Alchemy Forum 0851-0900From January 25th 1996, the Alchemy forum was restructured and the messages were sequentially numbered. This is an unedited extract of messages 851-900.Go to next 50 messages . Back to forum archive. Fri May 10 18:56:24 1996 Subject: 0851 Plant Mutations From: al4302 Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 16:23:43 +0100 At 23:07 08/05/96 +0000, you wrote: >From: Clinton R. Armitage >Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 10:30:12 -0400 > >A present and probably ongoing interest which I have, has to do with >energies and how energies contribute to spontaneous transmutation (mutations >) in the plant kingdom as well as controlled Mental focusing of >energies in order to bring about predetermined mutations. >If anyone connected with the Forum has or is working in a similar manner >perhaps we could exchange thoughts. >It is necessary to add that I am neither scientist nor scholar so my >communications would be quite simple. >Interests in " The Secret Life of Plants " ( who's author recently left the >physical body ) and the Findhorn experiment in Scotland would probably be >compatible. >Kind regards, >Clinton Armitage You are on the right track, but look not to the plant but to the root this is where you will find our mercury. Fri May 10 18:56:34 1996 Subject: 0852 French-texts From: JoelTetard Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 17:43:06 +0000 Mikhail Malt wrote : In reply to your request I send a list of recent books and texts recently (i.e. since 1960) published in French and related to Alchemy. Some of them are excellent, others could be certainly avoided !!! Using "*" I tried to quote them according to my *own* interest (mainly targeted to the Dry Path of antimony). Due to the fact this list was established from my own bookshelves this is obviously a subjective point of view. ;-) Some of these books are certainly out of print now or could be difficult to order from your local dealer. In this case, you'd better to send a fax to one of the booksellers listed in my previous posting "Alchemy in France". In the future I'll try to scan some (short) Alchemy French texts and to post them to the Alchemy Forum. I'll be pleased to receive a similar list of English books :-) Regards Joel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGE, LEGE, RELEGE... 1. OVERVIEW ON ALCHEMY : BARDEAU (Fabrice) Les clefs secretes de la chimie des Anciens Robert Laffont, Paris, 1975 RIVIERE (Patrick) L'Alchimie, science et mystique. - Pour comprendre la doctrine la plus secrete... De Vecchi Poche, Milan, 1991 SADOUL Jacques Le Grand Art de l'Alchimie J'ai Lu, Paris, 1975 ** SADOUL Jacques Le tresor des alchimistes J'ai lu, Paris, 1976 *** -------------------------------------------------------------- STUDIES ON ALCHEMY AND ITS SYMBOLISM BEATRICE Guy, BATFROI Severin Terre du Dauphin et Grand Oeuvre Solaire Dervy Livres, Paris, 1976 CAMACHO Jorge, GRUGER Alain Heraldique Alchimique Nouvelle. Reflexions liminaires et epilogue d'E. Canseliet Le Soleil Noir, Paris, 1978 *** CANSELIET Eugene F.C.H. Deux logis alchimiques en marge de la Science et de l'Histoire Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Paris, 1979 **** CANSELIET Eugene F.C.H. Alchimie. Etudes diverses de Symbolisme hermetique Philosophale Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Paris, 1978 *** CANSELIET Eugene F.C.H. L'Alchimie et son Livre Muet. Reimpression integrale de l'edition orginale Suger, Paris, 1986 ***** CANSELIET Eugene F.C.H. Trois anciens traites d'alchimie. Calligraphie et prolegomenes d'E. Canseliet Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Paris, 1975 ** CANSELIET Eugene, CAMACHO Jorge L'Hermetisme dans la vie de Swift et dans ses voyages Fata Morgana, Montpellier, 1983 *** FULCANELLI Le Mystere des Cathedrales et l'interpretation esoterique des symboles hermetiques J-J Pauvert, Paris, 1964 **** FULCANELLI Les demeures philosophales et le symbolisme hermetique dans ses rapports avec l'Alchimie J-J Pauvert, Paris, 1977 ***** HILLEL-ERLANGER Irene Voyages en Kaleidoscope La Table d'Emeraude, Paris, 1984 (Reprint) --------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTS ON ALCHEMY AMADOU Robert Le Feu du Soleil. Entretien sur l'Alchimie avec E. Canseliet Pauvert, Paris, 1978 ** BARBAULT Armand L'or du millieme matin J=D5ai Lu, Paris, 1972 * DUBOIS Genevieve Fulcanelli devoile Dervy, Paris, 1992 ** ELIADE Mircea Le Mythe de l'Alchimie, suivi de L'Alchimie Asiatique Livre de Poche, Paris, 1992 ELIADE Mircea Forgerons et Alchimistes Flammarion, Paris, 1977 ELIADE Mircea Alchimie Asiatique L'Herne, Paris, 1990 GAGNON Claude Description du Livre des Figures Hieroglyphiques attribue a Nicolas Flamel ... Ed. de l'Aurore, Montreal, 1977 * GARCIA FONT Juan Histoire de l'Alchimie en Espagne Dervy-Livres, Paris, 1980 HOLMYARD E.J. L'Alchimie Arthaud, Paris, 1979 HUSSON Bernard Transmutations alchimiques J'ai Lu, Paris, 1974 *** JOLLIVET CASTELOT Comment on devient alchimiste. Ed. Rosicruciennes, Villeneuve-St.-Georges, 1987 (Reprint) * KLOSSOWSKI DE ROLA Stanislas Florilege de l'Art secret d'Alchimie Seuil, Paris, 1974 **** RANQUE Georges La Pierre Philosophale Robert Lafond, Paris, 19772 *** ROUAZE Isabelle Un atelier de distillation du Moyen Age Ed. Comite Travaux Historiques Scientifiques, Paris, 1989 *** (some interesting technical drawings of vessels !!) :-) TEETER DOBBS Betty J. Les Fondements de l'Alchimie de Newton ou la chasse au lion vert. Guy Tredaniel, Paris, 1981 *** VON BERNUS Alexander Medecine et Alchimie Belfond, Paris, 1977 ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPRINTS Some of these ancients texts are difficult to understand even for a native French speaker!! Anonyme Revelation de la Parole Cachee par la Sagesse des Anciens ou Genealogie... Arma Artis, Neuilly/Seine, 1978 * AURACH Georges Le Jardin de Richesses. Texte calligraphie et preface par Bernard Biebel Arma Artis, Neuilly/Seine, 1978 ** BASILE VALENTIN (Frere) Les Douze Clefs de la Philosophie. Traduction, introduction, notes d'Eugene Canseliet Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1984 *** CYLIANI Hermes devoile, dedie a la posterite Editions Traditionnelles, Paris, 1975 ** ETTEILLA Les sept nuances de l'Oeuvre Philosophique-Hermetique Arma Artis, Paris, 1977 FLAMEL Nicolas Les Figures Hieroglyphiques, Le sommaire philosophique, Le livre des laveurs, Le Breviere Pierre Belfond, Paris, 1973 ** GLASER Christophle Traite de la chymie enseigne par une brieve et facile methode ... Gutemberg Reprint, Paris (?), 1980 ** GRIMALDY de Oeuvres Posthumes La Table d'Emeraude, Paris, 0 *** HUSSON Bernard Anthologie de l'Alchimie Editions Pierre Belfond, Paris, O (70') ***** :-) Out of print and very rare but try to find it !!! An excellent compilation of ancients texts published during golden-age of Alchemy in Europe. KERDANEK de Pornic Le livre des XXII feuillettes hermetiques. Par Kerdanek de Pornic, disciple de Dom Pernety Phoenix, Genes, 1981 *** LE TESSON Jacques L'Oeuvre du Lion Verd Librairie de Medicis, Paris, 1978 ** Limojon DE SAINT DIDIER Le Triomphe hermetique. Introduction et notes d'Eugene Canseliet, precedees du Mutus Liber Editions Retz, Paris, 1971 *** MOLINIER Chevalier (Denis) L'Alchimie de Flamel Editions d'Art Savary, Carcasonne, 1989 PHILALETHE Eyrenee L'Entree ouverte au palais ferme du Roi. Traductions, variantes et notes bibliographique Editions Retz, Paris, 1976 *** PONTANUS Jean Epitre du Feu Philosophique. Guy Tredaniel, Paris, 1981 ** SANCELRIEN TOURANGEAU (pseudo.) Clef du Grand OEuvre ou Lettres du Sancelrien Tourangeau Editions Jobert, Paris, 1977 ** VALENTIN BASILE Revelation des mysteres des teintures des sept metaux Omnium Litteraire, Paris, 1976 ** ------------------------------------------------------------ FIRST STEPS TOWARDS THE LABORATORY ATORENE Le laboratoire alchimique Guy Tredaniel, Paris, 1981 ****** :-) This book SHOULD BE translated !!! CAMACHO Jorge, ROGER Bernard, PARENT Mimi Le Hibou Philosophe A la Pierre d'Alun, Bruxelles, 1991 *** (Rare and beautifull book. Could be ordered from : La Pierre D'alun a.s.b.l., 81, rue de l'Hotel des Monnaies B-1060 Bruxelles Belgium) CANSELIET Eugene F.C.H. L'Alchimie expliquee sur ses textes classiques Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Paris, 1972 ***** MAVERIC Jean L'Art Metallique des Anciens, ou l'Or Artificiel PHOENIX, Genova (I), 1982 (Reprint) ** MAVERIC Jean La Medecine Hermetique des Plantes. L'extraction des quintessences par art spagyrique Belisane, Nice, 1980 (Reprint) ** PAGOT Jean Le Caractere Philosophique. Le Laboratoire. Auto-edited, Dampierre les Conflans, 1986 **** :-) (This excellent but not expensive handbook can be ordered from the author : Jean Pagot, F70800 Dampierre Les Conflans) PHANEG (G.) Cinquante Merveilleux Secrets d'Alchimie Biblio. Chacornac, Paris, 1912 ** SOLAZAREF L'Assation Philosophique en voie seche Aux Amoureux de Science, Riom, 1985 **** Could be very usefull for the first steps on the Dry Path... SOLAZAREF Introitus ad Philosophorum Lapidem Auteur, XX, 1984 *** SOLAZAREF De Natura Vegetalorum. Volume 1. "Petites operations vegetales" 1ere partie Editions Aux Amoureux de Sciences,Teilhede, 1992 * SOLAZAREF De Natura Vegetalorum. Volume 1."Petites operations vegetales" 2eme partie Editions Aux Amoureux de Sciences,Teilhede, 1992 * SOLAZAREF De Natura Metallorum. Volume 1 "Petites operations minerales..." 1ere partie Editions des Amoureux de Science,Teilhede, 1991 *** SOLAZAREF De Natura Metallorum. Volume 1. "Petites operations minerales...", 2eme partie Editions Aux Amoureux de Science,Teilhede, 1992 *** SOLAZAREF De l'Esprit Universel, Volume 2. "Alkaest" Editions Aux Amoureux de Science,Teilhede, 1990 ** SOLAZAREF De l'Esprit Universel. Volume 1. "Vitriolum" Editions Aux Amoureux de Science,Teilhede, 1990 ** SOLAZAREF Ars Bevis. Volume 1. "Les Feux du Ciel" Editions Aux Amoureux de Science,Teilhede, 1991 **** Note : I do NOT share Solazaref's political opinion but I do think he did a VERY important work for the revival of Operative Alchemy. ORA et LABORA !! Sat May 11 13:47:37 1996 Subject: 0853 Circulatum From: Gilbert Arnold Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 13:58:30 -0400 Does anyone else have a vegetable Circulatum "on the go" ? Please contact me at arnoldg@em.agr.ca. I would like to compare notes on phenomena that may be linked to astrological configurations. Thank you, Blessings, +Gilbert Sat May 11 13:47:55 1996 Subject: 0854 John Reid's book From: Ismael Flores Date: Fri, 10 May 96 09:07:35 EDT Hi John, I'm very interested in obtaining a copy of your book. Do you know where I can get it? (in the USA) Thank you for your attention Ismael Flores floresi1@westat.com Sat May 11 13:48:09 1996 Subject: 0855 German publishers. From: Douwe Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 22:43:56 +0200 (MET DST) Does anyone know of any publisher in Germany that republishes (or has republished) some of the different older works on alchemy??? If anyone would be able to help me out on this one then I would be very thankful. douwe. Sat May 11 13:48:16 1996 Subject: 0856 Alchemy in the Netherlands. From: Douwe Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 22:38:01 +0200 (MET DST) I am wondering if anyone knows of any alchemical society or individuals (from beginners to advanced)spending a lot of time on the subject, in the Netherlands Any idea or suggestion in this direction will be very much appreciated. douwe. Sat May 11 13:48:29 1996 Subject: 0857 photopro From: Ros Bangham Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 16:43:44 -0400 In response to Petra'sTRUE REVELATION etc Wisa comments "...God is you. Not as you are now but as you are becoming in fullfillment of your potential." Consider: there is only - 'All There Is'. God, if that is the name you like, and we must be part of that. Therefore, God is you = You are (a part of) God. "Fullfilling your potential" I think is the continuing act of creation; a timeless process where we all are part of, and in turn take part in limitless creation. The beauty of alchemy, for example is that it allows one to be aware that the process itself is limited only by the alchemist. That means to me, don't expect