and to reveal the elements of the short way. Those artists who are not content to simply collect rare tomes but labour diligently at their crucible will recognise that, beyond the severe warnings we must issue, this work was written in the language of the birds and its content is entirely philosophical. It is not only the sons of science who are lacking at this end of the century, no more than the most valiant are necessarily those who follow the commentaries in specialised journals". Beyond the unavoidable alchemical aspect, Fulcanelli offers several predictions, particularly on the future of our human society. Neither catastrophies nor cataclysms, but a "philosophical" reading of events in the form of a testament for: "We see in the history of civilisations that they lose themselves by dessication and a lack of Spirit". Fulcanelli affirms: "This book written in urgency will be the last signed Fulcanelli. Let us, after this, having accomplished the task which lies heavily upon us, return into the Silence of the Adeptat and only work according to the methods required by this state". Included in the book: PREFACE OF JACQUES D'ARES INTRODUCTION FINIS GLORIÆ MUNDI THE REVERSAL OF THE POLES THE ALCHEMICAL SECRET ERRANT WAYS CONCERNING THE SWETDES SAGES THE EMERALD TABLE THE RESISTANCES OF MATTER NI MAS NI MENOS MULTIPLICATION From Jacques d'Ares' Preface: An attentive reading of the manuscript Finis Gloriæ Mundi has convinced me that it is truly the adept Fulcanelli. First, we find in the text certain incontestable considerations on the evolution of our civilisations which amply justify the title of the work. Next, according to the method already used in previous works, valuable instruction as to the modus operandi are given, veiled by design as necessary, to "uncover the secrets of the ars brevis"-- something which has never been done--for those who attempt to approach the Adeptat. A thousand details, contained on almost every page, confirm the individuality of thought which is found throughout the three works of the Master. It so happened that Fulcanelli trusted his last work to me in the same year of the century in which his disciple Eugène Canseliet was born. This does not seem to me to have happened by chance. Thus it seems, certain persons taking pleasure in minimising, it is the least that we could say about the work of Canseliet... Taking into account the preceding, I was quickly convinced of the necessity to publish this third and final volet of the tryptich, convinced of its relevance. In addition, the trilogy forms a perfectly coherent whole and, according to Eugène Canseliet, "stands in the didactic work as the most extraordinary alchemical trilogy". Jacques d'ARES One Book... Two Editions! FRENCH EDITION under the direction of Jean-Marc Savary * Format in 4to * High quality white paper * Hand-sewn covers and archival glues which ensure durability * Meticulously printed and designed in the great tradition of books of alchemy Price: 250 FF FRENCH ART EDITION under the direction of Jean-Marc Savary * Printing limited to twelve numbered editions * Format in 4to * Deluxe paper * Bound by hand in pure distressed leather * Traditional hand-gilded pages in 22 carat gold * Leather headband * Bindings sewn by hand * Personally inscribed by Jacques d'Ares and Jean-Marc Savary Price: 4500 FF Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi Gillick Marcella Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 Dear Hans, Could you (or anybody) please tell me what exactly is contained in the balance, or any other explanations of the significance of this image - it is very fuzzy and unclear. Also the artist. This is very important to me. Very many thanks in advance, Marcella Subject: ACADEMY : Mappae clavicula From: Adam McLean Date: 29th Sep 1999 A few months ago we discussed the 'Mappae Clavicula' as one of the early texts relevant to European alchemy. Today I came across a little footnote in William Eamon's 'Science and the Secrets of Nature'. Here he points to a hypothesis of Anne Wilson that this was originally titled 'Baphae clavicula' but an early scribe misread the 'B' as an 'M'. 