A004. Engraving from Gottfried Moebius, Neu-Angezundt-Hell-brennendes Feuer, oder Mercurial-Liecht..., Augsburg, 1680. |

A007. Woodcut from Andreas Libavius Commentariorum alchymiae. |

A008. Frontispiece from Balduin's Aureum superius et inferius. |

A009. Redrawn from a manuscript in the Manly Palmer Hall collection. |

A010. Sixth woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine's Azoth. |

A015. Redrawn from a 14th century manuscript in Cracow of Al-Razi's 'Opera Medicinalia'. |

A018. Frontispiece from Beroalde de Verville's Le Voyage des princes fortunez. |

A019. Frontispiece from Beroalde de Verville's Le Tableau des riches inventions. |

A034. Frontispiece from Christopher Love Morley Collectanea chymica Leydensia, Leiden, 1693. |

A035. Frontispiece from Johann Daniel Mylius Philosophia reformata, Frankfurt, 1622. |

A039. Engraving from Thomas Vaughan Lumen de lumine, London, 1651. |

A058. Redrawn from the frontispiece engraving to Denis Zachaire Die Natürliche Philosophia, 1724. |

A068. Woodcut of triple-headed dragon from Giovanni Battista Nazari Il metamorfosi metallico, Brescia, 1564. |

A078. Engraving from Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, Discours philosophique, 1781.

A079. Engraving from Michael Maier, Tripus aureus, 1618.

A089. Engraving from Ashmole, Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652. |

A098. Engraving of Flamel's hieroglyphic figures from Des berühmten Philosophi Nicolai Flamelli Chymische Werke, 1751. |

A103. Woodcut from Libavius Commentariorum alchymiae, 1606. |

A109.Engraving from Malachias Geiger Microcosmus hypochondriacus, Munich, 1651. |

A142. Engraving two from Michelspacher Cabala: Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. |

A145. Woodcut from Petrus Bonus, Pretiosa margarita novella, Venice, 1546, |

A149. Engraving from Valentine's 'Twelve Keys' in the Musaeum hermeticum, Frankfurt 1678. |

A154. Engraving from later edition of Flamel in Jean Maugin de Richenbourg, Bibliotheque des philosophes chimiques, Paris, 1741. |

A161.Redrawn version of George Ripley's tomb. |

A167. Engraving from Hermogenes, Des aufrichtigen Hermogenes Apocalypsis, Leipzig, 1739. |

A195.Engraved title page from J.D. Mylius Opus Medico-chymicum, Frankfurt, 1618. |

A201.Engraving from C Gesner, The Practice of the New and Old Physicke, London, 1599. |

A216.Engraving from Franz Clinge Ein Richtiger-Wegweiser... Berlin, 1701. |

A218.Woodcut from Toeltius Coelum reseratum chymicum... Frankfurt, 1737. |