your answers, or permissions to come from God! You have been chosen to have the ability to create, and with that comes the responsibility to do it. (Please excuse the simplicity) "...your True Identity" then as Wisa writes (if I may), is to know that you are part of the actual mechanics of creation. What a great job! Ros Sat May 11 13:48:39 1996 Subject: 0858 Ether From: Douwe Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 22:30:09 +0200 (MET DST) All that is in your head that is in your ether, all which your desire comes up with lives a life in your ether, all that penetrates your ether penetrates your mind, all that is in your ether enters your desire-body which in return will reflect it back to the ether again and visa-versa--->> It is a flaming substance, with a consistency between ,slime, water, and air, with any colour according to the image which lives in it. It moves in many forms, all to their individual preferences and vibrations. Ether is great stuff if you know how *Not* to use it, because only then you will know how to use it in the proper way. Ether is a lot like water..., (it also has great affinity with water, this is why you feel better after you have taken a shower when you felt disdain before, The water takes a good amount of ether with itself and flushes it down the drain (this is a good thing to know concerning the "preparation" of Archaeus), this is even more so if there is a spray of water around some object, and of course this is most so when it has been evaporated by heat -this evaporated water will be able to dissolve and to take up the essential ethers of some substance, this happens apart from the opening of pores, which is essential in a different way-). Ether has to get a chance to stand still... for as long as it moves it will be like a storm, you can't start anything with it... The storm is like the anger of the desires... if you calm the storm, then the ether that surrounds you will become more translucid, and will be able to reflect higher things. Apart from this there is a rule that... the more ether that you use during your daily actions the denser the kind of ether will be that you use. The dense kind of ether causes spiritual darkness or blindness and physical sorrows like cancer. The less ether you use, the clearer it will be, and the clearer the ether the more you will be able to direct it in a useful way... Ether is like blood, it drains during certain actions when its surface has been violated, killing you spiritually, here it is as if you where bleeding to death... Further... anything has affinity with a certain kind of ether... just like that copper has affinity with venus, and silver to the moon... the link that is made is trough links or paths of ether, which links them in a dual direction, they have also different states of clarity of the ether... from demonic to good... But then still, it is only beyond this good and bad where the true character, or soul of a substance can be found.... or in the center of the place where the opposites become conjunct to their essential form... (Not unlike Kether to Hokma and Bina-or even better, not unlike the dot above Kether) -- If the ether will be clear and still, the Sun can shine its invisible beams trough it and light it up in a Golden splendor, not unlike the Sun itself. -- Preserve the Seed from the spillage of ether, because you will have to water it with the right kind of dew... There where bad circulates trough the ether to worse, there a spark circulates to a Glorious Flame, and the flame to a Glorious Fire, which will luminize the ether as a Light which will burn Hermetically for ever... -- Any action that you do, will be filled with the ether that belongs to it, so if you want to know what one of the ancients writers meant, then read (see-feel-live in-) the ether as you read the book, and you will understand the truest sense of what they meant... Or if you want to understand what someone truly means then 'listen' to their ethers and they will show you by their imagination. What they gave off you may absorb... (where you decide only to absorb the positive parts of their works, or to absorb from the good works -there is also a good deal of works which should be avoided like this-) -- I hope my brabbelings will be useful to someone... douwe Sat May 11 13:48:50 1996 Subject: 0859 French texts From: John Obrien Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 22:26:43 -0500 (CDT) In Re: the recent request for French language Alchemic texts and/or commentaries. I accessed the leonardo catalogue at the Linda Hall Library of Science and Technology telnet opac.lhl.lib.mo.us #Linda Hall Library http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/ and found the following citations. CAll# QD26.B38 1978 Title: Sainte Anne d'alchimie ISBN 2857070276 Author: Guy Beatrice Paris: Editions de La Maisnie (1978) Series: Beatrice, Guy. Provence hermetique et tradition Collection: "Les Symboles d'Hermes" Call# QD26.H8 Title: L'alchimie Author: Serge Hutin Paris: Presses universitarires de France, 1951 Series: Que sais-je? no 506 Call# QD26.B42 1976 Title: Les Aventures du philosophe inconnu en la recherche et l'invention de la pierre philosophale (suivies de l' Apologie du grand oeuvre) ISBN 2725601738 Author: Jean Albert Belin, ca 1610-1677 Sylvain Matton Paris: (114 Av. des Champs d'elyses 75006) Retz. 1976 Series: Biblioteca hermetica Call# QD26.P47 1982 Title: L'Aurore occidentale: libres meditations sur le Lever de l'Aurore, accompagn.es de la traduction de traite achimique attribue a St. Thomas d'Aquin ISBN 2902707169 Author: Etienne Perrot Paris: La Fontaine de pierre, 1982 CAll# QD25.B43 1976 Title: OEuvre chymique de Bernard Le TrOvisan ISBN 2857070098 Author: Bernard of Trevisan Paris: (G. TrOdaniel) [1976] Call# QD25.J24 1983 Title: Dix traitOs d'alchimie : les dix premiers traitOs de "Livre des Soixante-dix" ISBN 2727400896 Author: (Works of Jabir ibn Hayyan) Paris: editions Sindbad 1983 Series: Bibliotheque de l'Islam Call# QD26.O27 1982 Title: Les dObuts de l'imagerie alchimique XIVe-XVe si.cles ISBN 2862621374 Author: Barbara Obrist Paris: Le Sycomore c1982 Series: FOodalisme (As you can see, some of the French characters I was not able to replicate. Hope you can all interpolate them) In addition, I found the following in Latin, seemingly of French origin. Call# Rare Book Room QD25.C63 1542 Title: De his que mundo mirabiliter eveniunt: vbi de sensuum erroibus & potentils anime, ac de influentijs caelorum Author: Claudius Coelestinus Roger Bacon 1214?-1294 Opus majus ... Ex ms Codice Dubliniensi Oronce Fine 1494-1555 Quadratura circuli, tandem inuenta & clarissimo demonstrata Imprint: Lutetiae Parisiorum : apud Simonem Colinaeum 1542 P.S. The Fulcanelli text was also there. For more information about obtaining these books try the http: address above. John Sun May 12 14:15:05 1996 Subject: 0860 Modern Science and Prima Materia From: Kenneth Åstrand Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 16:07:25 +0200 Dear participants of the Alchemy Forum.How do You do? I'm Kenneth Astrand from Sweden, and this is my first letter to You. I have only recently started my alchemical studies. If You mix in a flask one part chemical engineer, two parts of Teacher of Religion and three parts of Philosopher, then You got me a "newborn" alchemist? My first comments will be to Jon Sharp's words about contemporary philosophers (5/9/96, 0831), plus (particullary),at the same time, a discussion on the concept of Prima Materia. Maybe following new interpretation made by the hungarianborn swedish philosopher Stefan Hlatky, on the philosophical signification of the theory of relativity, confirm the alchemical concept of Prima Materia? What is Your reaction to the following?: The scientists has proved that our visible reality (the Universe) not is built up of undestroyable particals as Democritos and Newton supposed. Instead one has found that everything we can see is a projection of energy in progress with similar threedimensional pictures as we have succeded to construct and name hologram although with that important difference that the holograms only can be seen, when the natural pictures (bodys) are perceptible for all our senses. This what the scientists have found, and as some philosophers before has thought out, is philosophically seen the same insight as the statement that the actors not exists on the TV-screen or that I myself not exists in the mirror. To interpretate the discovery so that reality ultimatly is energy, not to have in real meaning a material, remaining, existence is the same conclusion that the actors or myself not exists other than as the changable and disappearing energyplay which can be seen on the TV-screen or in the mirror. The discovery that the visible matter just is a form of energy is epoch-making because it will logically solve the basic philosophic question if reality is remaining or changeable. It was the lack of science founded on facts which before forced founders of religion and philosophers to make irrational and authoritative pronouncements formed as certain creation narratives or pantheistic/atheistic theories of evolution. From the basis of the theory of realtivity we can today solve the problem of the contradiction: remaining or changeable reality. We must start thinking of the word matter, which is the term for the state of affairs in reality and accordingly the base for thinking founded on facts, in two quiet different meanings. One meaning thought of as the visible, manifest matter which create our common picture of the appearence of reality (universe). In that meaning matter is the base for our factual countings on the changeable, usually seen as the movements and change of bodys, and scientifically thought about as movements of particals. Concerning the meaning of this word matter we can today be agreed of that we here have to do with apparent matter and a apparent movement of matter, and that this reality looks destroyable and changeable, because this visible matter is not real matter but energy, wavemovement, vibration, wavemechanichs. Significant for wavemovement is that it, different from material existence, not can stand still, but must go on, propagate, always be on its way, as a base for existence, just because it not has a material existence but only is movement. Therefore wavemovement can start, exist for a while and then disappear, "be nothing" and whenever again "be something". Wavemovement can thus never be as only material existence can be: all the time exist unchangeable, not start, not disappear; but be the same something, as just is, which always exists independent from movement. So must matter in the other, real, meaning be. Movement (energy) is independent from existence, that it exists something lasting which move, in contrast to existence which can last independent of movement. Then it is logically necessary in the philosophical context, where it is about to understand how we and the whole reality are from the ground, to think matter in the real meaning as the unvisible lasting ground behind all change and movement in the changeable picture. This philosophical insight that reality as a whole must have a remaining existence means for man that she not either can be the visible body but must have a remaining identity as a part of the total reality. So must the real state of affairs from the ground be a lasting relation between the whole and the parts in the frame of a body. Logically is then to start from the fact that the whole exists on the same basis as we can experience our life, thus consciously, living. In defference from us as parts, the whole must however be concious of itself in a real sense. This means the same faith in God in the same meaning as Christ's concept of God, only with that difference that we today can think about God in a totally realistic way. * I would be happy to hear Your comments, critics etc. on the above. Is what is said above the same meaning but in modern words as the core of Alchemy? Does Hlatkys philosophic interpretation on modern science expressed in the theory of relativity and the old core of alchemic philosophy expressed in the concept of an invisible prima materia converge in