A002. Frontispiece engraving from Johann Helfrich JÜNGKEN, Chymia experimentalis, Frankfurt, 1701. |

A011. Man at the centre of the fortress of health, protected by the angels. From Robert Fludd's Medicina catholica. |

A012. Seventh woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine's Azoth. |

A016. Large engraving of the polarities in the macrocosm and the microcosm, from J.D. Mylius Opus medico-chymicum. Landscape format |

A017. From Theophilus Schweighardt's 'Mirror of the Rosicrucian wisdom'. |

A039. Engraving from Thomas Vaughan Lumen de lumine, London, 1651. |

A042. Engraving of hermaphrodite from an 18th century version of the Rosarium philosophorum. |

A047. Frontispiece to Hermetis Trismegisti Erkäntnüss der natur, Hamburg, 1706. |

A051. Engraving from J.D. Mylius Philosophia reformata, Frankfurt, 1622. |

A057. Image of Phanes emerging from the world egg. Redrawn from a sculpured relief by Adam McLean. |

A059. Engraving from J. A. Siebmacher, Das güldene Vleiss, Nurnberg, 1737. |

A062. The Invisible college of the Rosicrucians, Theophilus Schweighardt Speculum sophicum rhodo-stauroticum, 1618. |

A078. Engraving from Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, Discours philosophique, 1781.

A096. Engraving six from Norton's 'Ordinall' in Ashmole, Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652. |

A109.Engraving from Malachias Geiger Microcosmus hypochondriacus, Munich, 1651. |

A124. Frontispiece from Jean Beguin, Tyrocinium chymicum, 1660 |

A125. Image from the Aurora consurgens. |

A144. Engraving four from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A145. Woodcut from Petrus Bonus, Pretiosa margarita novella, Venice, 1546, |

A154. Engraving from later edition of Flamel in Jean Maugin de Richenbourg, Bibliotheque des philosophes chimiques, Paris, 1741. |

A158. Woodcut from Ramon Lull, Liber de ascensu et descensu intellectus, Valencia, 1512. |

A160. Engraving from De Hooghe, Hieroglyphica oder Denkbilder der alten Völker, Amsterdam, 1744. |

A179. Frontispiece engraving from Karl von Eckhartshausen Aufschlüsse zur Magie, Munich, 1788. |

A214.Engraved title page from Libavius Syntagmatis selectorum... Frankfurt 1613 (reused from Alchymia... 1605.) |