Doctor Homodlus An abstract out of Doctor Homodlus, Of the Tincture of Gold. From:- Paracelsus [1493-1541]. Paracelsus Of The Chymical Transmutation, Genealogy and Generation of Metals & Minerals. Also, Of the Urim and Thummim of the Jews. With An Appendix, of the Vertues and Use of an excellent Water made by Dr. Trigge. The second Part of the Mumial Treatise. Whereunto is added, Philosophical and Chymical Experiments of that famous Philosopher Raymund Lully; Containing, The right and due Composition of both Elixirs. The admirable and perfect way of making the great Stone of the Philosophers, as it was truely taught in Paris, and sometimes practised in England, by the said Raymund Lully, in the time of King Edw. 3. Translated into English by R. Turner London, printed for Richard Moon at the seven Stars, and Hen: Fletcher at the three gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard. 1657. [Wing B3543.] |