our century? Here is another quite different question: Is it relevant to speak of, so to say, an alchemical ethics? Does something like that exists? Behavior, acts? Are there any guidelines? Would be very happy to hear Your comments on that question, too. Or is the question neither rhyme nor reason? Have a nice day Kenneth E-mail to: kenneth.astrand@mail.nsb.norrkoping.se (would be nice to hear from You!) Sun May 12 14:15:15 1996 Subject: 0861 FRENCH: testamentaire de Solazaref -Reply Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 13:09:59 -0400 From: Gilbert Arnold Solazaref; J'ai connu vos travaux par l'entremise de Camille Coudari au Canada; je vous en remercie. Gilbert Arnold , arnoldg@em.agr.ca Sun May 12 14:15:25 1996 Subject: 0862 Alchemy in the Netherlands. From: Jfruther Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 12:32:15 -0400 Please contact me directly: jrfuther@aol.com Thanks! Sun May 12 14:15:35 1996 Subject: 0863 Ether From: Barry Carter Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 14:36:59 +0000 Dear Douwe, I would like to discuss some experiences with you regarding ether. Send me a personal note if you are interested. Barry Carter Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance Voice 541-523-3357 Fax 541-523-9438 Sun May 12 14:15:43 1996 Subject: 0864 Thanks to John Reid From: Michel Lefebvre Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 15:22:27 -0400 To John Reid, Dear Sir, After reading your course on plant alchemy, tears came to my eyes. Since the death 8 years ago of Alexandre Lachance (he was a french alchemist in Quebec who was working on cinnabar and who's best authors were Fulcanelli, Valentin, Flamel and F.A.R.C. Roger Caro) my wife Carole and me were trying to find a way in the plant kingdom which would ressemble the path we were educated and beleived in. We want to deeply thank you for sharing it and permitting the hard-worker Adam McLean to put it on his website.If your book as ever been published, we will like to find where we can purchase it. At this moment, we have already strated to work on purifying the ashes of oak to attract our philosophical Mercury. We decide to gear ourselves on the Opus Minor that you have so nicely described. We will be please to keep you informed on the developments and discuss it with you. Sincerely, Carole and Michel maxime@abacom.com Sun May 12 14:15:54 1996 Subject: 0865 Paracelsian University-Access From: Alec Gathercole Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 17:55:01 GMT The Paracelsian University will not be accessable via E-mail from 26 May 1996 as Petra, our mechanical provider, will be on her extended overseas trip. Contact can be made via Snail mail or telephone only, until further notice. Our address is : 49 Delbridge Street North Fitzroy 3068 Victoria / Australia Tel: 61-03-9481-8435 Alec Mon May 13 14:35:16 1996 Subject: 0866 Dr. Junius's firm Australerba From: Gilbert Arnold Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 15:20:31 -0400 For those of you who may be interested Dr. Junius's firm Australerba has a homepage at ; http://hna.ffh.vic.gov.au/sacfm/data/aerba.html Blessings +Gilbert Mon May 13 14:35:33 1996 Subject: 0867 John Reids book From: Pat Zalewski Date: Mon, 13 May 96 07:16 NZST Jon, I have one or two people over here in New Zealand who have seen your work on the alchemy home page and were wondering where and how much do you charge for your book?. Your work is very impressive to say the least. regards Pat zalewski Mon May 13 14:35:43 1996 Subject: 0868 20th century alchemist From: Michel Lefebvre Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 22:04:48 -0400 Some weeks ago, Claude Gagnon propose the name of Alexandre Lachance as an alchemist of the 20th century. As we knew him well for a couple of years we want to give a short biography of this man. We are french speaking so we hope you will understand our english. Thanks Carole Champagne Michel Lefebvre Quebec maxime@abacom.com Mon May 13 14:35:54 1996 Subject: 0869 Regarding Occult Training From: Alec Gathercole Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 15:33:12 GMT Douwe wrote: > May be it is a small thought but to my idea there is only one pure kind of >occult training that is the accidental one. It is pleasing to experience the exuberance of an active young mind. Within this wisdom is the various nuances of experience. There are many incidents which become accidents that are detrimental and retarding. Make a comparison between one who buys a car then learns to steer and use the accelerator and hits the road. He would be like an accident somewhere going to happen. If he learnt the law, drove sedately in the slow lane, he may witness many incidents and soon become street wise. If one won an aeroplane and went solo first time using the flying manual he may get into the air, blame his difficulties onto the manufacturer, he could crash trying to land but could not complain! Religion is similar. If we follow dogma and believe that what we are told, is there guidance on how to apply reason to this? If we first understand fundamental celestial mechanics, embrace the Torah and its laws encapsulated in the QBL, the book Douwe speak of, the Christian Bible may become the Book with Seven Seals that the Rosecrusians admire. These people claim the keys to unlock all of the seals are hidden within the QBL and are the fundamental laws of nature that the alchemist seeks. Like drivers and pilots everyone is safer who undergoes tuition in the beginning, can cruise in the slow lane and arrive safely at his destination, return to base and help another journeyman on his way while he continues to observe while journeying himself. There are many false teachers to lead us astray but a conscientious pupil will be discerning and be able to see his guide eye to eye. It is better to be taught than to be caught. We consider occult training the domain of false prophets who have evil intent but there are also enough genuine teachers available for those who deserve one. When man stops to consider how insignificant each one of us is in the overall scheme of things we will be more likely to try and learn to listen to the music of the spheres than dance in accordance with the puppeteer's wishes. Harm cannot befall us if we are on the correct route. Our wandering into unknown byways cause unfortunate incidents and we call them accidents. TIMO. Let's know yours Auris (Alec) Mon May 13 14:36:05 1996 Subject: 0870 French-texts-to Joel From: Mikhail Malt Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 09:16:33 +0100 Dear Joel, Thank you very much!!! I appreciated a lot your list (desole par mon tres mauvais anglais!!) Regards mikhail Mon May 13 21:54:54 1996 Subject: 0871 French texts From: Mikhail Malt Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:02:12 +0100 Thank you, John for the typs for French language Alchemic texts and/or commentaries. mikhail Mon May 13 21:55:02 1996 Subject: 0872 John Reid's book From: John Reid Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 08:18:21 -0400 > From: Ismael Flores > Hi John, > I'm very interested in obtaining a copy of your book. Do you know > where I can get it? (in the USA) > Thank you for your attention > Ismael Flores At present the book is not avalable in print. You can see most pf the book on Adams web page. I can also send a text only copy to you via email if you like. JHRIII Mon May 13 21:55:11 1996 Subject: 0873 Thanks to John Reid From: John Reid Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 08:22:37 -0400 > From: Michel Lefebvre > Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 15:22:27 -0400 > To John Reid, > Dear Sir, > > After reading your course on plant alchemy, tears came to my eyes. Since > the death 8 years ago of Alexandre Lachance (he was a french alchemist in > Quebec who was working on cinnabar and who's best authors were Fulcanelli, > Valentin, Flamel and F.A.R.C. Roger Caro) my wife Carole and me were trying > to find a way in the plant kingdom which would ressemble the path we were > educated and beleived in. > We want to deeply thank you for sharing it and permitting the hard-worker > Adam McLean to put it on his website.If your book as ever been published, we > will like to find where we can purchase it. > At this moment, we have already strated to work on purifying the ashes of > oak to attract our philosophical Mercury. We decide to gear ourselves on the > Opus Minor that you have so nicely described. We will be please to keep you > informed on the developments and discuss it with you. > > Sincerely, > Carole and Michel Carol and Michel I would be very happy to hear of your progress and to offer any assistance that I may give in your work. Please contact me at aquaiel@panix.com John Reid Mon May 13 21:55:23 1996 Subject: 0874 Questions Answers From: Clinton R. Armitage Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 12:15:41 -0400 Is it possible that the presumed early demise of some alchemists resulted from acquiring our celestial water other than during the nighttime hours ? Is anyone aware of any information which might lead to such a conclusion? We are all aware of the dangers inherent in working with chemicals -from vapor, absorption and ingestion- but, is it possible that the circumstances surrounding the acquisition of the celestial water could be such as to create a composition so powerful as to poison the alchemist? If so, would this have something to do with an upset in the ph balance, a sudden reversal in polarities or just what? I!m questioning an earlier conclusion I had drawn and stated on the Forum that the increased efficacy resulting from the endless ciculations of the elixir acted as a poison if taken in excess. Any light that others can shed on this would be appreciated. Clinton Armitage clintarm@yoda.fdt.net Mon May 13 22:25:21 1996 Subject: 0875 20th century alchemist - Alexandre Lachance From: Michel Lefebvre Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 22:04:48 -0400 Some weeks ago, Claude Gagnon propose the name of Alexandre Lachance as an alchemist of the 20th century. As we knew him well for a couple of years we want to give a short biography of this man. We are french speaking so we hope you will understand our English. Thanks Carole Champagne Michel Lefebvre Quebec maxime@abacom.com ALEXANDRE LACHANCE Born on March 8th 1903 in Quebec city, Quebec, his mother was a descendant of the Sioux tribe. While his grand father was in the importation of cognac and armagnac, his father became a chemist in the brewing industry . Alexandre made his classical studies in the Quebec Seminary. In 1926 he went to Jacksonville, Florida, to follow a special course in psychology (mostly experiments in parapsychology) with the Judge Troward. Married in 1936, he had 10 children. He worked as a teacher all his life. Teaching to the teenagers Latin, Greek, English, chemistry and mathematics. He also worked as a cook at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec city. He was first violin in the Symphony of Quebec, and also taught the violin. Then he became director of a secondary school, the "Evangelique Institute". Then, the war begin. Alexandre was a well educated man so he became "correspondant of war" and staff sergent In 1950, after the war, he founded the "Institut de psychologie appliquee". He wrote a course of applied psychology and he was giving this course by correspondance. It was to help in the re-education of war veterans. BEGINNING IN ALCHEMY He was very young at the Seminary when his Latin teacher asked him to translate a part of the "Mysterium Magnum" of Jacob Boehme. That was it! Alexandre began to read esoterical and alchemical texts. Also he had some "paranormal" experiences (one during an operation under anesthesia) that made him realise that there was more than the physical matter. First he studied with AMORC, then with the "Fraternite rosicrucienne de Max Heindel" in California. He was extensively influenced by Parcival, Powell, Leadbeater, Bracton. Then he went on to study Basile Valentin (his mentor, he said), Flamel, Cyliani, Philalethe, Le Trevisan, Maier. He often quoted Fulcanelli, Canseliet (which whom he correspond some times) and Roger