Database of Modern Tarot Art
Based on Adam McLean's Tarot Collection
This is the first systematic and exhaustive study of modern tarot art.
Version 3.1 November 7th 2013 - 1683 items.
Tarots published in Poland
Poland - Antic Tarot
Poland - Apocalipsy (Apocalypse)Tarot
Poland - Archetypowy Tarot
Poland - Bestian Tarot
Poland - Czterech Zywiolow (Four Elements)Tarot
Poland - Droga Tarot
Poland - Edyta Gadek Tarot
Poland - Karty Tarot
Poland - Karty Tarot (Jasniak)
Poland - Klasyczny Tarot
Poland - Lekarz Duszy (Physician of Souls) Tarot
Poland - Mandala Duszy Tarot (Soul Mandala)
Poland - Maroon Tarot Full Deck
Poland - Maroon Tarot Majors
Poland - Marsylski Karty
Poland - Mistic Tarot
Poland - Mistyczny Tarot Marzyciela
Poland - Poznaj siebie (Meditation)Tarot
Poland - Przyjaciolka
Poland - Przyjaciolka Magazine Tarot
Poland - Robert Lichodziejewski
Poland - Sara Tarot
Poland - Sheridan Douglas Polish Edition
Poland - Swietlisty Tarot
Poland - Tarot Aniolow (Angels)
Poland - Tarot Karty do Wrozenia
Poland - Tarot Magow
Poland - Tarot Polski
Poland - Tarot Sweitlistej Drogi
Poland - Tarot Terapia Slowem
Poland - Uniechowski Tarot
Poland - W Kregu Tarot
Poland - Wrozba z Kart Tarot
Please note: all the text and research information is ©Adam McLean.
It is my own intellectual property and I do not allow this to be copied and used by others.
This database represents years of collecting and hundreds upon hundreds of hours of my research,
documentation, keyboarding and formatting the information I have gathered.
Copying this information onto another site is a straight theft of my intellectual property.
For each of these entries I have had the actual tarot in my own hands.
This is not a cut and paste job from images and descriptions on the Internet, but original primary research.
It is, of course, immediately recognisable and I will legally pursue anyone appropriating it.