Just received from SHAC:
I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Third SHAC Postgraduate Workshop on the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, to be held in Cambridge (UK) on Wednesday 26 September 2012. The theme of this year's event is 'Representing Alchemy and Chemistry'.
The Workshop is free but places are limited, hence priority will be given to postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers.
Please let me know soon if you would like to book a place, or if you have any queries. I would also appreciate it if you could forward this message to any postgraduate students and junior scholars who may be interested in attending.
Bursaries are available towards the cost of travel / accommodation.
I am attaching here the official Call for Registration, as well as the Workshop Programme.
All the best,
Jo Hedesan
SHAC Student Representative & Lead OrganiserAttachment: Programme SHAC Workshop 26 Sept 2012.pdf (Downloaded 1019 times) Last edited on Mon Sep 10th, 2012 07:52 pm by Paul Ferguson