Caro. In the laboratory, he worked with a man called Skelton in the 50's. In the 70's he worked with Camille Coudary and after that with a good friend of his (anonyme). Alexandre was working on the cinnabar in the humid way in the athanor, with dew salt and KOH. In the 80's Alex gave dozens of conferences mostly in Montreal and Quebec city. Some of them were on practical alchemy where he was talking a lot on the preparation of the materia prima, how to collect the dew and get a salt from it and how to prepare KOH. Theoricaly, he was talking a lot about the three principles, salt, sulfur and mercury and of the SECRET FIRE. He was so pleased to talk of this FIRE that comes from within, the FIRE from the sacrum, and of the great privilege to be two persons in the laboratory - husband and wife - so that they can communicate the bipolar energy to the matter. Alexandre described so well the philosophy and the goal of alchemy that a lot of people began their quest after meeting him. Some other conferences were on differents subjects: kabbalah, astrology, yoga, respiration, Upanishad, Avatars, philosophy, physics, chemistry, Bible, Christ, Tesla, Steiner, history, Egypt, Tantra yoga, etc, etc. The conferences organisors called him the "living encyclopedia". He had a way to explain things and facts so that everybody understand but without losing the "grandeur" and the magnificence of the subject. He also taught in almost all of his conferences some respiratory exercices so that people can see and feel their magnetic field and know that they were more than a body. Most of all of these conferences still exist on audio and video cassette, all in French, of course. Also, CBC made a half-hour TV program on in (Man Alive). The ONF made a small documentary and he made somme short apparitions in different TV show. The magazine "7 Jours" in Montreal made a good article on him and also VSD in France. At the end of his life, Alexandre translated the monumental work of Howard John Zitco of the Worl University Roundtable, Arizona: "The Lemurian theo-christic Conception". He published in French (Fiat Lux ed.) this series of 13 fascicules of about 85 pages each. He was giving a lot of time on teaching and distributing this translation, giving conferences on it. ALEXANDRE LACHANCE was a great "erudit". We can say for sure, that there would be no alchemy in Quebec without him. He gave the opportunity to a lot of us to begin on the path, having the certainty this was not an illusion. Always kind, with a great sense of humour, talking about his "ALEXIR", he left to everybody who saw him or knew him a sense of dignity of the human race and a desire to go better and higher. Alexandre died on november the 3rd 1987 at the respectable age of 84. Tue May 14 08:14:52 1996 Subject: 0876 John Reid's book From: calhhh Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:32:13 -0400 JoHn : I add my congratulations to the several that I have seen regarding your book, which I also would like to purchase as well. Please post the information as to how we could buy it ... The excellent presentation and clarity of thought is to be commended, but above all your unselfish sharing of the material, which I am sure will bear lots of well deserving fruits ! Regarding capillary studies, and the duplication of Lilly Kolisko work, I recommended some time ago on this forum two books issued by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation which I think that if you have not read them, you may find very interesting : 1) METAL POWER - The Soul Life of the Planets by Alison Davidson 2) THE METAL - PLANET RELATIONSHIP - A Study of Celestial Influence by Nick Kollerstrom They deal directly with laboratory techniques that have been duplicated by the authors and that among other things show the definite influences of the planets. Data and photos are extremely interesting. I also recall very interesting commentaries regarding capillary tests mentioned by an author by the name of Robert Ambelain, if I remember correctly; I will look it up and post the pertinent part in the near future. I am also very much interested in the particularities of dew and would like very much to ask your expert opinion on some experiences/thoughts I have regardingly. I think that the field of subtle energies has a lot of interrelations with alchemy and its study is very useful when it comes to increasing and concentrating the potency of any mixture. Forms, proportions, colors, materials, positions, etc. are all part of the game. At present a home page in spanish/portuguese is under construction that will deal with both subjects. If possible, I would appreciate tremendously if you could send me an email with your address so that we could correspond. Best Regards, ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com Tue May 14 08:15:01 1996 Subject: 0877 'Le Mutus Liber... parle' by Oscar UZCATEGUI From: calhhh Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 18:49:54 -0400 Christian , Daniel Dumolard said : >Recently, a mexican, Mr. Oscar Uzcategui, published this "Mutus" with a >commentary, in Spanish, with this title "Habla el Mutus Liber". >In 1982, a frenchman, Roger Nemoz, certainly Osca Uzcategui's disciple,= made a >French translation of this book, with this title "The Mutus Liber (Mute >Book)... speaks". Living in Grenoble (south-east of France), he published >with a printer of his town, Mr . Mancini, 400 copies of his book. The book >was sold 85 Francs. >Today R. Nemoz lives 100 km away. >The book contains 100 pages, and is on a 30x22 centimetre size, >At the 5th page, the title becomes :"the mute book of alchemy, disclosed by >the Gnose". >At the 9th page, Nemoz writes, as dedication : "To the glory of our holy >gourou, Samael Aun Weor". This one was the Oscar Uzcategui's master. Oscar >was "world instructor of the gnostic international association for the= human >research, whom center lives in Mexico". I would be very interested to know if anyone could post the address where Oscar Uzcategui could be contacted in Mexico. I am trying to get in contact with alchemical spanish speaking authors, so as to set up a database of participants for an alchemical forum in spanish that will be soon operating on the cyberspace. Any help and/or contacts, will be appreciated .... I have just returned from a trip to Brazil and was very happy to find out that as it appears to be happening all around the world, sincere interest for alchemy is blooming. I purchased a book called : MUTUS LIBER - O Livro Mudo Da Alquimia Ensaio Introdutorio, Comentarios e Notas Written by Jose Jorge De Carvalho Published in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995 by ATTAR EDITORIAL With excellent quality reprints of both La Rochelle / Manget editions and with extensive commentaries of each plate, it makes references to all previously better known reproductions / commentaries of the Mutus Liber including references to the books of Canseliet (Pauvert,1967), Adam McLean (Phanes Press, 1991), Johannes Fabricius (The Aquarian Press, 1989), Serge Hutin (Editions Le Lien, 1966), Julio Peradejordi (Edicomunicaci=F3n, 1986), Jean Laplace (Milao :Arche, 1979), Mino Gabriele (Milao: Arche, 1974), Luis Miguel Martinez-Otero (Luis Carcamo Editores, 1986), etc. Its author as per the inside cover information has a doctorate in anthropology and is a professor of the University of Brasilia while currently working in Rice University (Houston / U.S.A.). I have not read the book yet, but going superficially over it, seems like an interesting and positive contribution. Best Regards, ORCIS calhhh@mail.pananet.com Tue May 14 08:39:07 1996 Subject: 0878 The idea of the Philosophers Stone I am posting this question on behalf of a colleague. - Adam McLean I would like to know what you think is the best academic study on the idea of the philosopher's stone, and the earliest explicit reference to the idea. Does it come from Arabic? Wed May 15 18:43:48 1996 Subject: 0879 Dew & Health From: John E. Myers Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 8:35:00 EST5EDT I came across a place on the web that claimed that the heavy water in water is a major contributer to aging. I was just wondering if the heavy water was lost in the formation of dew, or even steam distillation. J.E.M. / "All things come to myersj@gactr.uga.edu / he who waits." alt.immortal / I have time. Q Wed May 15 18:43:56 1996 Subject: 0880 John Reids book From: John Reid Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 07:02:16 -0400 > Jon, > I have one or two people over here in New Zealand who have seen your work > on the alchemy home page and were wondering where and how much do you charge > for your book?. Your work is very impressive to say the least. > regards > Pat zalewski Pat At present the book is only avaliable in a text only format on computer disk, or email attachment. John H. Reid III Wed May 15 18:44:09 1996 Subject: 0881 Biblical References to Manna From: Barry Carter Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 08:31:41 +0000 Dear Friends, I am looking into the possibility that monoatomic gold (or the alchemical white powder of gold) may be present as a gas in the atmosphere. Much of the discussion of dew of late might lead to this sort of conclusion. I have also read some speculations of physicists that monoatomic gold may be quite happy as a gas. There are references to manna in the Bible which seem to relate to dew as a condensate which forms the manna. I have compiled all the references to manna which I could find in the Bible with a word search. These references include a couple of lines of context. What kind of alchemical connection has been made to manna, the Ark of the Covenant, the Grail or the pavement of the streets of heaven? David Hudson speaks extensively of these connections. I am wondering if he is all wet or if there is actually some connection to alchemy here. EXO 16:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, EXO 16:12 I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God. EXO 16:13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. EXO 16:14 And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. EXO 16:15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. EXO 16:16 This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents. EXO 16:17 And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less. EXO 16:18 And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating. EXO 16:19 And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning. EXO 16:20 Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them. EXO 16:21 And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted. EXO 16:22 And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. EXO 16:23 And he said unto them, This is that which the LORD hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning. EXO 16:24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein. EXO 16:25 And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field. EXO 16:26 Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none. EXO 16:27 And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none. EXO 16:28 And the LORD said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws? EXO 16:29 See, for that the LORD hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day. EXO 16:30 So the people rested on the seventh day. EXO 16:31 And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. EXO 16:32 And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. EXO 16:33 And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations. EXO 16:34 As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept. EXO 16:35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan. EXO 16:36 Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah. NUM 11:6 But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. NUM 11:7 And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium. NUM 11:8 And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. NUM 11:9 And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it. DEU 8:2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. DEU 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. DEU 8:4 Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years. DEU 8:15 Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; DEU 8:16 Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end; DEU 8:17 And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. DEU 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. JOS 5:10 And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. JOS 5:11 And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day. JOS 5:12 And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year. NEH 9:19 Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way wherein they should go. NEH 9:20 Thou gavest also thy good spirit to instruct them, and withheldest not thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst. NEH 9:21 Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not. PSA 78:21 Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel; PSA 78:22 Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation: PSA 78:23 Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven, PSA 78:24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. PSA 78:25 Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full. PSA 78:26 He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind. PSA 78:27 He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea: PSA 78:28 And he let it fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations. JOH 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. JOH 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work? JOH 6:31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. JOH 6:32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. JOH 6:33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. JOH 6:34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. JOH 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. JOH 6:36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. JOH 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. JOH 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. JOH 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. JOH 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. JOH 6:41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. JOH 6:42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? JOH 6:43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. JOH 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. JOH 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. JOH 6:46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. JOH 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. JOH 6:48 I am that bread of life. JOH 6:49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. JOH 6:50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. JOH 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. JOH 6:52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? JOH 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. JOH 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. JOH 6:55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. JOH 6:56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. JOH 6:57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. JOH 6:58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever. JOH 6:59 These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. HEB 9:2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. HEB 9:3 And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; HEB 9:4 Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; HEB 9:5 And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly. REV 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. REV 21:18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. REV 21:19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; REV 21:20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. REV 21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. Barry Carter Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance Voice 541-523-3357 Fax 541-523-9438 Wed May 15 18:44:19 1996 Subject: 0882 Fabricius Alchemy - Good Deal From: GrandpaE Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 16:12:48 -0400 We ordered and received the Fabtricius Alchemy book and consider it to be a good buy @ the $9.95 plus $3.00 Handling (Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller, Falls Village Ct 09031-5000). The typography of the text is very legible and the quality of the illustrations is very good. The ones originally in color are quite well reproduced in black and white. The illustrations are from quite a variety of sources and it is interesting to see the way current illustrations are included with ones prepared by the old timers. We have not read the entire text but would be surprised if it is any less obscure than the writings of the medieval alchemists. The value of such a publication really comes from the reader's intrepretation of the allegorical illustrations. One of the basic alchemical precepts is that the stone must be formed within concurrently with the physical laboratory manipulations and completed before the external work is successful. Traditionally most alchemy writings deal with the physical operations and are incomplete and in places misleading so the student must pick and choose the important parts from the various treatises and assemble them into a practical process. The Jungian theories deal with the internal processes and perhaps give practical hints about how to coordinate these with the laboratory manipulations. Based upon the historical tradition of secrecy and anonymity, Jung may or not have experimented with physical laboratory manipulations. Thanks for the recommendation of this publication. grandpae@aol.com Wed May 15 18:44:28 1996 Subject: 0883 Re: 0857 photopro From: Sunshine Schmidt Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 14:14:59 -0700 > From: Ros Bangham > Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 16:43:44 -0400 > > In response to Petra'sTRUE REVELATION etc Wisa comments "...God is you. Not > as you are now but as you are becoming in fullfillment of your potentia" > Consider: there is only - 'All There Is'. God, if that is the name you > like, and we must be part of that. Therefore, God is you = You are (a part > of) God. > "Fullfilling your potential" I think is the continuing act of creation; a > timeless process where we all are part of, and in turn take part in > limitless creation. The beauty of alchemy, for example is that it allows > one to be aware that the process itself is limited only by the alchemist. > That means to me, don't expect your answers, or permissions to come from > God! You have been chosen to have the ability to create, and with that > comes the responsibility to do it. (Please excuse the simplicity) > > "...your True Identity" then as Wisa writes (if I may), is to know that you > are part of the actual mechanics of creation. What a great job! > Ros I completely agree. You have no idea how long I have felt this way, but no one I try to explain it to understands. Thank you. Wed May 15 18:44:40 1996 Subject: 0884 Dew and Alchemy From: JoelTetard Mon, 13 May 1996 12:00:30 +0000 Dear John Many thanks for your kind suggestion. I am very interested in your works on plant alchemy and water although I am mainly targeted to the Mineral Kingdom. I read your Course on Plant Alchemy with the greatest interest and I'll try to work as you suggested. Actually, I did very a few works on mineral alchemy and spagyry. Obviously the Paris area is not the best choice for working on such a matter... However, with some of my firends I did some very basic experiences concerning First Work of the Dry Path of antimony ( but not "Assation" which needs great deal of dew !). I worked on herbal tinctures too but only with commercial alcool. Two years ago I tried again to collect dew with a "dew trap" of my own. I made a strange and rather funny apparatus with 2 square meters of golden milar film (which was supposed to act as an infra-red mirror in order to reduce the local temperature), mosquito net (supposed to produce coalescence of dew drops), funnel, pipe and a large plastic container. In fact this apparatus acted as an excellent pluviometer : weather was too bad and I collected 10 litres of pure rain water ... (I'll use it for washing melting salts ). Very recently, I want to the centre of France but due to bad wather conditions I failed again to obtain the precious liquid. As a result of these problems I did only some "desk researches" about dew. I found very few scientific papers about this question. Most of works are in fact targeted to the acid rain problem. I send you some information concerning analysis of rains in France. I add to this information some data on ammonium nitrate. As you know this salt is present in storm rain water and dew. I guess this salt which is very similar to saltpetre would have a very important place in the Dry Path. What do you thing about it? I did not hear about Capillary Dynamolysis. I guess it would be linked to viscosity, density and surface tensions of liquids. Right ? In this case, I think you'll be interested by Jacques Faure's works on surface tension of dew. These results were published in the first "almanach des amoureux de Science" edited by Solazaref's group. I did my best to summarise this long text. Please, excuse me for my poor English ! As you know surface tension of a liquid is the force per unit of length which is necessary in order to extend the free surface of the liquid. Using the CGS International System units this tension is measured in dynes per cm. Tension value is given by a torsion balance which measures the strength necessary for extracting a ring or a blade from a liquid. Jacques Faure assumed the surface tension would change with the "state of mind" of the liquid : according to him "celestial" liquids (i.e. the dew, for instance) would have a weaker cohesion than "terrestrial" ones and their surface tensions would be lower. The 10th of June 1973, while moon was in its first quarter, he collected about one litre of dew. Surface tension was 43 dynes/cm (to compare with rain water tension which was about 75 dynes/cm). The next day, 0,3 litre of dew was collected. Tension was 50 dynes/cm. The amount of dew collected the 10th of June was split in two parts: - the first one was stored in the fridge. 5 days later, S.T. was 59-60. This part was exposed to the rays of the moon. Measuring the ST, Faure found 51/52 at 9 AM and 58/59 at 4 PM. - the second part was kept in the dark. 5 days later, Faure found a TS of 52/63. Early in the morning of the 17th of June he collected again some dew. This amount was split in two parts : - on the morning of the 18th June, TS of the first part was found to be 64. - the second part was exposed to moon light during the following night. On the morning of 18th June, TS was 58. Faure noted that the temoin rain water ST did not change after moon exposure and was still at 75 dynes/cm. In 1974, Faure worked with distilled dew. Exposing this liquid to the moon during the night of 1st of May, he found ST was 54 in the morning. This value changed to 60 after 6 hours of exposure to a moderate light ("lumiere diffuse" in the French text). Seven days later, the ST was 73. Added with saltpetre, distilled dew reacted in the same way : ST was found to be 72 before to be exposed to the moonlight during the 8th may night. On 9th morning, ST was 64 dynes/cm. Faure founded no change with dew, distilled dew and the remaining liquid when exposed to a decreasing moon. As a conclusion to his works Jacques Faure guessed it would be possible to increase the strength of dew with a exposure to the moon light. Dew would be keep in a dark and cool place and in a airtight vessel. From these data Jacques Faure assumed it would be possible to imagine a way for the treatment of melting salts using in the mineral works. [Note from Joel : I guess it would be possible to work in the same way with the vegetable kingdom...] Well I hope I did not too much mistakes in summaring this text ! In a future message I'll send a copy of a paper I wrote for the French "Tourbe des Philosophes". It summarised information on Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 which seems to explain some of dew properties ("Clothes burning", for instance). I'll be very interested if you can provide more information about