'Baphae clavicula' translates as "the key to tinting" which is entirely in line with the subject matter of the 'Mappae clavicula', that is dyeing, colouring, and tincting. Adam McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi From: Laly Warkentien Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 I thought some of us could use the direct address to the English version of the page in which details and introduction by Jacques d'Ares on the "Finis Gloriae Mundi", supposedly written by Fulcanelli, is found. I believe most of us who consider books by Fulcanelli to be treasures of knowledge, are skeptical as to the veracity of such a claim, but nevertheless, interested by the possibility. http://www.liber-mirabilis.nu/uklv0005.html Laly Warkentien Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi From: Hans Hammerschlag Date: 30th September 1999 Marcella : As always it is a great pleasure to hear from you. I have tried to see the picture more carefully through an image processing software but still quite fuzzy. Of course it is clearly seen on the left side the head of a goat and a lamb, as well as a heart. With the underwriting NIMAS. On the right side of the balance, a closed book, it seems a mortar, a sacred heart (Jesus), and underwriting NIMENOS. With regards to the expression NI MAS NI MENOS, which is also the name of one of the chapters of the announced book, it literally translates as NEITHER MORE NOR LESS. It is an idiomatic expression pointing to the concreteness of a fact. For example ... if you ask : "Is this truly Fulcanelli's book ?", and someone would reply (hopefully someone who would know), NI MAS NI MENOS, he would mean to say, IT IS PRECISELY THAT, NEITHER MORE NOR LESS. Subject: ACADEMY : Colloquium on Eugène Canseliet From: Hans Hammerschlag Date: 30th September 1999 With regards to the Congress on Canseliet to be held near Paris on December, among the participants are: Jacques d' Ares M. Severin Batfroi Michel Binda Henri Bodard Geneviève Dubois Robert Delvarre Richard Khaitzine Paolo Lucarelli François Trojani Johan Dreue PROGRAM Jacques d'Ares : «About Paul Le Cour and Philéas Lebesgue» Jacques d'Ares, previous President of the ATLANTIS association est un témoin privilégié qui nous fera part de quarante-neuf ans de souvenirs personnels et éditoriaux. M. Séverin Batfroi : «Aspects de l'oeuvre littéraire» : caractéristiques, originalité et évolution au fil du temps. Le tout pour parvenir à cette question : peut-on dans ce cas précis parler d'oeuvre littéraire à part entière ? essai de définition d'un parcours original au sein d'une oeuvre qui ne se construit que dans ses rapports avec d'autres textes dont elle est la marge ou le commentaire sans fin. Michel Binda : «NEMO ACCIPIT ... ou l'éthique alchimique après Canseliet» Considérant l'Alchimie comme un monde en formation et non l'image d'une Réalité pré- donnée, indépendante de ses interprètes, on s'interroge après la disparition de son prin cipal héraut sur l'attitude alchimique, sur le lien - de parole, de conscience et d'action qui peut exister entre ses dispositions et notre difficile quotidienneté. M. Henri Bodard : «Alchimiques définitions et cabale phonétique» : de la gaye Science ou du bon usage du calembour, une introduction à la langue des Oiseaux si bien défendue par E.Canseliet. Cabale phonétique - Principe - Remède - Réintégration - échanges fluidiques. Mme Geneviève Dubois :«E. Canseliet et le milieu alchimique du début du siècle en France» Une évocation d'autres adeptes ayant évolué de pair avec Eugène Canseliet : une intéressante confrontation sur une voie qui se décline aussi au pluriel. M. Robert Delvarre : «Réception d'une enseignement. Situation de l'alchimie au XXème siècle» Difficulté du témoignage : action et impact de l'oeuvre d' E.Canseliet. Présentation d'une partie du travail effectué en conséquence de l' enseignement reçu. Le conférencier a bénéficié de la proximité du Maitre de Savignies et témoignera de l'élaboration du Grand Oeuvre. M. Richard Khaitzine : «Ombres et lumières autour d'une intrigue littéraire» A propos de lacunes et d'un silence dérangeant : pourquoi E. Canseliet n' évoqua t'il pas la fondation du cabaret «le Chat Noir» évoqué pourtant par Fulcanelli ainsi que la présence surprenante de sa signature - l'yppocampe - au sein des toiles de Steinlein et de Toulouse Lautrec? Des questions auquel le conférencier tentera d'apporter de nouveaux éclaircissements. M. Paolo Lucarelli : «La genèse du Monde et le Grand