Stories of alchemical transmutations
- The Golden Calf of Helvetius
- The Story of Wenceslaus Seilerus
- Allegorical letter about an alchemical adept
- A strange 19th century story about transmutation
- Salomon Trismosin's alchemical wanderings
- Bernard of Trevisan's quest for the Stone
- van Helmont's experiences with transmutation
- Pico della Mirandola's mention of transmutation
- Ashmole's account of Tincture found at Bath Abbey
- Pope John XXII's decree against alchemy
- Robert Boyle's Account of a Degredation of Gold
- Ashmole's account of Edward Kelly's transmutations
- Other accounts of Edward Kelley's transmutations
- Denis Zacaire's account of his alchemical work
- Archibald Cockren's alchemical discoveries
- Edmund Dickinson's experience of transmutation
- Albertus Bayr discovers transmutation through evoking a spirit
- Cagliostro's transmutation in Warsaw
- The Transmutations of Dr. Price
- The golden nail trick from Tachemius
- Transmutation stories from Mercury's Caducean Rod.