your own researches in Capillary Dynamolysis. Best regards. Joel Tetard Snail adress : 20 rue de la Liberation F92500 Rueil-Malmaison Tel and Fax : +33 (01) 47 49 53 09 ________________________________________________________________________ RAIN WATER QUALITY IN FRANCE Source : "Programme MERA, mesure des retombees Atmospheriques", Ecole des Mines de Douai, June 1991. Main characteristics of MERA Network : Station N¡ Alt. Collecte Lat. Long. Mont Aigoual 1 1544 m daily 44,07 N 3,34 E Le Casset 2 1750 m weekly 44,59 N 6,31 E Donon 3 775 m weekly 48,30 N 7,08 E Bonnevaux 4 836 m daily 46,49 N 6,11 E Iraty 5 1300 m daily 43,02 N 1,05 W Morvan 6 620 m daily 47,16 N 4,05 E Revin 7 390 m twice a week 49,54 N 4,38 N La Crouzille 9 n.a. daily 49,26 N 0,41 E La Hague 10 133 m daily 49,37 N 1,50 W Average rates of chemicals in rain water during 1990 (in MG/L) : PH NO3 SO4 Cl- Na+ NH4 K+ Mg+ Ca+ Aig 5,85 0,67 1,23 0,66 0,32 2,02 0,04 0,15 1,14 Cas 5,74 0,33 0,64 0,18 0,29 0,87 0,05 0,08 0,60 Don 5,36 0,63 0,86 0,69 0,35 1,18 0,15 0,10 0,51 Bon 5,63 0,53 0,85 0,73 0,38 1,70 0,06 0,10 0,91 Ira 5,69 0,50 1,04 1,02 0,62 1,49 0,08 0,15 1,03 Morv 6,07 0,50 0,78 1,28 0,64 1,87 0,13 0,24 0,85 Rev 5,50 0,56 1,04 1,51 0,78 1,47 0,03 0,12 0,49 Bro 5,90 0,39 1,06 4,36 2,39 1,54 0,13 0,34 0,58 Cro 5,98 0,36 0,72 1,76 0,95 1,17 0,12 0,15 0,53 Hag 5,94 0,74 2,82 40,20 22,88 1,21 1,16 2,63 1,30 Note from Joel Tetard : La Hague is a Nuke plant located on the Channel seashore. High rates of Na+ Cl- are due to the wind blowing sea water. But what about plutonium ?... ________________________________________________________________________ Information about Ammonium Nitrate Solubility of ammonium nitrate : Temperature Solubility of NH4NO3(g) (in °C) in 100 g of water 0 118 10 150 20 187 30 232 40 297 50 346 60 410 70 499 80 576 90 740 100 843 Vapor pressure of ammonium nitrate solutions : Temperature (in °C) Vapor pressure Water Saturated solution 10 1,2 0,85 20 2,3 1,5 30 4,2 2,5 40 7,4 3,9 Boiling points of ammonium nitrate solutions NH4NO3 (in %) Boiling points (°C) 10 101 20 102,5 30 104 40 107,5 50 109,5 60 113,5 70 119,5 80 128,5 85 136 90 147 95 170 96 180 Densities of ammonium nitrate solution at 20 °C : NH4NO3 (in %) Density 2 1,006 4 1,015 6 1,023 8 1,032 10 1,039 15 1,060 20 1,083 25 1,109 30 1,128 35 1,151 Heat capacities of ammonium nitrate solutions : NH4NO3 Heat capacity (in %) J/mol J/g 2,9 320,8 4,038 9,1 309,6 3,870 15,1 294,4 3,678 28,6 241,6 3,021 47,1 233,6 2,916 64 204,0 2,552 Crystallisation shapes of ammonium nitrate : Name Temperature range(°C) Crystallisation shape Alpha above -18 tetragonal Beta from -18 to 32,1 rhombic Gamma from 32,1 to 84,2 rhombic Delta from 84,2 to 125,2 teragonal Gamma from 125,2 to 169,6 cubic Liquid over 169,6 - Wed May 15 18:44:48 1996 Subject: 0885 Dew and alchemy From: Joel Tetard Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:33:46 +0000 Dear Rawn Many thanks for your information which looks not so irrelevant ! I did not hear about symbolism of water before I joined the alchemical forum. Your mail was a good opportunity for me to inlarge my state of mind : due to my "rational" or neo-scientifical approach of alchemy I forgot many other sides of this art. Best regards. Joel Wed May 15 18:44:58 1996 Subject: 0886 On Occult Training From: Alec Gathercole Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:03:27 GMT In post 0825 I objected to the Grail Message blanketing occult teachings as inadvisable in its prelude of "Is Occult Training Advisable" when answering its own question. My intention was to separate out some activities which IMO create the difficulties which the message highlights. There are procedures in some cults which call themselves "occult groups", that I am aware of, where practices are not far short of menticide and brainwashing. They use artefacts and stimulants that discredit our work. They use the same nomenclature as we have and leave their on our more genuine and humane activities. There are many who have been adversely affected by these groups if unequipped to withstand the suggestive instructions received when their procedures are used. If the message had highlighted the orthodox and soul purifying occult techniques I would not have attempted to define occultism for it is a difficult task to document information where so many differing connotations are placed on specific words. I personally prefer to use the word esoteric and maintain the occult value in that manner any resultant suggestion of teaching, confusing or individual assault was unintentional but probably obligatory by commenting on an obtuse forum as ours is. Having said all of that may I now offer a further statement to clarify my opinion on the matter under consideration. Each and everyone of us who choose to push for evolution must select a specific method to follow for mundane lifestyles are impotent. To choose the correct one for us involves looking at alternatives. This is generally being done by all and we may yet look at others. Some methods are not as good as others in intent and could be considered despotic or even evil. Whatever our choice is, energy is needed to perform or work and that energy we attract is called by some Libido. In Sanskrit it is called Kundalini. Libido is our life force and vitality which maintains both our kinetic and mental functions. This our body is supposed to produce in excess of its physical needs, so that the real purpose of our existence on this plane, to mentally strengthen ourselves, that is, to consciously evolve. The physical body is unlikely to lose the use of its common senses, such as sight for instance, by excessive animalist activities. If necessary it would save itself by becoming impotent. Libido is essential though for the awakening of those higher senses as clairinstinctus, clairscientia, clairvoyancia, and clairaudientia the equations to which is intuition, reason, understanding, and wisdom as outlined in QBL academia. These were the items referred to in defining occult activities. These can be encountered temporarily by stimulants, but are not usually retainable as personal possessions when gained by this artificial stimulation. These experiences are usually followed by depression. When we direct our attention to consciousness/conscience/soul/mind/ psyche using our own libido extra sensory capacities can be attained and maintained, but the personal libido is essential for this purpose. It must be encouraged to flow upwards to the higher centres (chakras). The task of gaining purity of mind/mentality is a herculean one toward which only a few will direct the effort required to totally succeed. Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido make many failures, for without the capacity to study alchemy in its broadest science the higher mind development does not happen. Systematic procedures brought forward from former times are still effective to this day and will be valid in the future. We are dependent on Divine Grace for the privilege of enlightenment. This source, in my understanding, will not grant divine consciousness to anyone who is only playing around. If we are blinded, it is to these higher senses which we must rely on for us to become humane and then eventually cosmic conscious. In the meantime we neophytes to Alchemy struggle along hopefully purifying ourselves both mentally and physically with the aid of spagyrics taking our stand against autisticism and temptation. We must bear our own burden as we do the best we can with what we have available to us now. Cosmic law is immutable, it has not ever changed. As in former times the laws are not even known by many, let alone being understood. There is the multitude who either ignore their responsibility, try to break the system by short cutting or start too near the finish. Too many continually look at books without ever taking a good look at themselves when searching for answers. "By our deeds shall we be known". Also many have said before "A man convinced against his will remains of the same opinion still" no matter how impossible it has been to succeed in the manner being pursued at present. It is said when understood the divine way is as easily accomplished as for a mother breast feeding a new borne babe, and as simple as for a child to learn to skip, yet we become so short fused in our frustration that opinions expressed by other which may interfere with or own containment, receive little courtesy or encouragement. May I conclude this contribution by saying I have enjoyed the past 3 months reading your various postings on the forum, the private mail received and the stimulation gained. Since Petra, who has been my access medium, is leaving soon for an extended trip overseas, and as I do not have my own facility, I will miss your contact for now. I say thank you to Adam for his dedicated work at the web site. If anyone should wish to communicate with me on any matter the Paracelsian University address of 49 Delbridge Street, North Fitzroy 3068, Victoria/Australia Phone 61-3-9481-8435 will reach me personally, and I would be pleased to hear from you privately by snail mail. Grace and peace Auris (Alec) Thu May 16 09:41:50 1996 Subject: 0887 Dew & Health From: Michael Hyson Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:41:32 -0400 (EDT) Re" Heavy water and ageing I have zero knowledge of the effect of heavy water on ageing. The heavy water will electrolyze and evaporate more slowly because it is heavier. Therefore, salt lakes and the oceans have higher concentration of heavy water. Distilation should cause the light water to come over first. Ordinary tap water has about 1 part in 2000 of D2O Hope this helps. Aloha Michael Hyson Thu May 16 09:42:00 1996 Subject: 0888 John Reids book From: tim scott Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 16:11:35 -0700 > At present the book is only avaliable in a text only format > on computer disk, or email attachment. Dear John: Add me to one of the admiring readers. I would also be grateful if I could get a complete copy. It appears that about half of it is available on Adam's Web site: http://www.levity.com/alchemy/JohnReid.html Is that intentional? Will the rest of it be eventually made available there? Best regards, Tim Scott Thu May 16 09:42:10 1996 Subject: 0889 On Occult Training From: George Randall Leake III Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 16:57:46 -0500 >From: Alec Gathercole >Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:03:27 GMT >In post 0825 I objected to the Grail Message blanketing occult teachings as >inadvisable in its prelude of "Is Occult Training Advisable" when answering >its own question. My intention was to separate out some activities which IMO >create the difficulties which the message highlights. *a little more specificity might help...what does the grail have to do with Occult Training in this case, and how do you define occult, and what are the implications to alchemy? >There are procedures in some cults which call themselves "occult groups", *again, perhaps more specificity is needed? Many groups are called "occult groups" from the outside. Same with cult groups. One needs to examine each case carefully rather than make blanket generalizations. Some people I know call the MLA (Modern Language Association) a cult, for instance. >that I am aware of, where practices are not far short of menticide and >brainwashing. *Again this sounds a bit off. Knowing which groups and techniques you speak of might help. Otherwise, you are arguing in a vacuum. I'm not even sure what you mean by menticide and brainwashing. Does it have anything to do with fluoride in the water? They use artefacts and stimulants that discredit our work. *who is this *they*? Which stimulants and artefacts? How and why do they discredit? And whose work is it and what work are we speaking of? >They use the same nomenclature as we have and leave their on our more >genuine and humane activities. *say again? Your english is a bit ill-constructed. Aside from that, all this is rambling against windmills in the dark. > There are many who have been adversely >affected by these groups if unequipped to withstand the suggestive >instructions received when their