Zoroaster's Cave Contained in:- Eglinus, Raphael Iconius [1559-1622]. Cheiragogia Heliana. A Manuduction To the Philosopher's Magical Gold: Out of which Profound, and Subtile Discourse; Two of the particular Tinctures, That of Saturn and Jupiter Conflate; and of Jupiter Single, are recommended as short and profitable Works, by the Restorer of It to the light. To which is added; *ANTRON M*ITRAS; Zoroaster's Cave: Or, an Intellectual Echo, &c. Together with The Famous Catholic Epistle of John Pontanus upon the Minerall Fire. By Geo.Thor. Astromagus. London, printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Armes in St Paul's Church-yard. 1659. [Wing T1037.] 8° [12] + 96 pages. Other editions: An Easie Introduction to the Philosopher's Magical Gold... London, 1667. [Wing T1038.] Cheiragogia heliana de auro philosophico necdum cognito... Marpurgi Cattorum, 1612. In Theatrum Chemicum, Vol 4, Argentorati, 1659. [p265-287, 300-330.] p[1] [Title page.] p[3]-[10] To the Students in Magic, for Astrall Secrets.[Signed at end "Geo. Thor: Astromagus."] p[11] Programma Authoris [Latin verse.] p1-56 Cheiragogia Heliana. A Manuduction to the Philosopher's Magical Gold. p57-91 *ANTRON M*ITRAS. Zoroaster's Cave. Or, the Philosopher's Intellectuall Echo to One another from their Cells. Of Mercurie and Sulphur - The Names of the Materia to the Magical practice - No way but one to the Sulphur of Nature - The Number of the Components of the Magical Stone - The Operations of Art in her Ministery and Attendance to Nature - The Watering of Pegasus at his own Fountain; and of his Other food out of the Ayre and Earth - Ignis Magorum. The Philosophers Fire - The Philosophers vessell; The Cone, or Oval; The Colours of the Chao's; Transient, and Critical - The Time to perfect the physick-work - The Fermentation of The Stone - The Multiplication, and Projection of the Tincture - The Virtues of the Great Elixir, or Astral medicin - The way to attain to this Sacred Science. p92-96 John Pontanus upon The mineral Fire; and the Great Elixir, commonly call'd The Philosophers Stone. |