Oeuvre» Toutes les traditions reconnaissent à la base de la Création un événement dramatique que nous pouvons appeler «erreur ontologique». Ce qui a causé que l'Univers entier est affecté par une «Maladie Universelle» dont l'Alchimie se propose la cure radicale par la «Médecine Universelle», but effectif du Grand Oeuvre. M. François Trojani : «Témoignages et propos sur des aspects inédits d' E.Canseliet» : évocation des contacts avec différents alchimistes : Bernard Husson et André Savoret. M. Johan Dreue : «de Canceliet à Cancelliari : sous le sceau du secret» L'histoire d'un songe qui fût déterminant dans la genèse de l'oeuvre d'E. Canseliet. L'énigme de Palombara et autres songes : quand le rêve devient réalité. Une confrontation avec d'autres rêveurs éveillés des plus surprenantes ! Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi From: Hans Hammerschlag Date: 30th September 1999 Dear Members of this Academic forum : First of all a clarification on my part is in order ... When I said : >Is this a joke ?? Does anyone know anything about this ?? >Who is Jacques d'ARES ?? I now feel that my inadaquate usage of the English language led me to express myself in a manner that may have seemed disrespectful with respect to the announcement that has been issued with regards to the publication of the FINIS GLORIAE MUNDI as supposedly authorized by Fulcanelli himself. This was not my intention, for which I apologize in advance if anyone took it in that sense. On the other hand, I agree with the comments made by Laly Warkentien when it was said : > I believe most of us who consider books by Fulcanelli to be > treasures of knowledge, are skeptical as to the veracity of such > a claim, but nevertheless, interested by the possibility. I feel that it is always healthy to be skeptical, without taking skepticism to the extreme that we are blinded from following the path towards the opening of new doors towards knowledge. Therefore, I am as well skeptical, while interested ... On the other hand I questioned who is Jacques d'Ares ? Well ... since I posted the question, I have been able to review some data with regards to the Congress on Canseliet to be held near Paris on December, where there will be participating : Jacques d' Ares M. Severin Batfroi Michel Binda Henri Bodard Geneviève Dubois Robert Delvarre Richard Khaitzine Paolo Lucarelli François Trojani Johan Dreue Some of them direct disciples of Canseliet, for which I take (assume) they are also in a manner backing up the publication, given the evident coincidence of the issuance of the publication at the time of the Congress. Besides that, some of them are also directly involved on the internet page CONTREPOINTS that deals with alchemy in a very serious manner, which gives a good feeling in that sense to the claim. On the other hand, being a simple man, as I am, it caughts my attention the fact of the great emphasis being made on the physical QUALITY of the publication ... which it seems to me, even though as attractive as it may be, is the least important concern, when it comes to a publication of this magnitude, if what it is announced with respect to its origin and content is true. If a revelation is received from an ADEPT, in my humble and ignorant opinion, the least of the concerns would be if it is handsewn, gold leafed, or whatever, but the message that it contains ... specially in the midst of a "crucial" moment in the history of humanity, as it is presented. Evidently, it would be interesting to read the book and if possible to be at the Congress ... but the net result of all this, and the resulting balance, is still yet to be seen. Hans -------------- Program of conference in separate e-mail - A McLean Subject: ACADEMY : Finis Gloriae Mundi Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 From: Catherine Fox-Anderson > With regards to the expression NI MAS NI MENOS, which > is also the name of one of the chapters of the > announced book, it literally translates as NEITHER MORE > NOR LESS. It is an idiomatic expression pointing to the > concreteness of a fact. Dear Hans This is a Spanish expression. Do you know how or who wrote it? I am largely unfamiliar with this work- I have but have spent minimal time with Fulcanelli, the Dwellings of the Philosophers. Curious. Thank you, Catherine Fox-Anderson |