procedures are used. If the message had >highlighted the orthodox and soul purifying occult techniques I would not >have attempted to define occultism for it is a difficult task to document >information where so many differing connotations are placed on specific words. *so much for commenting on your details. Go back to your original premise; it has rendered argument which ties in knots and blindfolds the regarder. >I personally prefer to use the word esoteric and maintain the occult value >in that manner any resultant suggestion of teaching, confusing or individual >assault was unintentional but probably obligatory by commenting on an >obtuse forum as ours is. Having said all of that may I now offer a further >statement to clarify my opinion on the matter under consideration. *what the...? In simpler terms you are stating your preference for the term esoteric over occult. Its your argument, over groups and concepts you have not chosen to share with us, so far be it for me to piddle over your choice of adjective >Each and everyone of us who choose to push for evolution must select a >specific method to follow for mundane lifestyles are impotent. To choose the >correct one for us involves looking at alternatives. This is generally being >done by all and we may yet look at others. Some methods are not as good as >others in intent and could be considered despotic or even evil. Whatever our >choice is, energy is needed to perform or work and that energy we attract is >called by some Libido. In Sanskrit it is called Kundalini. >Libido is our life force and vitality which maintains both our kinetic and >mental functions. This our body is supposed to produce in excess of its >physical needs, so that the real purpose of our existence on this plane, to >mentally strengthen ourselves, that is, to consciously evolve. >The physical body is unlikely to lose the use of its common senses, such as >sight for instance, by excessive animalist activities. If necessary it would >save itself by becoming impotent. *this sounds a bit like an info-mmercial for Kundalini...why you didn't start out with that premise beats me... >Libido is essential though for the awakening of those higher senses as >clairinstinctus, clairscientia, clairvoyancia, and clairaudientia the >equations to which is intuition, reason, understanding, and wisdom as >outlined in QBL academia. *"QBL academia"?! What's that? And what assumptions are you making about connecting these "higher senses" with the kabbalah(which I guess you mean with the fragment QBL)? >When we direct our attention to consciousness/conscience/soul/mind/ psyche >using our own libido extra sensory capacities can be attained and >maintained, but the personal libido is essential for this purpose. It must >be encouraged to flow upwards to the higher centres (chakras). The task of >gaining purity of mind/mentality is a herculean one toward which only a few >will direct the effort required to totally succeed. *this is hardly self-evident--citations or reasoning please! >Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido make many failures, >for without the capacity to study alchemy in its broadest science the higher >mind development does not happen. *again! Where do you come off making these unsupported declarations? Systematic procedures brought forward from >former times are still effective to this day and will be valid in the future. *like what? Like methods you consider "menticide"? >We are dependent on Divine Grace for the privilege of enlightenment. *definitions please This >source, in my understanding, will not grant divine consciousness to anyone >who is only playing around. If we are blinded, it is to these higher senses >which we must rely on for us to become humane and then eventually cosmic >conscious. *and I thought Eliphas Levi was weak... >In the meantime we neophytes to Alchemy struggle along hopefully purifying >ourselves both mentally and physically with the aid of spagyrics taking our >stand against autisticism and temptation. We must bear our own burden as we >do the best we can with what we have available to us now. *"to dream/the impossible dream" >Cosmic law is immutable, it has not ever changed. As in former times the >laws are not even known by many, let alone being understood. There is the >multitude who either ignore their responsibility, try to break the system by >short cutting or start too near the finish. Too many continually look at >books without ever taking a good look at themselves when searching for >answers. "By our deeds shall we be known". *ok. Here's one paragraph that makes some sense. Being a little more specific might help. For all I know you might be talking Dianetics. >Also many have said before "A man convinced against his will remains of the >same opinion still" no matter how impossible it has been to succeed in the >manner being pursued at present. It is said when understood the divine way >is as easily accomplished as for a mother breast feeding a new borne babe, >and as simple as for a child to learn to skip, yet we become so short fused >in our frustration that opinions expressed by other which may interfere with >or own containment, receive little courtesy or encouragement. *frustration at least on my part comes from the fact that you express yourself in such vague terms. -G.Leake, 512-471-9117 taliesin@mail.utexas.edu "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child." -Cicero "Oh age! oh letters! It is a joy to be alive!...Woe to you, barbarians!" -Ulrich von Hutten, 1518, Poet Laureate of the German Empire Thu May 16 09:42:20 1996 Subject: 0890 Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido Date: Wed, 15 May 96 18:30:04 -0000 From: photopro A comment about repression only related to a thought that came up as I was reading this one sentence. >Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido You can not really give up your desires ( different from that One-Pointed Desire) until you are ready. To repress them hurts the body greatly ( not talking about great anti-social destructive to the greater society desires which must be sublimated). When you advance, the transformation will be great enough at a certain point for your attraction and subjection to that desire to "fall away". Then you don't give up anything, it loses its pull! It has been replaced by Universal Value system which is what prevails and your force is put into first: The Creative Arts ( Works of Art) and then: reverses to become simple i.e- The Fool Tarot Card 0. Wisa "All there is, is Love." "Truth is the order of the Universe" Photopro@mint.net Wisa Thu May 16 09:42:30 1996 Subject: 0891 Grail Message? Date: Wed, 15 May 96 17:34:03 -0000 From: photopro Everyone(many)quotes and refers to The Grail Message. What is it? Who wrote it? When? How did so many participants use this special reference material??? How, when, what , why? Please inform me of this material. Thank you all. Wisa "All there is, is Love." "Truth is the order of the Universe" Photopro@mint.net Wisa Thu May 16 09:42:40 1996 Subject: 0892 Communion With Higher Self Rewards Date: Wed, 15 May 96 18:07:13 -0000 From: photopro So many forum participants talk about what they want to do (will), what they intellectually should do, what they as a human being should do to direct their life. I do not hear too much talk of meditative communion which is a state of balanced receptivity to THE WILL (Thy Will be Done). There are times, most important, of communion with the Higher Self and it is then that the next step is revealed or some indication of the direction of Purpose is awakened. We are striving for transcendence and therefore must be trans-human in our processing toward Divineness. This is hard to state and can not be realized by one who does not experience this state. Yet, it is available to all. Somewhere one must start. I speak of Meditation which is more than the most well known type done as a vegetative state (which is a refreshing exercise to do). I talk of receiving in a balanced state, where one marks down or sets a theme, question, parcel of time, problem, principle of truth to examine in that state of receptivity. You may not get it as you wish but that establishes your intention to go high on the Tree for your "communion" (Voice of the Silence). You are looking for the Inner School (Sphere 4 Mercy) To be your teacher. The White Brotherhood is another name for The Inner School. Alchemists working from this state might find miracles happening. Might find answers appearing in strange "co-incidental" ways. Nothing is seperate. Develop all you are and your work will proceed well. Even mistakes, failures will lead to another doorway of success. It is inevitable. Change yourself and your view, perspective, material environment will change also. Then we shall not talk of vitality which is human but of Great Strength which is Immortal! Meantime we climb the mountain and live on this plane and try, try again but knowledge is very helpful and foundational towards attainment of our greatest desire "Reunion." All the mystery teachings are screaming out the simple message. Everything is about and is You yourself! Read with this in mind and see and hear. LUX Wisa I believe this with all my heart. "All there is, is Love." "Truth is the order of the Universe" Photopro@mint.net Wisa Thu May 16 09:42:50 1996 Subject: 0893 Kundalini Date: Wed, 15 May 96 18:14:23 -0000 From: photopro Kundalini comes up in you as you process and are ready for it. Never invoke it just as you do not envoke the Pentagram of Spirit. Accept the Blessings as they are bestowed upon you as a deserving worker of the Path. Do not rush what you may not be ready for. Indeed you may not be able to contain the force that comes up under such circumstances. Give gratitude for what you have and you may ask but not demand or invoke the above without possible repercussions which may include fatality. This I have been taught and taken on as my own Truth. I share it with you. Take it or leave it as you will. LUX Wisa "All there is, is Love." "Truth is the order of the Universe" Photopro@mint.net Wisa Fri May 17 09:24:55 1996 Subject: 0894 Heavy water From: Patrick J. Smith Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 14:58:39 -0600 > From: John E. Myers > Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 8:35:00 EST5EDT > I came across a place on the web that claimed that the heavy water in > water is a major contributer to aging. I was just wondering if the > heavy water was lost in the formation of dew, or even steam > distillation. Heavy water can indeed be separated from light water by repeated distillation and fractionation. But heavy water occurs in ordinary water in only one part in 6000, and its physical properties are only slightly different from light water. So it seems unlikely that a single distillation step, or the formation of dew, will cause a large change in the concentration of heavy water. I've heard this claim before---that the concentration of heavy water in living tissues contributes to aging. In fact, diluted heavy water does stunt the growth of plants and is toxic to animals down to a certain concentration (though it's not too bad at 1 part per 6000). The problem is that life adapted itself to water as we find it in nature, and since so many different, interdependent, biochemical processes depend on water, even subtle changes in its properties will cause deleterious effects. This implies, incidentally, that if you distill out the heavy water fraction, the resulting water will probably be slightly worse for you than natural water, since its properties will be very slightly different. I also doubt that heavy water would accumulate preferentially in living tissue. Possibly one or two people on this list would be interested to know that, during the early 1970s, Fleischmann was studying the separation factors between hydrogen isotopes using palladium filters, via electrolysis. At that time he deduced from some physical measurements, that the deuterium absorbed into a palladium lattice was in an ionized state: it formed, essentially, a cold plasma. He was also struck by the possibility that the palladium lattice held the deuterium nuclei in close proximity for long