Limited edition Artwork Tarots No 18.
Diary of a Broken Soul

This astounding tarot was created by Ash in exquisite pencil drawings. The jpg illustrations shown here cannot do justice to these finely detailed drawings, one has to see the printed images up close to fully appreciate them. There is a narrative underlying these images, in which Ash explores a journey of the soul through an allegorical landscape filled with intense experiences and inner trials. Ash achieves a wonderful marriage of vision and skill, neither dominating, and each at the service of the other. The textures of the skins of the various creatures, dragons and snakes, is depicted in incredible detail, and each card needs to be examined closely many times, to see all the imagery that Ash has woven into these images. On a first, superficial, glance at the artwork one might think these images reflect a bleak and dark vision, but Ash leads us through this towards an intensely charged and intriguing magical world.
22 Major arcana deck. Card size 4.8 by 3.2 inches (123 by 82mm). Numbered and signed by Ash.
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