time periods (on the scale of plasmas). An idea formed and waited in the back of Fleischmann's mind for more than sixteen years..... In the physicists world view, the universe can be understood in terms of a complex of causes preceding effects. Yet, sometimes, something immaterial from what was once called the ideational realm can change everything---or, perhaps, just leave the world in con-fusion. -Patrick Fri May 17 17:14:53 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0895 Some feedback about books From: FLORES Date: Fri, 17 May 96 08:22:57 EDT Hi there, My interest in Alchemy started a few months ago while I was trying to duplicate D. Hudson white gold. Then I discovered this amazing art. I found practical alchemy very fascinating. I'll try to get some books and I would like some feedback about them to see if its worthy to get them. the books are The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy : An Herbalist's Guide to Preparing Medicinal Essences, Tinctures, and Elixirs by Manfred M. Junius and Alchemists Handbook by Frater Albertus Has anybody used them? Thanks for your attention Ismael Flores floresi1@westat.com Fri May 17 17:15:05 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0896 Dew and Alchemy From: FLORES Date: Fri, 17 May 96 08:22:52 EDT Hi there, Sorry for this question, I'm new here. What is the dew for? thanks Ismael Flores Fri May 17 17:15:14 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0897 John Reid's book From: FLORES Date: Fri, 17 May 96 08:22:46 EDT Hi John, Thank you for your offer. Yes please send me the text copy of your book. Have you thought in republishing? I think there are a lot of people interested in it. Are you in the UK? my e-mail address in floresi1@westat.com and thank you again Ismael Flores Fri May 17 17:20:29 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0898 French texts (Museum Paris) From: JoelTetard Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 11:00:00 +0000 English introduction : In 1851, the well-known Chemist M-E Chevreul started to study alchemical texts given by his fellow Armand Seguier. These texts came from Claude Alexandre Seguier (1656-1725) an officer in the Royal Regiment who was involved in the study of Alchemy for many years. C-A Seguier collected a great number of spagyric recipes and worked on antimony during more than 3 years. In 1851 M-E Chevreul published in Journal des Savants several papers on these alchemical texts. His lab journal is said to be stored at the library of Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Ms. 2031) but seems to be lost in fact. The following texts came from fifty formulas collected by Claude-Alexandre Seguier (Ms.2032). Due to typographic reasons, we changed alchemical symbols into their assumed meanings. Modern translations of these symbols are between brackets. Original abbreviations and spelling were not changed. ------------------- Presentation francaise : Dans une serie d'articles publies a partir de l'annee 1851, le chimiste M-E Chevreul etudia plusieurs textes alchimiques conserves dans la famille de son confrere Armand Seguier. Ces documents provenaient de Claude Alexandre Seguier (1656-1725), lieutenant au Regiment du Roi et qui avait consacre une grande partie de sa vie et de ses ressources au travail hermetique. Outre un important travail de collecte de recettes spagyriques, il a tenu le journal d'une serie de travaux alchimiques sur l'antimoine et dont l'execution dura plus de trois ans. Ce texte, figurant sous la cote 2031 au catalogue du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de paris, a ete decrit par M-E Chevreul dans le Journal des Savants de 1851, mais serait, selon les responsables de la Bibliotheque, aujourd'hui introuvable. Les textes suivants sont issus du recueil de cinquante recettes diverses, ecrites de la main de Claude-Alexandre Seguier et conservees a la Bibliotheque du Museum de Paris (mns. 2032). Les abreviations et l'orthographe du texte original ont ete conserves dans cette transcription. Pour des raisons de typographie, il n'a pu etre possible de conserver les symboles figurant dans le texte original. Leur traduction moderne figure entre parentheses. Notes : 1 - tt semble correspondre a la livre, soit 489,503 grammes. tt seems to be the old french pound, i.e. 489,503 grammes. 2 - 1 once = 30,594 grammes 3 - 1 pinte = 0,931 litre. ________________________________________________________________________ Page 26. Pour affiner le salpetre (prendre) par exemple pour 100 tt de salpetre 1tt de chaux 4 onces 2 de machefer, 4 on. de salpetre fixe par le charbon 2 on.de sel armoniac, faire bouillir dans environ six pintes d'eau pour en avoir 4 a 5 filtrees. pour mieux faire il faut calciner les matieres au feu de roue pendant 3 ou 4 heures et ensuite faire bouillir et filtrer. Fondes donc 200tt de salpetre brute dans une chaudiere de cuivre rouge avec environ un bon sceau d'eau ou une livre d'eau pour quatre de salpetre. faires bon feu tant qu'il bouille et ecumes tant qu'il ecume plus. ensuite jettes y la composition d'eau cy dessus en salpoudrant et remuant avec un baston, donnes un petit quart d'heure du bouillon ostes le feu, laisses reposer un quard d'heure pour precipiter les feces, ostes l'eau ou verses doucement par inclination dans un vaisseau de bois ou de cuivre rouge. laisses reposer 2 ou 3 fois 24 heures et couvert. ensuite mettes a l'egous et vous aures votre salpetre cristallise et du sel blanc au fond du vaisseau. ________________________________________________________________________ Page 1. 30 Teinture d'antimoine (prendre) (Soufre d'antimoine) qui se fait ainsi. faites regul (d'antimoine), de 12tt par exemple d'antimoine, 8tt de tartre rouge et 4tt de salpetre separes les scories du regul, faites eau de chaux en imbibant peu a peu la chaux vive d'eau commune pour l'esteindre, il faut prendre de chaux le double de ce que vous aves de scories, ensuite quand votre chaux sera esteinte, faites la bouillir avec eau commune dans une terrine vernie tant que vous aves suffisante quantite de lessive qu'il faudra filtrer par le papier gris. dans cette eau filtree faites dissoudre vos scories pilees et quand elle commencera a bouillir prenes avec un pot de lad. eau teinte de (Soufre) jettes la sur un filtre, elle passera teinte rouge jaune; remettes dans la terrine vernie de leau de chaux a la place de celle que vous aves otes, faites bouillir et passer par le mesme filtre et ainsy jusqu'a ce que toute nostre lessive soit emploiee, il restera sur le filtre un (Soufre) grossier. Dans l'eau passee par le filtre, jettes du vinaigre pour faire precipiter le (Soufre) en le remuant avec un baston, jettes sur un nouveau filtre, l'eau passera et le (Soufre) demeurera dessus, precipites lad. eau passee avec du vinaigre et remettes sur le filtre tant qu'il n'y ait plus de (Soufre) dans l'eau, faites secher vostre (Soufre) doucement soit au soleil soit a l'ombre. Ensuite (prendre) 8 onces de sel de tartre qui se fait avec du tartre rouge calcine ou blanc dissous filtre et evaporee, meles avec six onces du (Soufre) susdit mettes entre deux (creusets) lutes a feu de roue pendant 4 h par degres. a la derniere heure faites monter le charbon jusque par dessus les (creusets) en sorte qu'ils rougissent laisses mourir le feu de lui mesme casses le (creuset) vous aures une matiere jaunatre, piles la et mettes dans une curcubite avec esprit de vin, bouches d'une rencontre, mettes a digerer a petit feu pendant 24 h. remuant de temps en temps la matiere, quand l'esprit de vin sera charge, verse par inclination remettes en d'autre tant qu'il se chargera, faites distiller nostre esprit jusqu'a consistance raisonnable de notre teinture. ________________________________________________________________________ P. 52 Pour faire le regul de Mars Mettes dans un (creuset) que vous aures pose sur le culot au four a vent bien entoure de charbon ardents 1tt de pointes de cloud de marechal et les y laisses jusqu'a ce qu'ils soient tout blanc a force de rougeur. alors mettes y 2tt (d'antimoine) grossierement broie; couvres le (creuset) de son couvercle puis de charbon et donnes le plus grand feu que vous pourres durant une bonne demie h. ou jusqu'a ce que vous voies que toutes nos matieres sont en fonte et sont liquides ce que vous connoistres quand vous enfonceres un charbon allumes jusqu'au fond du (creuset) et que vous ne trouverez rien qui ne soit liquide, ce qu'estant fait jettes y environ une once ou 2 de (nitre) puis (prendre) le(creuset) avec les tenailles et le sortes du fourneau et le mettes dans le coin d'une cheminee le frappant un peu par les bords pour faire bien descendre la matiere metallique au fond du (creuset). Quand on a beaucoup de regul a faire en attendant que le (creuset) soit refroidi on remet de nouvelle matiere dans un nouveau (creuset) et on procede comme ci dessus. Le prem. (creuset) estant entierement refroidi on le casse pour avoir le regul qui est au fond qu'il faut separer des scories qui sont dessus ce qui se fait facilement a coup de marteau. Les scories separees on casse le regul en 2 ou 3 morceaux et on met dans un (creuset) au four a vent jusqu'a ce qu'il soit fondu, puis il faut y jeter 4 ou 6 onces de (d'antimoine) puis donner bon feu un petit demi quart d'heure et que le tout soit en bonne fusion. puis jettes y 2 ou 3 onces de (nitre) laisses le bien fondre le remuant avec un long charbon que vous tiendres avec les pincettes, estant bien fondu, jettes le tout dans un mortier chaud graisses de suif, battes le bord du mortier pour faire descendre le regul au fond puis laisses refroidir jusqu'a ce qu'il soit fige ou coagule. apres renverses le mortier pour tirer le regul et le mettes dans de l'eau refroidir separes bien les scories de dessus a coup de marteau qui sont encor fort sales, essuiees les mesmes avec du sablon pour en oster la salete le plus que vous pourres. Refondes ce regul dans un (creuset) neuf puis y jettes encor environ 2 onces de (nitre) ce qui se fait toutesfois a discretion sans samuser a le poiser lequel estant bien fondu et remue avec un charbon qu'on tient avec les pincettes comme dessus jusqu'a ce que le salpetre vous paroisse tout en huile, jettes le ensuite dans le mortier chaud frotte de suif et en separes le (nitre) qui sera jaune qu'est signe que le regul commence a se purifier. refondes ce regul p. la 3eme fois dans un (creuset) neuf avec les mesmes precautions et de la mesme maniere que dessus en y jettant pareille quantite de (nitre) et qu'il soit bien fondu en (eau ?) par le moien d'un charbon avec lequel on le remue puis verses au mortier frotte de suif et alors il sera marque de lestoille qui est la marque de sa purete qui doit peser 1tt si vous aves bien opere que s'il n'estoit pas asses pur vous le fondre encor une 4eme fois comme ci dessus, mais je crois qu'il n'en sera pas necessaire. Sat May 18 13:58:59 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0899 Dew & Health From: Steven Rimpici Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 10:05:48 -0400 I too have read of the effects of heavy water on aging. Is there any type of substance that will bond with heavy water but not H20? Is it possible to filter out the D20 from tap water? I'd appreciate any help anyone can give. In love and light, Steven Rimpici Sat May 18 13:59:24 1996 To: Forum Colloquium Subject: 0900 Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido From: Peggy Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 11:00:40 -0500 (EST) Wisa: >A comment about repression only related to a thought that came up as I >was reading this one sentence. >>Attraction to worldly activities that deplete our libido Lust for result has a bad effect I find because it brings with it fear of failure (and sometimes fear of success). But suppressing attractions, hmmmmm..... Do you mean that is good or bad? I try not to suppress attractions, in general, but I have one very strong attraction that I have deliberately locked behind a door marked "Don't Go There," (in red and yellow flashing lights) because exploring it would cause me a lot of pain and upset. So in that way I use repression as a tool, but I try to at least be aware of that which I am represssing. Regards, - Peggy - |